There was chaos in the Imperial Palace, and there was a roar of killing outside the palace.

First, the elders in poison King Valley who were controlled by long Shao. More than ten of them were all good at fighting and were good at using poison, which made the forbidden guards in the imperial city very embarrassed.

Hao Tianjun confronted the people in poison King Valley. At the beginning, it was completely one-sided. But when a little girl joined the battlefield, the situation on both sides suddenly reversed.

The poison that poison King Valley was good at suddenly didn't work. Hao Tian's soldiers, who had been poisoned, could stand up one by one and still continue to fight.

"Young Lord, those people seem not afraid of our new poison." a disciple in Black said.

Long Shao frowned, put the flute in his hand beside his mouth and began to blow gently.

The people around him quickly opened the two big jars and released all kinds of poisonous insects.

These are the big insects he just brought from the Hu people. He fed them with poison and poisonous insects for some time, but it's still too early to release them now.

But now the situation on the battlefield is unfavorable to me. I can't help but let my killer mace out first.

The emperor took his children everywhere, like a group of mole ants. The emperors and princes who were high in the sky that day are now like rats crossing the street.

"Father emperor, where should we go? All the people under my son's ministers have been killed. Now I can't contact any of them."

"Yes, father emperor, what should I do, mother imperial concubine? They ~ sob!"

Seeing his mother and concubine bullied by those old men is definitely a strong stimulus for these young princesses. Especially the psychological harm to them will never be erased.

The emperor frowned and said, "what those people want is my jade seal. Fortunately, I hid it strictly. What was used to make the imperial edict was made of radish. Alas, it should have been discovered now. Let's go quickly. It's really impossible. I'll use this jade seal for our lives."

"Father emperor, why don't you do this? There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Just send another edict that whoever can save him will let him alone."

"Who can I trust now? Well, whoever of you can find a way to calm this matter, my throne will be given to whoever."

Several princes lowered their heads together and continued to run outside.

Several eunuchs in the back shouted in the male duck's voice, "come on, the emperor, they're running over there. Whoever can kill the emperor and seize the jade seal can be the founding Duke."

A group of palace maids and eunuchs even chose to betray in order to be prosperous. The eunuch waved a fly brush, while the maids, carrying lantern poles, chased the emperor.

"These damn dog slaves have no roots. It's unreasonable for them to dare to attack me."

"Father emperor, it's now this time. Don't put on the spectrum of the emperor. Let's run away quickly."

The nine princes next to him had picked off several sets of clothes from the dead, threw them to several people present and said, "you quickly change into the clothes of bodyguards and eunuchs. It's too dangerous for us to wear these clothes."

The emperor bit his teeth and held back. How can he wear eunuch's clothes?

However, all of their children put on regardless of their image, and competed. This scene made him feel a surge of Qi and blood in his chest, a little salty in his throat, and a mouthful of blood rushed up directly.

Fortunately, he swallowed it back and didn't spray it out.

Wulang took master Liang and was escorted by Haotian army to kill outside the palace. With the help of Jin Huan, Fang Wenhao successfully caught up with the emperors.

He quickly killed a group of rebellious eunuchs and those poison King Valley experts who followed him. Most of them died under the sharp claws and sharp mouth of golden ring.

Jinhuan's favorite thing to do is to peck people's eyes with his mouth, which is more labor-saving, and the person will lose his combat effectiveness in one hit.

Fang Wenhao is also very helpless about Jinhuan's "abnormal" playing method. After several unsuccessful communications, he had to give up.

At the periphery of the palace, Tian Yuqiao has learned through gold that Fang Wenhao is in the palace. She had already met Wulang. Seeing that her brother was not hurt and still holding a dirty dog in her arms, Tian Yuqiao was speechless for a moment.

The two elders around long Shao bowed down to him and replied, "young Lord, I suddenly found a group of troops. Their combat effectiveness is very strong and they are not afraid of our poisonous insects. Especially the two oversized sculptures have caused heavy losses to our people and horses."

"At all costs, find the dog emperor first, and then force him to tell where the jade seal is." long Shaoyin said.

"Don't blame your subordinates for being talkative. They should have come to the jade seal long ago. There should be no benevolence of women."

"Nonsense, how can our young Lord have that kind of women's benevolence? But I don't know why the original jade seal suddenly turned into a big radish. I was so angry that I asked someone to stew it and keep it for drinking."

They were located in the northwest corner of the imperial palace. Not far away, they saw a man in bright yellow lining standing among a group of eunuchs and bodyguards.

Looking closely, long Shao said coldly, "I think there are some princes and daughters who are willing to work hard under his hands. They have been greedy for life and fear of death for a long time. Tell the brothers to play a game of cat and mouse. Whoever catches the princess will be rewarded. If he catches the dog emperor alive, he will be promoted to three levels."

Fang Wenhao was closest to the emperor at this time. He noticed that someone was swarming here behind him, so he hurried to catch up.

He took out the exclusive jade pendant belonging to the twelve princes from his arms and threw it at the emperor.

"I am a close friend of the twelve princes. He informed me to come and save you. The jade seal is on you. Now it's just a life urging charm, not a life protecting charm for you. It's better to give it to me and I'll let someone take you away." Fang Wenhao said expressionless.

The Emperor didn't want to give it to him, but he found that there were many more people in front of him. Now the jade seal is really a hot potato. It is impossible to use it to protect your life.

After swallowing two mouthfuls of water, he said, "for my son's sake, I'll tell you that the seal was hidden in the toilet ~"

Fang Wenhao's face is covered with black lines. NIMA, how do you take it out? I didn't expect my father to be so cruel.

After telling the whereabouts of the jade seal, Fang Wenhao asked Jin Jin to find it.

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