Tian Dahe only rested in the inn for two days. These two days he worked hard in Wang's place, hoping to gain something.

When he left, he was still carried by Dabai. However, this time, behind Dabai, heisaner and his group of people who wanted to make contributions were still followed.

Because of the previous fire, they didn't collect a single ear, which led to the failure to complete the amount set by Tian Yuqiao for them. One by one, their hearts are burning. They hope that they can kill more enemies and then make a good contribution to atone for their sins.

When Tian Dahe left, Wang's soul left with him.

"Mom, don't be stunned. It's getting colder this day. We have to repair my county Lord's house before winter." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Just your county master's house. I think I'd better forget it. It's all burned like that by the fire, so I can only rebuild it all."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "now let's ask he Er to find someone to help prepare stones and wood. After the autumn harvest in a few days, we will call the villagers to help build the house."

"That's fine, Joe. You can make your own arrangements. I don't know much about building a house."

Wang's side directly gave a push, but Tian Yuqiao didn't expect Wang to give any useful suggestions.

He Er, they are really old-fashioned. They all know how to buy people's hearts. They soon boasted that there was something in the sky and nothing on the earth, so that the farmers thought they were with an immortal master.

Those village leaders were not angry about he er's replacement of their own position, but relieved one by one.

After he er's careful questioning, he knew. Here, Zhuangtou is the one who is subject to splint. The farmers below were not willing to hand in their grain, because they were not full. The officials and bandits above robbed the grain of the Grange. Naturally, the head of the Grange could not give it to the owner.

Now he er they take over as the head of the villa. They don't have to be bullied anymore.

He Er narrowed his eyes and quickly checked the output account books in each Chuang Tzu over the years. After summarizing a general idea, he came to report to Tian Yuqiao.

"Miss, there are 18 farms in 1000 mu of land here. The output of the fields near the north is not very good, and the place close to the county government is OK. Here is the account book. We only selected the crops produced in large quantities for transcription."

Tian Yuqiao simply turned over the account book twice and felt that he ER and they had done quite well. So he nodded and asked he Er to urge the farmers to harvest quickly, so as to hand over this year's grain.

These are her own. She doesn't have to give them to the court. But now she knew the situation of Tianshui City, so she decided to send all the food there and keep it for the soldiers under her father for the winter.

With 1000 mu of land here, there will be no need to transport grain from far away in the future, which is also very good. The only drawback is that the land here needs to be moistened with virtual lotus pond water for a long time.

The autumn harvest went on very quickly. Without the trouble of bandits, he Er had collected all the grain in less than ten days.

Tian Yuqiao took a simple look at the past, and then said to Liangzi disappointedly, "you can arrange people to send them to Tianshui city."

Liangzi saw so much food, so he decided to escort it himself with a hundred bodyguards.

He also knew that there was constant war in Tianshui City, so he attached great importance to this batch of grain.

Next, Tian Yuqiao began to build her own earth palace. She is definitely the existence of the earth emperor here. The mountain is high, the emperor is far away, and there is no county magistrate, so she is now the highest chief executive.

As for the county magistrate and the general judge, they all rolled up their bags and fled with their families. Even the official seal is well kept in his house for the next unlucky official to use.

The scorched land dug out by the county Lord's house has now been built into a foundation with stones and yellow mud. He Erzheng shook his head and directed the people he found to work there. Judging from their clothes, they are poor people who can't afford to eat.

Tian Yuqiao called he ER and said to him, "these are poor people. Let's take care of a meal at noon. Just use brown rice. We can't buy Refined rice here. Each meal is calculated according to one person's two liang meat. It can't be less than this amount."

"Miss, you are so kind. All the grain merchants and rich households here have fled. Now it's hard to buy even those coarse grains, let alone brown rice. Fortunately, the bandits have been collected by God this year. It's estimated that not many people will starve to death this year."

"What? You said people were starved to death in previous years?" Tian Yuqiao was surprised.

He Er nodded and said, "yes, I heard what the old man in the farm said. Before they didn't pay enough rent, they had to sell children and women. They didn't have enough food. It was all the blame of the damn bandits. The former county leader didn't dare to find the trouble of the bandits, so he had to bully these farmers."

Tian Yuqiao was very angry, so he planned to hire farmers and pay them every month according to the system of Southwest grange. As for the output in the field, they will not be involved.

"Go ahead and follow the Grange over there. Let them come and change the contract."

He ER was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He explained what he was doing to others, and then went to find those who had just taken office.

It's very convenient because they are all his family. Soon these people gathered, one by one with a happy face.

The process of changing the contract was very smooth, and then at noon, Tian Yuqiao had a meal with everyone. Pork, cabbage and vermicelli are stewed in the big pot. People's eyes turn green when they eat them one by one.

They haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time, and the fat slices inside are shiny and shiny. Mrs. Chen and some of the servants of the Tian family are responsible for serving dishes for everyone to ensure that there are four or five pieces of streaky pork in everyone's bowl.

Some people even ate, tears fell into the bowl and swallowed it with rice.

"I'm so happy. I haven't known what the meat looks like for a long time."

"Yes, the county leader is really kind. He gives us such good meat. We have to work harder."

"Yes, if anyone dares to be lazy, I, Li Tieniu, will be the first to spare him."

Tian Yuqiao saw the strong man named Li Tieniu at a glance. He looked only seventeen or eighteen years old. His figure was like half an iron tower.

On the exposed chest, it turned out to be a hard tendon. It looked like a strong man.

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