The Tian family's old house didn't bring too much trouble to the Tian Yuqiao family. After Gongsun Changyin sent a letter to the other side, Tian Yuqiao was very satisfied with it.

The autumn harvest of the Tian family has been almost busy, and the weather is getting cooler. Originally, he planned to go to Yuanshan in person when spring was warm, but Tian Yuqiao was suddenly in a good mood and decided to go now and try to come back years ago.

Anyway, she just needs to get through with the other side, and she doesn't need to do too much.

People here have prepared dozens of carts of dry seafood, which are to be sold there. After all, the saltier things are, the more popular they are in Yuanshan.

The long team lasted for hundreds of meters, and the people escorting the materials were the elites selected from Haotian army.

Fang Wenhao was strongly opposed to Tian Yuqiao's personal past, but there was no way. He can't control this little girl with Ben. Don't look at yourself as the emperor. That position is high in the eyes of others, but in her eyes it is just like radish and cabbage.

"No, you must promise to take these thirty dark guards. They are all carefully trained by Uncle nine. I can rest assured with them."

Tian Yuqiao felt very unhappy when he thought that he would be stared at in the dark. But looking at his "you can't do it if you don't promise", Tian Yuqiao can only reluctantly promise.

"Only if I take all the 30 people away, there will be fewer people around you to protect. My lifeblood is not as important as you. How boring the thief is to start with me." Tian Yuqiao joked.

"That's no good. For me, nothing is more precious than you, even my own life." Fang Wenhao clenched Tian Yuqiao's shoulder and his eyes were full of sincerity.

It was false to say that he was not moved. Tian Yuqiao's heart really missed two beats. But she soon figured it out. Turning her head, Wen Hao smiled and said, "take care."

"Don't worry, I won't be thin when you come back. Also, take the carrier pigeon with you. I don't have to write to you several times a day. Otherwise, I can't handle the government at ease."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly and got on his super luxurious carriage.

This time she brought dried fish and some salted shrimps. He also brought a lot of worthless linen and linen, as well as rain proof tarpaulins. These things are not valuable here, but they are very valuable and practical things there.

These are what Sonny told her before. She said that with a small bag of coarse salt here, she could exchange a sheep with the bandits of Yuanshan! And a piece of burlap can almost change into a calf.

Tian Yuqiao drools when he thinks about such a big price difference. There's nothing else. Just walk back and forth a few times. As long as you don't support the appetite of Yuanshan too much, you will have a steady stream of money.

Fang Wenhao personally sent them out of the imperial city. Tian Dahe and Wang also followed them to the gate of the Imperial City, which made them cry.

Lan'er also shook her chubby little hand and said goodbye to her sister. Only Wu Lang clenched his little fist, bit his lips and said, "I will have a good meal and try to grow up early, so that my sister doesn't have to work so hard. Please do everything yourself. I'm the eldest son of the family. I should start a family, but everything makes my sister tired ~"

Fang Wenhao patted the little guy on the shoulder and said, "Hey, I also hope you grow up earlier. The position of the general is still empty for you now."

"Well, brother Hao'er, I will try my best to eat. But my sister said that she wouldn't let me eat too much because she was afraid that I would only grow meat but not stature ~" the little guy lowered his head and held his fingers depressed.

Fang Wenhao took a look and found that his prospective brother-in-law's little fat hand was really full of meat. He wanted to pinch it. No wonder Joel always likes to pinch Wulang's face. It's really tempting~

At the thought of this, he unexpectedly imitated Tian Yuqiao's appearance and pinched a few on Wulang's face with his two hands. After everyone was petrified, he let go.

"Brother Hao'er, you bully me too." the little guy blushed with anger.

After all, when his sister pinched his face, she was at home and no one saw it. Now there are many officials who see them off. Why do you feel embarrassed!

"Well, Wulang, let's go back." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

Prince Jing smiled and said, "hahaha, your majesty is right in front of your family. He can behave so special. On weekdays, he is like a tight bow string. I feel tired when I look at him."

Marquis Wu said, "Hey, your majesty is too lonely after all. It seems that it's time to propose to choose a concubine."

Tian Yuqiao went very smoothly all the way. Even if there were bandits who had any ideas, they had been strangled on the way by those dark guards before they got close. Fang Wenhao arranged all this in advance, because he didn't want Tian Yuqiao to see the bloody scene of the battle.

When it was just getting cold, Tian Yuqiao had already arrived at Horqin tribe. From there, we loaded some beef jerky and some dried vegetables, and then we started from Horqin tribe to Yuanshan.

Barbara accompanied him all the way to the foot of the original mountain, which caused a lot of trouble to Tian Yuqiao.

"My dear princess, is your brother's gold knife still there? Keya has been talking about him, saying why she didn't come here as a guest, and that she would go to chat with your brother during your new year this year."

Tian Yuqiao is speechless. This big nose nags in her ear all day. Thank him for his kindness.

"Oh, my brother is busy studying now. He doesn't go out much all day. I'm afraid he doesn't have time to see guests. Alas, I can only disappoint Princess Keya. The golden knife is still there. When my brother eats barbecue, he cuts it with that knife, which is very easy to use."

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's indifference, Barbara was speechless. The heart said, don't you know what the golden knife means? It's too much to cut meat. I just don't pay attention to the nobles of our tribe.

But at the thought that Tian Yuqiao certainly didn't understand these, and when Keya gave the gold knife to others, he didn't say what the gold knife symbolized, so he had to give up.

"It's inconvenient for us to go in. Let's go by yourself. If you are in danger, quickly release the signal bomb, and I'll send someone to rescue you at the first time."

"Thank you, your highness Barbara. I'll bring you a gift when I change something good from there. By the way, I'll have time to train more war horses. I'm going to set up a cavalry caravan. It's too slow to use an ox cart."

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