After deciding to let everyone live in the county house, Tian Yuqiao asked Honghong to take her first. Leave two other people behind so that she can prepare in advance.

Jinhuan and Yinhuan were sent to the imperial city by her to help Fang Wenhao.

Although it is a distance from the County Hall, the speed of Honghong is not covered. It took more than an hour to send Tian Yuqiao safely back to the county master's house.

If she hadn't worried that she would scare Wang when she came back in the middle of the night, she deliberately asked Honghong to take herself to check her own fields. I'm afraid she would arrive faster.

At first, the Emperor gave her 1000 mu of land. Now the emperor has abdicated. I don't know what will happen next.

It's still snowy in the west this year, so there will never be locust and insect disasters here. Because the snow water in winter will penetrate into the ground at the beginning of spring and freeze those damn insect eggs to death in the cradle.

It snows heavily in winter, which means the land won't be too dry. It's better here than the fields in the Grange he gave her before. After all, it's just dry and cold there. It's dry and cold without snow.

Relatively speaking, the fields around her County house are moistened by heavy snow.

Then he wandered outside until the sky was a little white. Tian Yuqiao led Xiaoyu and master Liang back in the virtual environment.

Mr. Liang was still confused. He didn't know how long he had slept. But when he woke up, he found his proud little disciple grinning at himself.

"Goro, are we both dead or saved?"

"Er ~ master, why did you forget? Brother Hao'er saved us in time. Now this is the main house of Southwest county. This is my sister's territory. We don't have to be afraid anymore." Wulang said with a smile.

After a long sigh, Liang let Wulang hold his hand. Old and young, went to a new courtyard. There are three quiet huts there. It's the best place to rest.

This is what Wang heard from the little guy. He said something happened there, and godfather, they were sent to the West. Wang felt that his men would not let Marquis Wu suffer. The most likely situation was to rob everyone home.

So she made her own decision and asked people to quickly modify the house. I didn't expect someone to live in so soon. He is still the tutor of his son.

Wang's mood was very good. When she saw her daughter coming back, she naturally booed the cold and asked for warmth.

"Joe, are you cold or hungry? It's snowing three times outside these days. Alas, my mother is really worried about you. I'll just come back now. Come in and warm up. My mother will go to prepare breakfast for you."

Wang handed Lan'er to Mrs. Chen. She put on her apron and went to the stove herself. No way. Now no one can stop her from making breakfast for her children.

After all, she has been separated from her two children for many days, and she doesn't think of food and tea during this time. Now Tian Dahe didn't come back. I learned from xiaoyukou that Tian Dahe has accepted the civilians of Hu people and become his own people.

Wang's heart was very happy. Seeing that Tian Yuqiao and others came back so early, he was worried that everyone would be cold. He specially ordered the cook to cook a large pot of brown sugar ginger water for everyone to drink.

The family had a rare meal together and everyone had a good time. In particular, Wang's steamed small steamed buns made both children squint.

Even Lan'er, who was next to her, opened her little hand and reached for the steamed stuffed bun.

"Hehe, our little sister looks like a snack." Tian Yuqiao smiled and pinched Lan'er's small face.

Wang quickly stopped and said, "Oh, you can't pinch her face. A child has a bared water pocket. She will drool all the time after pinching it. These are orders handed down by the old man. You can't destroy them."

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless, and bared his water pocket was their local language. The saying that children are easy to drool when their faces are pinched, I'm afraid people don't want their children's faces to be poisoned by others, so they deliberately say that.

Over time, it passed down like this. Tian Yuqiao could only change pinch to touch, which made LAN Er giggle. The little girl seemed to take her finger as a molar stick and bit it when she went up.

The soft tooth flower made Tian Yuqiao laugh.

"The child, who had just eaten, bit his sister's hand again." Wang asked people to hold Lan'er aside in silence.

In the morning, Tian Yuqiao taught Wang to make the crab roe soup dumpling. She practiced at home for a long time and finally had a chance to show it today.

However, the eating method of this soup stuffed bun is very special. You need to prick the steamed bun skin with bamboo tube or reed tube. First suck up the soup and then eat the stuffing.

That taste is delicious. After all, it is the crab roe bag of your own hairy crab bag. It tastes natural and needless to say.

Then he hurried over and said, "madam, miss, young master, it's not good. Mr. Liang ate enough for the old man. At first, he was not very good at eating stuffed dumplings, and the old man's mouth was scalded. Then he ate two cages ~"

It was inconvenient for Wang to go there. Tian Yuqiao took Wu Lang to see Mr. Liang.

However, scholars have their own dignity, so Tian Yuqiao can't say it clearly. But let Xiaoyu cook him some Hawthorn soup to strengthen his stomach and digestion. The reason is to order soup after dinner.

"Shifu, today's steamed stuffed buns in soup are really delicious. I ate them all by accident. My sister specially asked me to get me some Hawthorn water. It tastes very good and added Tremella."

The little guy took the lead in taking a bowl and took two drinks. Master Liang knew that his apprentice was giving himself a step, so he naturally climbed down.

"Well, well, you're considerate. Hey, I'm old too. It's the so-called old child, little child. Old, greedy to eat, and still holding on. Wulang, take Shifu around your new yard later. We haven't visited here yet."

"That's good. I haven't finished school today. My sister said that we should build some houses for Marquis Wu and Prince Jing. Let's go to xinfangchang later. Now it's said that it's not suitable to build brick houses. My sister plans to build yurts for them first, and then build a big house when spring is warm."

The little guy chattered endlessly, which made Mr. Liang laugh. The small mouth is like wiping honey, talking endlessly.

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