At this time, Tian Yuqiao's caravan has come to a relatively rich camp. Although the people here don't seem to have enough to eat, they are already rich compared with the people they met before.

The four gatekeepers got wine from Tian Fu, and then received cloth. Only then did the two go back to report. After all, it's a good thing that businessmen come to the door on their own initiative.

Soon, several clan leaders and elders in charge of the camp came out. They are all on crutches and look old. The eye socket is deep, and the spirit looks good.

"Are you businessmen from outside the mountain?" asked the old man.

Tian Fu hugged his fist and said, "you're right. We're businessmen from outside. When we came here and saw a stockade, we wanted to ask you if you need to buy some of our goods."

"Oh, but we don't have money, nor do we have the gold and silver you need. There are only stones and grass roots in our mountain. If you need them, we don't mind exchanging them."

"Hahaha, you're joking. Although you don't have gold and silver here, if you have anything else we can see, you can exchange it with us directly." Tian Fu smiled.

"What have you brought? Can you show us first?" the patriarch narrowed his eyes.

Tian Fu waved to the back, and someone over there took a small box. Inside was a small bottle of salt, a piece of linen and coarse cloth, all the size of a palm. And a small piece of silk, a plate of beef jerky and shredded salted fish jerky.

These are all samples arranged in advance and shown to them.

The patriarch picked up the beef jerky and sniffed it under his nose. Then he asked, "what's this?" then he took the salted fish and still asked curiously, "is this dried fish?"

Tian Fu said, "you can always taste it directly, but I can say in advance that the bottle contains coarse salt. Be careful when you eat it."

He saw the patriarch with several other elders, all around the small box. They also don't dislike each other's abandonment. They eat beef jerky and salted fish together, and they bite them directly instead of tearing them apart by hand~

After chewing a few times, as Tian Fu imagined, the eyes of these old guys all lit up. Then they didn't care what their identity was, so they began to grab the food in the box.

A clan was so eager that he accidentally put the linen into his mouth and chewed it for a long time. Fortunately, the young man holding the wine jar found it in time, which reminded him in time.

"You guys, what do you think of this thing we brought?" Tian Fu asked with a smile.

His eyes turned away from the wooden box, and the small bottle of crude salt in it was eaten up by some of their old things with their hands ~ the combat effectiveness of these people is really not covered, and they are not afraid of it.

"Good, delicious, salty enough." the patriarch said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao was full of black lines. He said that these people evaluate the taste of things. Is it difficult to see whether there is enough salt?

"Patriarch, this is the wine they sent. They said it was given to us for nothing."

"Here are two pieces of cloth. Feng'er is going to get married in two days. This cloth is just right for her to make clothes."

The patriarch was very happy. After all, he was such a baby granddaughter. I saw that I was about to get married. I didn't even have a good thing at home.

These two jars of wine are enough, not to mention the coarse cloth.

An old face was smiling. Tian Yuqiao learned that there was going to be a happy event in the stockade, and just two days later, so she decided to stay here first and attend the wedding here.

"Xiaoyu, go inform Tian Fu and let him find a way to stay."


Xiaoyu used to whisper a few words to Tian Fu's ear, and then sent a few feet of calico.

Tian Fu smiled and held the cloth and said, "patriarch, I don't know your granddaughter is getting married. This is a gift from our young lady."

The old patriarch and others saw the cloth, pure cotton and very delicate, especially the pattern on the top is beautiful and tight. Looking at everyone's envy, the old patriarch's bent waist was very straight.

"OK, OK. If you can stay and drink the wedding wine before you leave, there will be light on my old man's face."

I was just polite. After all, there are so many people in the caravan. If they really stay to drink the wedding wine, it is estimated that the clan leader will cry to death.

"Well, I'm also curious. I don't know how your wedding banquet is held. I just came to join in the fun, but only a few of us came in, and the large group of people outside let them live in the forest. You can't live in the stockade either." Tian Fu said with a smile.

Seeing the changing emotions on the faces of the elders, Tian Fu thought it was really interesting. At first, when he said he would stay, the patriarch would cry. But when he said that the brigade didn't have to come in, the patriarch breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Yuqiao saw that the old patriarch was stingy, so he came forward with a smile and said, "Grandpa patriarch, we have brought our own food, so you don't have to worry about it. When the wedding banquet is on the same day, we'll prepare a table for us alone. I've brought a lot of dried meat and dried fish here, and I'll send you some to add vegetables to the guests."

"OK, that's good. Little girl, you came out of that rich family. It's really bright enough. It's a great honor for the whole house that we can make friends with you today."

Tian Yuqiao took Xiaoyu and Tian Fu into the stockade, while Dunzi led the dark guards to protect them in the dark.

The troops set up tents in the woods not far from here. Everyone felt a little strange, so someone took the lead and said, "strange, it seems very warm here."

"Yes, the trees here are very green. I remember when we came out, it was autumn over there, and the leaves fell. It's strange that it was still so hot here. Shouldn't it be all snow mountains here?"

"All right, let's go and find some firewood nearby. It's time for everyone to make a fire and cook."

After a while, someone came back happily and said, "boss, I found such a large stone. It looks very good."

"Hey, how old are you? You pick up stones like a child."

"No, look, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary stone. I remember seeing it in the founding Silver Tower."

"Ah, this is a gem!"

When the man heard the speech, he was immediately overjoyed and said, "there are many such stones over there. Have we made a fortune?"

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