In the second master's angry scolding, Qidao was taken away by Tian Yuqiao. Because the person to be released has been determined, that is to release seven knives.

"Uncle Dunzi, follow him in person and see where the stronghold of the bandits in the original mountain is."

"OK, leave it to me. It's just the princess's side ~"

Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said, "don't worry about me. I'll do a good job in mass relations around here these days. These aborigines are mixed with sand, and there are many spies of the Xiliang king. I have to find a way to stabilize the situation first, which is good for our future actions."

"Well, those of my men are not dry eaters. They will fight to protect the princess. Then my subordinates will go first. Take care, princess."

Dunzi only took two people to leave, while Qidao ran all the way down the path towards the den of thieves. He had been poisoned long ago. Two pigeons flew out of the virtual environment and were guiding the accurate position of seven knives for them all the way.

Tian Yuqiao walked slowly all the time. Passing a stockade or village, she would stop the team. Or cook porridge and invite the aborigines to dinner, or get a big pot of soup medicine to treat wind cold and dysentery.

At first, the indigenous people didn't believe that these foreign businessmen would be so good, but they didn't believe it until a little widow took her seriously ill son to get medicine and the child soon got better.

They ran around telling each other and brought the sick old people or relatives.

Tian Yuqiao's tent was filled with the smell of soup all day. Whether it's true or not, there are always two big iron pots burning outside the tent and medicine soup boiling inside.

"Oh, I didn't expect the businessmen from outside to be so kind. It's not that no one has come before. That kilogram of salt will change a tiger with us ~"

"No, I don't think the merchants are the same this time. Our dog baby is the only one in Laotian. Now he's going to die of illness. After taking other people's medicine, he's relieved. Now people don't accept our food, and the porridge sent to us is white rice, and there's salt in it."

"Yes, according to the little girl named Xiaoyu, it's called salted fish and white rice porridge. It tastes really good. Alas, it's a pity that people can only stay here for two days."

"By the way, it's said that they brought a lot of salt and coarse cloth, which are what we need most. Why don't we take out all the inventory at home and exchange it with them, so that they won't be dug up by the bandits when they can. It's also cheap for them."

"That's reasonable. Let's go home and get something now. Last time my man and they killed a bear together, the bear's skin was intact, even if it could only change half a kilo of salt."

Because everyone believed in Tian Yuqiao's character, they went back to get things one after another.

Those who got medicine to cure their illness took the good things they had buried and hidden, saying they wanted to thank Tian Yuqiao. As for those aborigines who saw the business opportunities, they came to trade with their precious things.

"Little girl, I heard that you are a caravan. Oh, I didn't expect that there are such good people as you at the end of the day. These are some wolf skins from my man's hunting. See if you can change something with you? Coarse cloth and salt are OK. Just give some."

A little boy holding two buckets of snot also handed two shiny stones to Xiaoyu with dirty hands and said, "sister, this is my most precious thing. It's very beautiful. It's also very beautiful to give it to my sister at home."

The child was the only child of the Tian family. As soon as the little guy got well, he shouted to give his favorite things to his benefactor.

"The stone of gowardesh is really beautiful ~" Xiaoyu smiled, took the stone in the little guy's hand and took it back to Tian Yuqiao.

After Tian Yuqiao saw it, he remembered that it was agate! And it's very big. I really don't know where the child came from.

"Xiaoyu, call the child in."

"Yes, miss."

When gowardesh learned that his life-saving benefactor let him in, the little guy was excited and trembled. The thin body looked so weak, but he still sorted out his clothes and picked a big leaf to get his nose down. Then he followed Xiaoyu into Tian Yuqiao's tent.

Tian Yuqiao had some snacks and fruits prepared for him. The little guy sat down and just looked, but he didn't dare to take them with his hands.

"Your name is gowardesh?"

Gowardesh nodded, but his eyes were still staring at the snacks on the table in front of him!

"Eat, this is specially prepared for you by our lady." Xiaoyu smiled and stuffed an apple into gowardesh.

A pair of big black eyes kept looking at Tian Yuqiao and the apple in his hand. The little guy seemed to want to eat, but he didn't dare.

"Gowardesh, what's your gift to my sister? My sister likes it very much. All these food are for you. Well, you'll give these delicious food to the children in the village later. If they have such stones in their hands, let them take them and exchange them with my sister. I won't treat you badly." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Gowardesh was overjoyed when she heard the speech. After biting an apple, sweet eyes smile like a curved moon.

"Don't worry, sister. I'll let everyone bring you such a beautiful stone. My mother said that the stone is just beautiful and can't be used to build a house. This time, if she knew she could exchange it with her sister, she would regret to die."

"Well, I'll ask sister Xiaoyu to pack these things for you later, and then fill you with a kilo of salt. As for the things sent to my little partner, I'll prepare them for you."

Gowardesh was in a good mood. He ate the Apple quickly and ate the nuts cleanly. Then he went out with Xiaoyu with his small cheek and his small food box.

When he came outside, dog egg first called his little friends, and then Xiaoyu gave each of them a piece of beef jerky and said that he could exchange beautiful stones for salt and coarse cloth.

The children couldn't believe it. They didn't move at first. But when the gowardesh patted his little chest and said, "don't believe it, I used two beautiful stones as big as that to give it to my sister. I thanked others for saving my life. As a result, they invited me to eat very delicious fruit. That doesn't count. I also changed salt with our family and gave my mother a flower cloth."

With gowardesh taking the lead, the children immediately believed and all rushed away.

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