Not to mention, the nobles in the palace really know how to enjoy it. After Tian Yuqiao slept here all night, he didn't think of it the next day. If Xiaoyu didn't come in and call her, she would probably sleep until the sun rises.

"Miss, young master Hao'er, oh, no, it's the emperor's majesty. He's going to prepare a funeral for the Empress Dowager and empress who have suffered before these days. He says he doesn't have time to accompany miss."

Tian Yuqiao was half asleep and half awake. Hearing this, he said, "well, he doesn't have time to accompany us. Let's go back. I miss Xiaolan. I don't know she can't kick the quilt at night."

Xiaoyu said in a panic, "no, miss. Your majesty means that the female master is the male master. Now he has to work outside. There is no hostess in the palace. He plans to ask you to help until he is finished."

"What? You mean, I was caught by someone?"

Xiaoyu said bitterly, "it seems like this. Ah, there's no way. Miss, the maidservant doesn't understand. It's clear that those people have nothing to do with him. Why should he help his Empress?"

Tian Yuqiao frowned, wondering why Fang Wenhao did it. After all, those people were the concubines of the former Emperor, and now they died in the chaotic army. It seems that he can't be so kind to those people. Is it just to pretend? He's not like that.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

"Xiaoyu, tell the imperial dining room to make a man Han banquet for me. I'll have 108 dishes for every meal in the future, and..."

After listening to Tian Yuqiao's series of orders, Xiaoyu's eyes widened.

"Miss, you spoke too fast, and the maid didn't remember."

"Go and call me the maids and eunuchs in charge of the palace, and I will command them myself."

Tian Yuqiao was depressed. He was caught to work. He didn't even discuss with himself. Do you really think he will eat you? Hum, I won't eat your harem. You won't have any food in the future!

Soon, several small eunuchs, steward women and palace women lined up and knelt down to Tian Yuqiao.

However, we didn't know what to call her, so we just called her Miss Tian.

"All get up. By the way, is the person in charge of the imperial dining room here? The laundry, and the shopping?"

"The maidservant is here."

"The slave is here."

When Tian Yuqiao saw that the steward came, she said, "here is the menu I made. Every meal will be cooked according to this standard in the future. And I won't eat it if it's not delicious. In addition, every meal can't be the same, and..."

Those in charge wrote down Tian Yuqiao's arrangements one after another, especially the eunuch in charge of the imperial dining room, and put the menu handed by Tian Yuqiao into his sleeve.

They know that Miss Tian is not only the county Lord granted by the former Emperor, but also the eye of the new emperor. After that, she will be the master of the harem, which must be flattered. There is absolutely no room for neglect.

Watching people leave one after another, Tian Yuqiao was bored with Xiaoyu and wandered around the palace under the leadership of the steward's mother.

The original so-called rules turned into empty talk in her eyes. Now Fang Wenhao has something to say. She can do whatever she wants in the harem. Even if she wants to act recklessly, no one can take care of it.

With this edict, the palace maids and eunuchs who had just undergone a great cleaning were naturally trembling and afraid to neglect Tian Yuqiao.

"Miss, what are you going to do next? Do you really want to eat so many dishes for a meal? What if you become fat at that time?" Xiaoyu asked with some worry.

Tian Yuqiao knocked her on the forehead and said, "you little girl, can't you see that your young lady, I'm going to empty his treasury? It's too much. I didn't say hello, but I was asked to work for him. It's really hateful!"

Just as she was waving her teeth and claws and gnashing her teeth to curse someone for being unkind, Fang Wenhao, who was wearing a yellow robe with dragon patterns, walked around the back of a fake mountain stone with a smile.

When Tian Yuqiao saw it, he had no awareness of being caught saying bad things about others behind people's backs. He still stroked his body and said, "I've seen the emperor."

"Joe, don't be polite. You are a special case in my harem in the future. You can go up or down, big or small. Naturally, you don't have to follow these etiquette. This is your salary."

Tian Yuqiao continued to grind his teeth and said, "well, take me to be your coolie. You don't have to salute. Even if it's salary, your majesty can really calculate."

Fortunately, all the people here except Xiaoyu were sent away by Fang Wenhao. Tian Yuqiao's words of such treachery didn't spread.

"Joel, I've been really busy recently, so I hope you can help me here for a few days. Really, only a few days is enough. Don't worry. As long as you move your mouth about the salary, you can ask for everything."

Looking at his serious appearance, Tian Yuqiao really didn't doubt what he said.

"Forget it, it's too troublesome to ask for rivers and mountains. I prefer farming. If there's anything to do in the future, I'll make it clear and say, don't let me think you're kidding me. Alas, those newly appointed etiquette officials don't know if they can help you handle the funeral of those people."

"Don't worry, I promoted them all, and I listed the specific rules for them. As long as you do what I say, you won't be picked up by others."

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "by the way, what are your plans next?"

"I'm going to try my best to level the Horqin tribe and the original mountain robbers on the other side of the snow mountain. At that time, the whole world will be flat. Um ~ within three or five years, I'll make all the places I can see become my territory. By that time, Joel, you'll be old..."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "what do you mean I'm old? I didn't eat your rice. I want you to take care of me."

Seeing that she was deliberately looking for trouble, Fang Wenhao was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "at that time, I will ask my godmother to marry you and let her betroth you to me. The bride price is this great country, plus an outstanding son-in-law."

Looking at his complacent appearance, Tian Yuqiao was even more speechless. Xin said he felt very dull at ordinary times. Now he has become an emperor and his speech has become slick.

When I first saw him, where was the simple and honest young boy? The guy who laughs like a fox in front of him is completely out of touch.

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