As the days passed, Li had silver in his hand, and his life was much better. Every day, the two women were immersed in infinite fantasies about the future, counting their fingers and looking forward to the days, waiting for the childe to let the matchmaker come to propose marriage that week.

"Hua Hua, it's been five days. Has that childe Zhou contacted you again?"

"That's not true. My eldest brother contacted us before." Tian Guihua frowned and said.

Mr. Tian knocked his cigarette bag and said, "what's your hurry? Our daughter is not that she can't get married. It's the so-called one hundred women seeking. Now our fourth is an official, and many people want to marry our flowers."

The reason why he said this was because Li Shi and his wife didn't tell him that Tian Guihua had cooked rice with the son of Zhou.

Looking at the old man with a strong waist and an excellent look of my daughter, Li suddenly felt guilty.

No way, she didn't dare to tell the old man about it. If Mr. Tian knew that his daughter was so casual and lost his virginity just after meeting someone, he would be angry to death.

In Penglai village, Gao was washing clothes while chatting at home with two women in the village.

"Elder sister Gao, why haven't you seen your man for several days?"

"Yes, your husband looks smooth and smooth. He can't be guaranteed. Let's be seduced by some cheap hoof."

These two women are also similar to Gao's age, and their families are full of children and grandchildren. Now, when three people get together, they naturally have a common topic.

After playing the soap foam in his hand, Gao trimmed the broken hair on the edge of his forehead. Then he opened his voice and said, "our man went to work in the city and drove away with his big carriage. Hey, there's no way. Who let us come here for the first time and there was no land at home, so he had to start his old business."

"Oh, tut tut ~ this is really awesome. People like us who face the Loess and face the sky all day can't earn much money all year round."

"Yes, it's good for the whole family to eat. Alas, there's no way. Who told us to be born in Penglai village where birds don't shit. There are saline alkali lands everywhere and we don't like to grow anything."

"I said elder sister Gao, why don't you ask us when your man comes back next time?"

When Gao heard the speech, he immediately said, "what are you asking? Do you want me to help my man ask, can he see you two? Do you want to marry you two as concubines?"

"Hahaha, if that's true, it's better. At least you can have a full stomach."

"Yes, elder sister Gao, if you are willing, we will not mind."

After a few more jokes, the two women went home and cooked for the men and children.

They said it was all for fun and could not count. The men and children at home were very hungry, so they found it was not early and left in a hurry.

After everyone left, Gao's mind calmed down. After calming down, she felt that with her man's virtue, she really had a good friend in the county.

Once he had this idea, Gao immediately couldn't sit still at home. After a brief cleaning up, she decided to go into the county to inquire about Tian Dajiang's whereabouts.

In order not to be found out that she was a stranger, she also deliberately used two feet of medium-grade silk to exchange a new coarse cloth dress with the mother-in-law of the historian next door.

It didn't look so eye-catching. After packing up, she went out with a small burden on her back.

Before, Tian Dajiang took all the silver in his hand. Gao picked up the luggage stolen from Li. She took out all the things she didn't like very much and didn't use very much, and exchanged them for food and things. She also exchanged several liang of scattered silver in her hand.

I spent five Wen on an ox cart and crowded into the cart with a bunch of women and children. Bumping all the way, he soon entered Fengyang County.

"Have you heard? Many dignitaries have come to our city recently. It's called a rich man."

"Oh, really? Tell me, what a rich way. I have a niece who is old enough to talk about marriage."

Everyone has been poor for a long time and is very keen on the golden turtle son-in-law. Regardless of the cold wind blowing on their faces, women soon began to gossip.

At the beginning, Gao naturally had no mind to listen to other people's nonsense. But listening, I feel something wrong.

"I have a nephew who works as a waiter in the largest restaurant in our county. The rich businessman is very rich and spends nearly three liang of silver for a meal."

Everyone breathed back in unison. The woman was very proud. What she wanted to see was such an effect.

Seeing that people's appetite was lifted, she then said, "guess what? The master directly gave five liang of silver and said there was no change. My nephew has been raised because he made more silver for the shopkeeper that day."

"Yeah? There's such a rich businessman here. If anyone can marry him, tut Tut, he'll really fall into the blessing nest."

"I've heard people say that he has something to do with the county master."

When people heard that the rich businessman had something to do with the young and promising county magistrate, they all pricked their ears.

"I also heard from others. It is said that the rich businessman accidentally leaked his mouth after he was drunk. He said he was the elder brother of the county magistrate, and he didn't know whether it was true."

"Probably not. I heard that when the county magistrate came, he only brought his parents and a sister. It seems that he didn't bring his brother."

"Don't you know? My brother is a businessman. Who is an official willing to have a relationship with businessmen?"

"What you said seems reasonable. Oh, I'll be there after covering my eyes. I haven't talked enough."

"No harm, old man, the ox cart will be waiting for you at the gate of the city. As long as you don't miss the time to go back, you can sit in the car and talk together."

"Oh, you old man, you really can do business. But when you go back, you have to make it cheaper for us."

The old man who drove the car smiled and said, "OK, OK, when you go back, you will charge three Wen alone."

The women scattered in a crowd. Only Gao raised his eyes and looked at the city gate like an animal's mouth. He didn't know where he should go.

She doubted that the woman was probably talking about her own man Tian Dajiang.

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