Tian Yuqiao accepted Murong Bo as a nominal disciple. However, she knows how to make poison, and Yaowang villa is a medical practitioner who helps the world and saves people. In principle, the two sides run counter to each other. However, murongbo admires Tian Yuqiao because she can change people's blood.

After changing his blood, Murong Bo not only disappeared the stubborn disease brought from his mother's womb, but also his skin color was constantly changing.

After only three days, he took a bath with herbs every day and soon cleared the residual poison in his skin.

Xiaoyu can find a lot of ink in murongbo's yard every day. At the beginning, she thought murongbo practiced calligraphy diligently. Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu didn't laugh until a soldier in Haotian army who was responsible for changing his water told the truth.

"Miss, I'm ~ going to die! It's so funny. It turns out that the black charcoal head, there are several buckets of dirty water in the yard every day, but it's all his bath water. How dirty he is! He's laughing to death. Oh, no, tears are coming out and his stomach hurts ~"

Looking at Xiaoyu without image, Tian Yuqiao held the railing next to the Babu bed. After barely stabilizing her body, she said, "he's detoxifying. If he knows you think he's dirty, he must be angry."

"Ah, miss, do you mean that as long as you detoxify, people can turn white? Can you also help me prepare a pair of detoxification soup? I think my skin has been blackened here recently." Xiaoyu murmured.

Tian Yuqiao smiled more happily and looked at Xiaoyu. Now the little girl is quite beautiful. She even knows that she is smelly.

"It's the residual poison in his body after the blood exchange. If you're poisoned in the future, I'll try to save you. I've learned to stink. Tut Tut, do you like the little husband of which family?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

When Xiaoyu heard the speech, her body, which was trembling with laughter, immediately stopped swinging. Her pretty face turned red, she became shy and began to twist her handkerchief.

Three days later, Prince Jing and Marquis Wu woke up one after another. Fortunately, marquis Wu's physical foundation is good, so he didn't cultivate on the Kang for too long.

Prince Jing was able to escape this time. As soon as he woke up, he saw his precious son Gongsun Yu. At this time, he was serving in front of his bed. I couldn't help but get my eyes hot, and two muddy tears fell to my ears along the corners of my eyes.

"Dad, it's good for you. The rest of our family have run away, and the child is incompetent..."

Father and son clenched each other's hands and began to sigh.

On the other side of marquis Wu, he and Shangguan Qingfeng saw that he woke up and immediately brought him a bowl of congee like mush.

"Master, it's our daughter qiao'er who saved you and Prince Jing this time. Hey, when you were ill, I don't know if you remember. Qiao'er was our ya'er. But I've discussed with the eldest brother of the Tian family. In the future, we will be Qiao's parents and won't let her call us Godfather and godmother again. That sounds strange."

He took his old man's hand and talked endlessly for a long time. Shangguan Qingfeng couldn't bear to disturb the old couple to talk about the past, so he went out with an empty bowl.

In Tian Yuqiao's single yard, xiaoduanwei and Honghong came to find her at the same time.

"My mistress, xiaoduanwei has something to ask you for help. I boasted to him before that you are so powerful that you can save all the dying people ~"

Honghong's childish voice made Tian Yuqiao sleepy.

Let Xiaoyu go outside the yard to watch the wind. Tian Yuqiao asked, "xiaoduanwei, what can I do for you? As long as you don't want to abduct our Honghong as your wife, it's all right."

The small black body of the small broken tail turned into purplish red obviously, and suddenly revealed the star's eyes.

"Wow, little broken tail brother is so handsome. You can change color. Teach me?" Hong Hong blinked and shook her triangular head like an iron.

The little broken tail is shy to wrap his head with his tail. It's really embarrassing. He will not only blush, but also blush.

But just now, it seems that Honghong's sister said she was handsome. Wow ~ suddenly, the whole dragon body turned red with a small broken tail.

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. She only knew that there was a chameleon. Unexpectedly, the little broken tail was a real chameleon!

"That ~ I actually want to ask the host to help me pick up the broken tail. I don't know if I can?" the little broken tail only showed one eye and peeked at Honghong.

"Wow, master, help it!" Honghong began to pester Tian Yuqiao.

Faced with the request of small broken tail, Tian Yuqiao really felt that some heads were big. But looking at its lovely appearance, it seems that it really likes red. In that case, you can't ignore it. After all, xiaoduanwei has helped himself a lot.

"Just to connect your tail, you have to find a dragon like you. You can't let me cut off the red tail and press it for you?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

When the little broken tail heard the speech, he suddenly blew up all over the Dragon scales, like pieces of armor!

"No, that's absolutely not!" xiaoduanwei couldn't care about his shyness. He exposed his head and shook it crazily.

When he almost knocked himself out, Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "ha ha, I'm teasing you. Don't worry, I'll help you find a way. If it's really impossible, let's go into the mountains another day and have a look. Maybe we can find a suitable tail for you."

"That's what I said, but you can't give it to me in red." xiaoduanwei said solemnly.

"Ha ha, what a fool! The master's mother wouldn't do this to me. Even if she wanted to give you my tail, I wouldn't promise." Hong Hong said.

At this time, Dabai, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly came back. And it didn't come back by itself this time. It even carried a giant on its shoulder.

The people guarding the city are all at war. Fortunately, someone recognized it as Dabai. Although its hair was dyed crimson by the blood of the thing on its body, fortunately, its armor was customized by Tian Yuqiao and people could recognize it.

"Miss, it's Da Bai who's back and carrying a monster." Xiaoyu came in and said.

Tian Yuqiao was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He quickly smiled and asked Honghong to take herself out to see it.

Condescending, he saw Dabai coming back with a big guy on his shoulder. The big man on his shoulder is a long strip, and his body is covered with gray scales.

The big tail is still sweeping, but its range will not do any harm to Dabai at all. Instead, it will waste its strength for no reason.

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