All the hosts and guests in the County Hall were slightly drunk. Even Wang Shi is no exception. Anyway, she doesn't have to feed Lan'er herself now, so she drinks more in her joy.

That day, Tian Yuqiao slept in the same room with Wang and Lan'er. He hasn't slept with his mother for a long time. Especially little Lan'er, when she fell asleep, she would wake up with a grin. And spit out a saliva bubble from time to time. That's very cute.

Tian Yuqiao woke up many times at night because she was worried that Lan Er would kick the quilt. At the beginning, Wang wanted to tie Lan'er's legs, but after Tian Yuqiao's strong opposition, Lan'er's two short legs were free.

Old people say that when a child is born, he should tie his legs with a cloth so that he won't loop his legs when he grows up. But this has been confirmed by science, which is completely empty, so Tian Yuqiao naturally doesn't want Lan'er to be poisoned like this.

The direct consequence of this is that Lan'er's legs are very strong and can easily kick open the quilt.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know how many times she got up to cover Lan'er. At this time, she suddenly found a dark shadow outside the window. Gold told her that Demi was outside.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the sleeping Lan'er, put on down cotton trousers, put on a cloak, and went out to open a window for Dai Mei.

Daimei fluttered her wings and entered the door. Tian Yuqiao grabbed a handful of empty grain for Daimei, and then took a cotton handkerchief to wipe the frost and snow on her feathers.

After watching it eat a handful of grain, Tian Yuqiao untied the bamboo tube on his leg.

After opening it, I found that there were only a few simple words in it: three days later, the new emperor ascended the throne. I hope my future queen can come to watch the ceremony!

Tian Yuqiao's heart trembled and the stationery fell to the ground. Then she picked up the letter paper in a precious and important place. After reading it several times, she put it into the virtual world.

There are three days left. According to Dai Mei's speed, it will take only one day to fly here from the imperial city. That means she still has two days.

Don't worry. Let Fang Wenhao wait two days first.

Early the next morning, Demi was put back by her. The content of the reply is: busy at home, have no time to go, don't read!

It seems that when Fang Wenhao received the letter, Tian Yuqiao smiled foolishly.

"Joe, what are you laughing at?" Wang put down his needle and thread and asked with a smile.

"Er ~ mom, I'm fine. I don't know if the soft car I asked people to make has been finished?"

Wang heard the speech and asked old lady Chen to ask. Mrs. Chen came back soon and said, "madam, miss, carpenter Zhang, they have all done it. In half a day, they can use it when the curtains are hung."

"Joe, the car you made this time is so strange. It's soft and has no wheels. How do you use it?" Wang asked curiously.

"Hehe, madam doesn't know. Every time I sit on the back of the gold ring and the silver ring, I complain. I say it's uncomfortable. It's windy at high altitude. According to the maidservant, the carriage is prepared for them on the eighth floor." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Oh, that's true. No wonder the car is so big. But how do you put it on them?" Wang was puzzled again.

"Well ~ I haven't thought about it yet. Anyway, it won't cost a lot of money. I'll make a look first."

Wang only knew that Tian Yuqiao had two big sculptures, but she didn't know that she had two dragons, so she thought the car was made for gold ring or silver ring.

It's just that the carriage at the bottom is not flat, which is very strange.

After breakfast, Tian Yuqiao went to the unused yard next to him. Now the craftsmen are making dragon carts there. According to the drawings given by Tian Yuqiao, they are tailored according to Honghong's body shape.

At first, we didn't know what this thing was. Until they saw the gold ring and silver ring, the craftsmen understood the use of this car.

Before noon, people hung up the cotton curtains of winter clothes. The outermost part is a layer of vegetable felt, which was made by the workshop of Horqin tribe.

After dismissing all the people, let Xiaoyu keep the wind outside. Tian Yuqiao let Honghong come out.

In fact, longche is a huge movable house, but such a big house can only be pulled by red ones.

Honghong looked at such a beautiful carriage and had no sense of being enslaved. It took the initiative to get in.

Let Tian Yuqiao buckle those ox tendon buttons on him, and turn around and say proudly, "Wow, what a beautiful car. It's much more beautiful than those carriages. Honghong likes it very much."

"Hehe, just like it. Take it to the sky and feel it later to see if there is anything uncomfortable. When I go out again, you'll take it with you, so that I can be more comfortable."

Honghong simply flew low in the yard for two circles and felt very good. Not only is there no discomfort, but there is also a sense of weight-bearing.

"I didn't feel my master on my back before. With this, at least I can know that I didn't lose my master!" Honghong said proudly.

Tian Yuqiao was full of black lines and said in his heart that no wonder Honghong talked so much every time. He closed it to make sure he was still on its back! It's really speechless, but it's good. At first, she was worried that Honghong would not adapt to the dragon car. If it hated it, she couldn't force it to put it on.

Since it likes it so much, Tian Yuqiao is relieved.

After dinner with Wang, Tian Yuqiao said that Fang Wenhao had obtained the throne of the emperor.

Everyone heard that they were all struck by lightning. Unexpectedly, the variables in the hall were so fast.

Wuhou put down his chopsticks and said, "Hey, it's really 30 years east and 30 years West. Unexpectedly, Hao'er's child has become an emperor."

Prince Jing poured a glass of wine and said, "isn't it? What's more, he is the supreme leader of Haotian army. Alas, you can't underestimate the young man. In my opinion, Haoer's child is much better than you. Fortunately, you mean to call him a marquis Wu. He's not as miserable as I was chased and killed ~"

In order to ease the embarrassment on the table, Wang and he quickly arranged to let them drink less and eat more vegetables. Tian Yuqiao is used to the way they communicate. It seems that if they don't quarrel and quarrel for a while, they will feel uncomfortable all over.

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