Tian Yuqiao instructed three bear toys to help bury earth bombs. Her only regret now is that she didn't put some iron sheets in the virtual world, so that she can make mines. Hey, what a mistake. What a mistake.

Fortunately, both big ash and second ash are easy to send, only Tuan Tuan is a little hypocritical. However, there is nothing that can not be solved by one pot of milk. If there is, then two pots.

Seeing a circle of white milk stains on Tuan Tuan's mouth, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help helping his forehead. All my little friends are food, and none of them is an exception.

Looking back at Xiaoyu over there, she found that she was also enjoying herself and eating the boiled corn with two ashes. Well, she was helpless. Sure enough, she was surrounded by food.

Seal the explosives with crushed stones and yellow mud. Each explosive chamber has a long lead that can extend to the outermost layer.

Tian Yuqiao calculated the lead burning time to ensure that the explosives could explode at the same time. Then she ordered Xiaoyu to withdraw. After the stone gate was opened over there, she took everyone to flee.

Five days later, this is the limit that human beings can reach. The great wizard always calculated this time to let people open the stone gate and directly pull out the little girls who were half starved to death to eat.

The stone gate opened, and the little girls didn't receive food these days, so they knew that those people wanted to starve themselves. Even after eating the food given by Tian Yuqiao, when they heard the sound of the stone gate, they pretended to be starving to death for the first time.

Lying on the ground, some people had no time to hide their food, so they stuffed the food into their clothes to avoid being found.

After listening to the Hu people chattering for a while, Tian Yuqiao felt that he had been carried out.

Soon, she felt that someone had covered her head with a cloth bag. She felt that it was almost time. She gave Caicai the order to light the fire.

Caicai's flame is very cow, which can make the lead burn quickly. This completely exceeded Tian Yuqiao's previous prediction. There was a cry of wealth in her mind. She had no time to think about it, so she took all the thirty little girls around her into the virtual environment.

As soon as she got in, she heard a "bang". She knew that this place had been blown up.

Fortunately, the little girls were covered with cloth bags on their heads and their hands were tied. They didn't have time to see it here, and Tian Yuqiao didn't worry about revealing the secrets of the virtual world.

He smiled and said to the crowd, "don't worry, everyone. Someone will come to save us. It is Pingxi Hou and Haotian army who saved us. Those people are heroes."

Sonny also said, "that's great. Just now I seem to have heard a lot of noise. Now my head is still buzzing."

"Let's sleep for a while. Now we seem to be trapped in a cave. It's good to wait for someone to save us."

Those little girls seemed to feel that they could concentrate here, so they fell asleep one by one.

Tian Yuqiao looked at them sleeping, including Xiaoyu.

Fortunately, the climate in this virtual environment is pleasant. There is no need to worry about them catching cold or anything.

The Haotian army outside the mountain is still a long way from here. When he heard a loud noise in front of him, Fang Wenhao's eyes were red.

With a cry, he jumped on the back of the golden ring, and many soldiers jumped up with him. Jin Huan is very big and can stand more than ten people on his back. And its claws are also very strong. It carries two ropes. On the rope, it seems to be tied with a string of grasshoppers, with two hundred life sergeants.

Gold rings are usually used to practice with wooden cages. However, in order to bring more soldiers, they chose to use ropes this time.

Tian Dahe took Heisan with them and stood on the back of the silver ring. The strength of the silver ring was relatively small, but he also took 150 people.

Four strings of ropes, carrying nearly 500 people, flew very windily towards the collapsed mountain.

Fang Wenhao was the first to come down. After all the soldiers adapted to high-altitude flight, they quickly moved their sour arms and joined the ranks of looking for people.

Caicai took the empty land and ran to a forest next to the explosion ruins. Tian Yuqiao released all the little girls and waited for the arrival of Hao Tianjun.

The girls seemed to feel the sudden drop in temperature and were all awakened by the cold wind. Xiaoyu was the first to be awakened by Tian Yuqiao. She was still a little confused.

The cloth bags on their heads were taken off by Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu, and the big iron pot had already been set up. Now the big pot is filled with delicious beef dry rice porridge, and the little girls can't help swallowing.

Jin Jin has gone to find Hao Tianjun. At this time, Hao Tianjun has been looking for Tian Yuqiao and harvesting the lives of Hu survivors on the way.

"See a little girl named Joel? What, you can't say Chinese? Come on, kill him."

"Tell me, where are the little girls you caught? I can't speak clearly. Come and cut him down."

"Do you know where the great wizard is? What, you don't know? Somebody, chop him."

Fang Wenhao kept asking, disappointed and killing. Those lucky people who had managed to survive the big bang met Fang Wenhao, a star killer, and also lost their lives.

The big head frowned, pointed to a mountain forest not far from the other side and said, "look, there's smoke over there. There may be someone. Let's go and ask."

As soon as they were halfway there, they saw the gold squeaking.

"Ha ha, that's great. With gold leading the way, we will find Qiao er." Fang Wenhao was overjoyed.

Big head arranged someone to inform Tian Dahe, don't let him worry.

When they saw Tian Yuqiao and them, they were all stunned.

Tian Yuqiao was sitting in the crowd, and in front of her was a soup with strong meat aroma. At this time, Tian Yuqiao shared Soup for everyone and told stories to the little girls.

Not only did everyone not have a trace of fear, but they also chirped to urge Tian Yuqiao not to sell off.

Of course, those little Hu girls couldn't understand what she said. Tian Yuqiao finished it and Sonny translated it for them.

"Joe, are you all right?" Fang Wenhao quickly walked over.

"It's Hao'er's brother. That's great. Take them away quickly." Tian Yuqiao flew over with a smile, like a big spherical butterfly.

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