Sonny didn't bring much money when she came here. Now she has got a lot of booty, and the gold and silver has become her purchasing capital.

When she woke up early in the morning, just after breakfast, she shouted that she was going shopping. Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to ask gongsunyu to go shopping with them.

Sonny found everything interesting. Before she came, she specially found the accounting room of Tian Fu to exchange some copper money, so she was fully prepared this time.

When she came to the market, she first saw a stall selling children's toys. Directly ran over, Shangguan Qingfeng worried that she would be crowded, so he followed her to protect her for the first time.

"Uncle, your rattle is really beautiful. I don't know how much it costs? And this mask is actually a pig. How do you sell this and this?" Sonny asked in succession.

As soon as the boss saw that the girl was dressed like a rich man, he smiled and responded one by one: "girl, you are really good eyesight. All my toys here are made by yourself, and the quality is good. The rattle drum is fifteen Wen, the pig's mask is eight Wen, and the little wooden sword is painted with tung oil. It's best to buy it for my brother at home, only thirty-five Wen ~"

Now Sonny's family is also a small local tyrant, so these things are really not expensive in her opinion, so she raised her fingers and made a crazy point. Everything she ordered was packed with a smile by the boss.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head helplessly and said in his heart, where are children in your family? Wulang is too lazy to play with this thing now. I'm afraid only Lan'er will like it.

Sure enough, seeing Tian Yuqiao looking at himself like an idiot, sonny smiled and explained, "I have a lot of things to buy for sister Lan'er. The things I bought there were too rough to express my mind."

"Well, you are the most eloquent." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly.

While Sonny was about to pay the bill, suddenly she was hit by a man next to her, and then the purse in her hand was stolen.

"No, my purse!"

As soon as her voice fell, Shangguan Qingfeng over there was the first to rush out. Quickly separated the crowd and chased the man who had just hurried out.

"Bold thief, there is no royal law to rob money in broad daylight." Murong Bo followed.

Gongsun Yu did not leave, but stayed with Tian Yuqiao and Wulang to protect them.

"Don't worry, Joel. He's just an ordinary thief. Shangguan will be able to handle it."

After Sonny reacted, he naturally didn't show weakness. He rushed over directly and shouted, "what a bold thief, he stole my aunt's head. If I don't beat you all over your face today, you won't know who your mother is!"

Tian Yuqiao's face was covered with black lines, and she was really confused when she said this curse. But it sounds pretty intimidating. Let her go.

"Miss, what shall we do? Shall we report to the official?"

"Poof ~ Xiaoyu, we are officials." Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said.

"Sister, cold words and cold words have chased past. Don't worry." the little guy frowned and said.

Everyone didn't expect that in broad daylight, so many people didn't guard against a little thief. It's a shame. It's the irony of hongguoguo to let guests lose their money bags on their own territory.

Soon, the little thief was captured alive by Shangguan Qingfeng. He threw it on the ground like a sack, which made him roll and scream.

"Spare my life, young master. I really didn't mean it. My mother is seriously ill, and I have to."

"Oh, isn't this the second son of the Liu family?"

"Yes, he's usually idle. He was just thrown out by Ruyi gambling house two days ago. He's in debt again."

"Tut Tut, I heard that he sold his sister yesterday to pay off gambling debts."

"You're not right. He took his sister and his 60 year old mother to Yazi's place. As a result, people didn't want his mother. Later, he said he wanted to buy one and get one free. As a result, people accepted his sister and threw his mother out."

"It's really unfilial. I even want to sell my mother. Tut Tut, such a person should be killed by the government alive, otherwise there is no justice."

As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard that the man was such a thing, he immediately said, "cold words, cold words. Send him to the city patrol officials to tell them all about the man's crimes and let them decide."

"Yes, miss."

They didn't have any good impression of the little thief. They directly pushed and hit the ground and sent him to the Yamen.

Sonny took back her purse and found that there was no less money in it. She was relieved. He turned to Tian Yuqiao and said, "why don't we go and see his mother? It's pathetic enough to give birth to such a beast as him."

When the people around heard the speech, they all gave sunny a favorable look, and many people praised her in the crowd.

Tian Yuqiao asked about his family's residence and directly took people there. Sure enough, there was an old woman lying in the dilapidated thatched house.

Sonny gave the old woman fifty liang of silver and helped her buy a girl to serve. Tian Yuqiao gave her a lot of rice noodles and arranged for her family to help repair her house. Then he left.

Everyone's mood was a little stuffy, and Sonny's attention was soon attracted by a big stall in front of him.

"Wow, it's fun. You give it when you get it. It's really cost-effective." Sonny ran over with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao took a closer look. Eh, isn't that the doughnut stall. A penny is a bamboo circle. The distance is about two meters. She gives whatever she gets in the set. She also played in the night market in her previous life.

Seeing that Sonny likes it, Tian Yuqiao doesn't say much.

Sonny handed the boss twenty Wen copper coins directly, and then got twenty small circles.

The items in the front row are some worthless little dolls, and the probability of being in the quilt is also the highest. The later the prize is, the richer. The last row is actually live chicken and live duck.

"Wow, that wild duck's fur is really beautiful. I like that one," said Sonny, smiling and pointing to the innermost wild duck.

When a young childe next to him heard the speech, he glanced and said, "cut, little girl, it's really a big talk. I've got a lot of money, but I haven't got one."

When he finished, he threw a circle in the distance. As a result, when the bamboo ring was about to put on the wild duck's neck, the duck lowered its head and put its mouth on the ground. It even avoided the bamboo ring directly!

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