Tian Yuqiao took people leisurely and planned to return. After all, she had nothing to support the team to move forward. However, what she can't get is the best. Now many people have let the wind out, and the effect she wants has been achieved.

The seven knives over there were put back. With his character of vengeance, he would never give up, so he urged his father to avenge him.

"Dad, according to the child's calculation, they should have changed almost all their things by now. Let's rob their caravan directly now, so as to save us from robbing the abominable indigenous people from house to house."

"No, we have principles. We don't rob past merchants. If we break this rule, I'm afraid no one will dare to enter our Yuanshan to do business in the future. Are you going to let your father drink water and cook vegetable soup every day?"

"Let's change the reason. After all, your son was caught by her. Besides, we don't have to do it ourselves. Let's just let the people from the second uncle go. After all, the second uncle is still in the hands of the girl. When the second uncle's people rob them first, then we'll go back and eat the black according to the rule that the second uncle is bad and doesn't rob merchants. This way If you like ~ "

"You boy, you are worthy of being my best son. That's a good idea. Ha ha, ha ha, when the time comes, Dad's great trouble can be eliminated."

Qi Dao said with a gloomy face, "not only that, there are many experts around the girl. Although they all appear as caravan buddies, after several contacts, I found that those people are experts and have excellent skills."

"Send someone to follow them. They will be responsible for exploring the way for your lost men. After all, they all know the team."

"Dad, those people are loyal followers of my son. Are you sure you want them to pay such a price?" Qi Dao was a little anxious.

"Hum ~ those losers put my only son in trouble and almost in danger. For this reason, they should pay the price of their lives. Don't worry, their families will be properly placed, which can be regarded as an explanation for you."

Qi Dao's eyes were dark. He didn't say much, so he had to arrange it dejectedly.

Tian Yuqiao took the team, drove cattle, sheep and horses, and walked slowly along the way like visiting mountains and rivers.

The figure of Dunzi suddenly appeared in the carriage and said to Tian Yuqiao, "princess, there has been an action over seven knives."

"How?" Tian Yuqiao said faintly.

"About 200 people have been arranged over there. The direction of travel is towards our caravan."

Tian Yuqiao said coldly, "good. Tell everyone to set up camp on the spot. Let's wait for them to come."

"Miss, don't we have to make any preparations?" Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

After thinking for a while, Tian Yuqiao took out paper and charcoal and began to draw carefully. Xiaoyu was confused and scratched her head. She couldn't see what those circles and forks represented.

After half an hour, Tian Yuqiao finally received his pen. He looked at his masterpiece with a proud face and nodded constantly.

Xiaoyu quickly brought some fresh fruit and asked pleasantly, "Miss, what are you painting?"

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "it's very simple. Give them some color to see. The smelly boy of Qi Dao really doesn't appreciate it. In that case, let's give them a good greeting. Xiaoyu, take this and let everyone dig the pit according to the drawing. At that time, bury it in the pit with porcelain pot thunder, which Hao Tianjun used before."

Xiaoyu was excited when she heard that she was going to use a porcelain pot thunder. It was an ancient version of a small mine invented by Tian Yuqiao. Instead of iron, it was a porcelain pot.

Although the lethality of such a mine is not great, its terrible thing is that it can explode into more pieces. Moreover, many pieces of iron were added to the gunpowder in the porcelain pot, which was impossible to prevent.

The circle on the drawing is a dungpit for cattle and horses, and the fork is a sharpened bamboo stick inside. The solid black spots on the top are the places where mines are to be buried. There are also several places where turnover plates are made and big pits are dug at the bottom. There are many rotten tree leaves in the pits~

Haotian soldiers had used this kind of trap to deal with the Hu people before, so this time they saw the familiar drawings and were all excited.

They haven't fought so happily since Fang Wenhao became emperor. Now we have the opportunity to fight again, and it's still a unilateral fight to entrap people. It's really fun!

The equipment of Haotian army is specially designed by Tian Yuqiao for them, which is very suitable for field operations in various terrain. In particular, each person is equipped with a foldable engineer shovel, which is more convenient for them to dig pits, bury mines and make all kinds of traps.

People put all the goods in the middle and put up several oversized tents. At 500 meters outside, various traps were dug to ensure that the explosion of those porcelain cans would not affect their own people and goods.

Xiaoyu acted as a supervisor with excitement on her face. Her face wrinkled when she saw someone collect the feces of cattle and sheep.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, little jade, don't you know that? We're going to invite those bandits to taste fresh. Look, these feces are still hot and fresh."

Xiaoyu immediately felt a surge in her stomach and almost vomited out. Not to mention, she seemed to be able to see the dark green cow dung steaming out~

"Miss Xiaoyu, you can't walk around. What if you accidentally fall into a trap? If you are so delicate and tender, we can't tell the princess what's wrong."

Xiaoyu had no choice but to leave. She really didn't understand why her young lady made such a disgusting trap.

On the way back, she found that someone had buried the porcelain pot in a cesspit. If someone accidentally falls into a cesspit, he will be salted by the porcelain pot thunder. This is amazing! Xiaoyu loves the bandits for five seconds.

The second master was locked up in the barn and dealt with the livestock spitting at him from time to time, which made him angry.

Cattle kept twisting their hips at him and excreting in front of him, so that the second master wanted to faint immediately. I hate Qidao to the bone in my heart. My heart says that this unfilial smelly boy must kill you when I go out and let the eldest family break the incense.

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