Both the fish industry and the Tian family's own industry are now on track. Those shopkeepers and accountants have also received special training. Now they all use the latest bookkeeping methods to do accounts. With less work pressure, they have more ideas to run stores.

Tian Yuqiao felt a little bored recently, so he accompanied Sonny to the imperial city.

They sat in a comfortable carriage. Wulang and xiaomaru, as well as Lengyan and Lengyu brothers rode beside the carriage, followed by more than a dozen guards disguised as boys.

The party marched towards the Imperial City, leaving only Wang and Lan'er in Bohai village.

Wulang's horse is a bloody BMW sent by Eji. It is still a minor and is suitable for children of Wulang's age. Moreover, the horse is docile and eats a lot of straw in the virtual environment, so now it is determined to its little master.

Small balls are more sad. His horse is an adult horse selected by big head. He was riding for the first time, so his body was a little crooked. It seemed that he would fall at any time.

The two brothers have kung fu and equestrian skills. Riding on a horse is as stable as Mount Tai.

Fortunately, the journey was not very far. We chatted on the carriage and ate the dried fruit snacks made by Tian family. We soon arrived at the imperial city.

Listening to the noise outside, sonny couldn't help but lift the curtain of the car and asked with a smile, "Xiaoyu, are you here?"

As soon as Xiaoyu stripped Tian Yuqiao of a mangosteen, she smiled and said, "yes, this is the imperial city. Today there is just a market here, but the market here is only in the periphery. These small vendors are not allowed to set up stalls in the city."

"Ah, let's get off and walk, otherwise we can't go shopping."

Looking at Sonny's eager look, Tian Yuqiao was helpless.

"Miss Sonny, we also have houses and shops here. It's better to go to our house first. I'm afraid I'm tired after taking a carriage all the way today. Fortunately, there are not many fairs in the city, and there will be some tomorrow." Xiaoyu advised.

Sonny nodded a little dejected, but she was also excited at the thought of seeing Tian Yuqiao's house and those shops.

"Well, well, it's good to visit your house and shops. By the way, I heard you opened a seafood restaurant for a long time. I heard it tastes very good. You have to treat me to a big meal." Xiaoyu said with a twinkling star.

"Well, you are a snack. Don't worry, I'll let you eat enough this time. Go quickly. If you don't put down the curtain, the eyes of those people will be hooked by you." Tian Yuqiao joked with a smile.

When we arrived at the founding Duke, Tian Dahe just came back down. As soon as Tian Yuqiao came with Sonny, he smiled and said, "Joe, you're back. Your mother and Lan'er are them?"

Looking at Tian Dahe looking back, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Dad, mom and Laner stay there. I just want to take Sonny around this time. Today she's going to eat our restaurant. Hehe, I have to inform the other side to get ready."

Sonny called Uncle Tian Dahe with some embarrassment, and then ducked behind Tian Yuqiao.

"Joel, how can you say that about me? Who said I would eat your poor family, really ~" Sonny muttered wrongfully.

Tian Dahe smiled and said, "OK, Dad, I'll let someone clean up the house for you. You'll have a rest later. Then Dad told Xianxiang restaurant to prepare a banquet and invite Sonny to eat at that time."

"Hello!" Sonny jumped two feet high, couldn't close his mouth and forgot to be shy.

The crowd burst into laughter and then went to the backyard. Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu strolled around in their yard with sonny.

"Wow, your yard is so big, and it's full of bricks and tiles. And this is a shed made of colored glass? Tut Tut, it's too extravagant. The colored glass is more expensive than gold. What kind of trees are these? Why haven't I seen any fruit on it?"

Sonny's mouth began to chatter again, as if grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden. I felt everywhere and looked there. I almost didn't go to my room to uncover two tiles and have a look.

"This is the big warehouse of our Xianxiang Museum, also known as the crab garden. What do you think? The biggest one is the emperor crab, and the one over there is called the bread crab, which is the flying crab ~" Wulang smiled and became a small guide.

"Wow, can flying crab fly? It's so powerful. It can fly in the water. It's really envious." Xiaoyu showed her star eyes again.

"Poof ~" everyone laughed.

"Sister Sonny, this is also delicious. It's called Pipi shrimp. It's my sister's favorite. There's our Octopus over there. It has powerful tentacles and can suck people's meat red and swollen. There was a big brother in Bohai village who was sucked into his face by this thing before. He almost disfigured ~" Goro also began to chatter about some interesting things to sonny.

After visiting the crab garden, I happened to meet Marquis Wu and Prince Jing. The two came together, which was really beyond Tian Yuqiao's expectation.

"Father, Prince Jing, how did you two come to the crab garden together?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"I just heard from your father that you're back in Xianxiang hall. Your mother didn't want to see you, so she asked me to come to you. As for Prince Jing, he just wanted to eat and drink, ha ha ~"

Prince Jing glared at Marquis Wu and didn't say anything more. Anyway, he was going to come and eat. After all, every time Tian Yuqiao comes back, the Tian family will make a lot of delicious food. It's right to follow.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo over there heard that they have been learning Arabic numerals recently. They are like a little daughter-in-law. They haven't been out of the gate for several days.

"Hehe, I knew my mother would miss me. I was going to take Sonny to see her later."

"Oh, is this little girl the representative of Hu Shang? Yes, it looks very capable." Prince Jing said with a smile.

Although Sonny didn't know them well, sonny also met them when they were in the county house. Now the two sides will not be very embarrassed when they see each other. After they see the gift, they smile and go hand in hand with Tian Yuqiao to see he Shi.

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