Gongsun Changyin had arranged for people to make preparations, and the big notice was soon posted on the city gate. Many people came to watch and saw that there were bandits. Everyone was a little flustered for a moment.

It's not that ouyangshuo deliberately wants to cause panic, but that he plans to take this opportunity to clean up the people under his rule. There are bandits, but not many.

Feng Wu, dressed in a brand-new constable's official clothes and carrying a waist knife, stood walking around the city gate. Sometimes he shouted twice for fear that others would not know his reputation as a big constable.

"Boss, isn't it true that there are bandits? If that's the case, our manpower is not enough to plug people's teeth."

"Yes, I think Mr. Ouyang is quite serious. What's going on?"

Feng Wu scratched his head. As soon as the eldest brother and second brother of the county magistrate came here, why would the whole city be under martial law? Could it be that this matter has something to do with the Wang family, which is threatened by the robbers?

"Hey, even if there are bandits, it's no big deal. It shouldn't be a large group of bandits, just a few small thieves. Now our adults have high mirrors and good governance. We can't tolerate half of the bandits. These are all capable adults. Don't worry. If we don't do it, the magistrate will send troops over."

Tian Dajiang went into the town for three days in succession, and then he finished what Li had told him. The Tian family's old house, but all the valuable things were sold out.

He took seventy liang of silver home and gave it to Li Shi. Li Shi said angrily, "why is it so little? Boss Jin said that just a few pieces of cloth are worth a lot of silver. I said, boss, did you get it from the shore again?"

Tian Dajiang quickly waved his hand and said, "no, mom, I can swear to God that I will never waste the money. If you don't believe you ask Chimonanthus and Dongxue, you always know them. They never lie."

"Yes, mom, the head of the family really has no money." Lamei quickly testified.

Dongxue nodded frequently, indicating that she could also testify for Tian Dajiang.

It is true that Tian Dajiang has no money. He just ate and drank for a few days and squandered more than 30 liang of silver. Then he couldn't help but go to the casino and lost another 180 taels of silver. Naturally, this is not his ignorance. At most, even if he is corrupt.

Li carefully put away the silver and copper coins, big and small, and then said, "hurry to let the eldest brother and his wife clean up and let's go tomorrow."

Gao jumped two feet high and couldn't close his mouth. Ying said, "Alas, I'll inform the couple now."

She twisted her big ass and left. Dalang and Chen got a letter and hurriedly cleaned up.

"Dalang, why did my mother leave so soon? I didn't say to sit more." Chen said as he packed up his baggage.

"Who knows? I guess I'm going to pack my things. Didn't you say that we should let everyone go together this time." Dalang said.

"But brother Shiro, it seems that we didn't say we would take them."

"Then we can't take care of it. Let's clean up quickly. I'm afraid I don't know when I'll be back. Alas, it's a pity that there are crops in my field. If only I could go after the autumn harvest, why can't we wait two more days." the big man frowned.

Gao's side had a good toss. They boil water and change clothes. Tian Dajiang couldn't see it anymore and said angrily, "I said what are you doing without going to bed in the middle of the night? We know we're going to the imperial city to enjoy happiness, but we don't know we thought you were going to get married."

"Hey, I'm going to go to a big place. I can't lose face to my second brother. I'm rotten and haven't taken a bath for many days. I have to be a civilized man this time. No! Don't go to the imperial city and lose someone for your father-in-law brother. It's not good." Gao said with his mouth tilted.

As she spoke, she deliberately shook her arm at her man and deliberately let her white arm shake in front of him.

He didn't have a good-looking figure that long ago. Tian Dajiang almost vomited all the meals he had just eaten in the evening.

On weekdays, he is with Chimonanthus and Dongxue. He doesn't bother to look at Gao's side at all. Now the Tian family has fewer houses and more houses. Gao almost lives in a single room alone.

Now she also made too much noise, which disturbed Tian Dajiang.

"Bah, the disgusting old woman looks like the half fan pork. It hurts my eyes to see more." Tian Dajiang said fiercely.

Winter Snow said, "master, elder sister, she is not easy. After all, you are only in our two rooms now."

Tian Dajiang hugged one with one hand and looked at the two Petite little beauties. In his heart, this is called a beauty.

"Forget it, never mind her. Let's have a good time tonight. Today, I met an old guest from abroad in the restaurant and got a bottle of medicine from him. I'm sure it can make you happy like gods. Come on, little babies ~"

Some discordant voices kept coming out of the house on their side, causing the Gao family next door to curse.

In the East Room of Shangfang, Li Shi didn't fall asleep, but came to Dalang's room in person.

"Ah, milk, why are you here? Let's just be called when something happens." Chen said nervously.

Because we are leaving the next day, we all sleep late today. Because I'm a little excited, and I haven't finished packing up.

Li Shi said, "later, when everyone in your parents' house is asleep, we'll set out. I've put the carriage behind the house. Let Da Lang drive the carriage at that time."

"Milk, are you not going to take your parents with them?" asked the big man.

"I don't want to take them with me at all. The old land at home has to be taken care of. Shiro is still young and can't count on him for his work. Remember, don't let your parents know. Don't sleep today. Take the children with you. When there's no movement there, let's go from the backyard."

Big Lang answered, and the matter was finished.

After Li came out of Dalang's house, he heard a great movement over Tian Dajiang. She was so angry that she stood in the yard and shouted, "can you keep your voice down! There are not only you in this yard, but also shameless!"

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