After being rescued by Fang Wenhao, marquis Wu and Prince Jing were just taken to the hall of marquis house in Tianshui city. When they saw Tian Dahe, they fainted directly.

They were in a hurry and hurriedly asked someone to ask a military doctor to come and treat them.

"Lord Hou, these two are in strange condition. They don't have too serious skin trauma, but they seem to be poisoned."

"I think so too, but although we can find out that they are poisoned, the specific detoxification method is to ask Lord hou to atone for it. We have little talent and learning. We have never seen such poison."

"Yes, the toxicity is very strange. Yin and yang are combined with hardness and softness. It's difficult to find a way to restrain such toxicity."

Tian Dahe was stunned, and Tian Yuqiao was at a loss.

She asked the military doctors. They all said that they didn't see obvious scars on their appearance. It must be food poisoning. Now it's impossible for Caicai to help. After all, the poison has penetrated into both of them.

After sending away the military doctors, Tian Dahe began to sit on the threshold and sigh.

"Alas, marquis Wu and Prince Jing are all good people. Unexpectedly, things in the court are so unpredictable. These are the ministers of the humerus. Now the emperor is confused by lard. It seems that only Haotian army can destroy the corrupt army, so that the people can live a stable life."

Tian Yuqiao also sat beside Tian Dahe and said, "yes, now the emperor must be controlled by the people of poison King Valley. The young master of poison King Valley is a cruel character. He doesn't even let go of his own father, let alone someone else's father."

"Joe, you have the most ideas at ordinary times. Your father can only rely on you this time. Your Godfather and Prince Jing treat our family well. We can't die."

Father and daughter were talking, and he's son over there stumbled to be supported by two girls. He came over together. Behind her was Shangguan Qingfeng. He was already weak. Now he looked like a weeping willow in the wind, which made people sad.

"Godmother, you should have a good rest." Tian Yuqiao frowned and greeted him.

"Joe, your godfather, how is he now? I heard he was injured, so I came to have a look." he cried and said.

Tian Yuqiao was worried and said that he would come whenever he was afraid. Originally, things here were bad enough. Now I have to comfort he Shi.

"Don't cry, godmother. It will disturb godfather's rest. Don't worry. I'll try my best to find an antidote for them."

"But ~ seeing your godfather, he will be out of breath. What can I do?"

Xiaoyu suddenly came forward at this time and said, "Miss, I heard from my grandmother that once someone in our poor family is poisoned and can't shoot it, he will scrape the person with bamboo. If jade is used, the effect can be better. I don't know if this can alleviate the injury of Hou ye."

Tian Dahe also frowned and said, "yes, scraping can really dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. It seems to have the effect of detoxification."

"But Dad ~"

Tian Yuqiao seemed to want to say something, but in order not to let he worry, he swallowed it back.

He took out the white jade bed of the former great wizard, put the Marquis Wu and Prince Jing on it, and then looked for the right jade to give them a scraping try.

After discussion, he began to find a suitable jade pendant. However, the two families are now fleeing, and most of their valuable things have been lost and used up on the road.

He nervously rummaged through his body and didn't find a jade pendant. There is a white jade hairpin on his head, but it can't be used at all.

Turning his head, he looked up at the official Qingfeng and saw his son shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Although Tian Dahe's family is not short of money, jade is fragile. Naturally, he doesn't like collecting it. Most of the jade seized were replaced by gold and silver.

Tian Yuqiao rummaged around in the virtual environment. Finally, in an insignificant corner, he found a half moon shaped lanolin jade pendant.

After thinking carefully, she vaguely remembered that this seemed to be a relic left by master Huiyuan.

Although the two ends are sharp, they are at least a piece of jade. You can only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

Scraping is definitely an individual activity, and she hasn't tried it at ordinary times. Xiaoyu volunteered and said that she had seen her grandmother get it for other little beggars before, so she gave it to her.

The jade pendant was stained with liquor and scraped back and forth on their backs. The strength should be even, otherwise it is easy to hurt the skin and flesh. This requires the technique to be in place, and Xiaoyu is also a novice, so their backs are uneven. It looks really ~ miserable!

They made a pot of noodles for he Shi and Shangguan Qingfeng. They worked hard all the way. They had to worry about living in the open air. It was really hard to escape.

After watching them eat and drink, Tian Yuqiao continued to comfort he so that she didn't have to worry.

"Hey, all the other rooms of the master have been scattered by the pursuers. I don't know what's going on now." he sighed.

After Shangguan Qingfeng coughed twice, he said, "Mom, don't worry. They can certainly escape. Those people are only targeting my father. They should be fine."

"I hope so. Well, now we are poor. But it feels good and full."

Tian Yuqiao looked at he's face with some collapse and knew that she had suffered a lot these days.

"Godmother, you still have my daughter. I dare not say anything else. I can still make you eat and drink well every day." Tian Yuqiao clenched he's hand and said.

"Oh, I know my daughter knows how to hurt people. I'm lucky. At this time, some people don't dislike me." he burst into tears.

Tian Yuqiao worried that she would hold her unhappiness in her heart and then get sick, so she lent her little shoulder to cry. Soon his jacket was wet with tears, and he stopped crying.

He wiped Tian Yuqiao's shoulder with a handkerchief and said with some embarrassment, "really, look at my excitement. I actually soiled my daughter's jacket."

"Godmother, as long as I have a bite in the future, I won't lose you. Godfather and brother Qingfeng, as long as I have the ability, I will protect you."

Tian Dahe also said, "sister-in-law, no matter what happens to the imperial court, at least I'm safe here. You can live here safely. I have everything."

He dried his tears and nodded with a smile. His eyes were still full of sadness.

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