Taking advantage of the darkness, lengzi took his men to attack Tian Yuqiao's caravan. However, the sneak attack was only what they thought. As early as they approached, Jinjin had reported the specific situation and number of people to Tian Yuqiao.

"Everyone put out the fire and don't have any light." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

Dunzi and the dark guards are all around the tent. They are mainly responsible for protecting Tian Yuqiao. Those with feet will also protect the goods, and the second hostage.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao was gnawing at the roasted corn again and again, shaking his legs leisurely. He said to the second master, "I said, uncle, it seems that your brothers have come to save you. Tut Tut, are you really relieved? It seems that there are a lot of people outside. It is estimated that these people are the elite under your hands?"

"Hum, now you know you're afraid? But even so, it's too late. Second master, all the people under my hand are elites. This time you'll all be killed."

"That's good. I'm so confident when I see a big disaster coming. Good, I'll take good care of you." Tian Yuqiao said in his mouth, throwing a bunch of corn kernels.

"I'm in great trouble? Joke, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life. Little girl, if you know the truth, let me go, and then leave all your goods and money. As soon as I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll consider letting you die." the second master said proudly.

Dunzi said coldly, "you'd better find out the current situation. If you don't correct your attitude now, the elite under your hands will become stinky tofu sauce later. Don't doubt what I said, some of them have fallen into the cesspit now."

"Is this the only way you Chinese can do? What else can you do besides disgusting people?"

"Oh, don't be angry. Let's have a good talk. It's very helpful to you. I think you don't know yet. Your eldest brother still has the boy Qidao. Their team is five miles away. Once those people under your hand are injured, it's when you are killed. Even if I don't do it, your good eldest brother will clean the door by himself It's time. "

The second master clenched his teeth and sneered, "don't talk nonsense. You're in danger. You're still stirring up discord here. You really think I'll believe it?"

"Don't you believe it? That's good!" Tian Yuqiao said and winked at the pier. Dunzi understood and turned and went out.

Soon, a dirty man came into the pier. I can't see my face clearly, but with a square head, ordinary people really can't grow out.

The second master recognized the man at a glance and shouted, "Leng Zi, how did you get this way?"

"Second master, my subordinates are incompetent. But don't worry, even if all our people are arrested, there are people from the seventh young master. They will go back and call people at that time."

Hearing what he said, the second master was angry.

"Leng Zi, you're really a Leng Zi's head! You've been used by others. I don't know, eh ~" the second master looked up and stared at the Leng Zi in front of him with his nostrils.

Tian Yuqiao frowned and said, "throw him into the puddle and clean it well. As for the other people caught, just hang them up. Hanging on the tree, they have the smell of mosquitoes, so we don't have to worry about being bitten."

Even the second master trembled when she said this. The woods in late autumn are not for fun, let alone stink. Even if they are clean, they will be bitten by mosquitoes for a night.

"You are a young girl, and your mind is so vicious." the second master scolded angrily.

"Oh, hey, I said you'd better be polite. You rob families and houses, especially you often rob people's women. It's all like this. It's good to say that others have evil intentions? Miss Ben, I'm doing this at most to eliminate harm for the people. If you don't agree to my request, it's no wonder that I have to ask for interest at that time." Tian Yuqiao said simply.

"You are so mean! What do you want?"

Tian Yuqiao clapped his hands and said: "It's very simple. I said it long ago. You and your eldest brother must be at odds. Now your eldest brother wants to get rid of you with our hands. If you promise to cooperate with us, I can recommend you to the emperor as an official. Then all the bandits in the original mountain will be under your control, and they can become officers and soldiers and get salaries."

"Oh, I'll be your running dog? I think it's beautiful, I bah!"

"If the second master doesn't agree, then I'll have to make a concession. I'll help you kill you and catch his only son and force him to accept the recruitment. My people have gone to your brother for negotiation, and he'll give the result soon."

The second master turned his eyes and said, "don't talk nonsense. Your people can't find my eldest brother at all. Our base camp is very secret. Don't try to set me up with words. It's useless. Don't waste your mind."

"Really? Since you are so confident, second master, let's wait for the reply from there. I think the dark guards around me have gone to catch seven knives, and those under you have blamed the net now. Did you hear those explosions just now? I guess there are few of your people left."

The second master looked suspiciously at the stinking lengzi. Lengzi dodged his eyes, nodded and said, "second master, we were ambushed. There were traps all around here. Before I was caught, several brothers had been attacked. The cow dung would explode, and the power should not be underestimated ~"

When lengzi finished, the second master was discouraged. His face, which was still in high spirits, was covered with a layer of fog.

"My eldest brother has at least 8000 bandits. I'm afraid your recruitment will not be so easy."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said: "It's easy to do. Catch the thief and catch the king first. I'll let you go as long as you promise me. Then I'll arrange my people to catch your brother with you. Once he dies, you can come out and preside over the overall situation. We've written his indictment. In fact, we were going to recruit your brother to kill you. After all, you have more blood debt More ~ "

Tian Yuqiao used both coercion and inducement, and said that the sweat on the second master's brain turned into a river.

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