The second master was furious, but he didn't dare to let people know about his poisoning, let alone his private agreement with Tian Yuqiao.

Now it's on the line and I have to go. Anyway, I've been salivating about the position of the leader of the original mountain bandit for a long time. Now I just take this right by virtue of the power of the Chinese dynasty. As for what kind of pacifier, whatever it is! At that time, he will kill all the officials sent by the Chinese dynasty. Isn't the original mountain his world!

Tian Yuqiao's side had already headed for Horqin tribe. Because she plans to go back before the new year, and she has to go to Tianshui city to see big head and Zhu Rongrong.

"Miss, if you are in a hurry to see them, let's let xiaoduanwei take us away." Xiaoyu blinked and said.

"Hehe, I know you want to be a dragon car again. Well, go out for two days and find a flat place, or I'm afraid it's hard to show the broken tail." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

After walking out for two days, Tian Yuqiao found a more open place. Taking advantage of the dim sky, Tian Yuqiao ran towards Tianshui city with Xiaoyu, Tian Fu, Dunzi and twenty dark guards.

"It should be enough to leave ten dark guards to look at the goods. It looks like the new year is coming. At that time, we have to send some annual gifts to Eji, and we can't neglect the members of the chamber of Commerce." Tian Yuqiao has begun to count the list of annual gifts.

"Miss, we have bought a lot of things this time. Should it be enough to use these things as annual gifts?" Xiaoyu said with some pain.

"Hehe, there is no shortage of cattle, sheep and horses in the Hu people's side. Cloth is scarce, but now we don't have any. Well, just send them some cotton and go back to the people of Southwest Grange to send them. We must not make a secret about the agate and gem we need this time. Wrap it in leather and send it to the Silver Tower at that time. Those things are very expensive Enough for us to make a lot of jewelry. "

Xiaoyu was immediately happy when she heard the speech. She shouted excitedly, "yes, miss, how can I forget this! Let's smash the large agate stone into small pieces. Hey, last time I saw the bracelet in the hands of the Chinese madam. I heard it was very valuable."

"Look at your little money fan. Are you anxious to save money for your dowry?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Xiaoyu's face turned red and said, "Oh, miss, people don't learn from you! Who's a financial fan? It's obviously miss. You're open to money."

"Oh, you little girl, you've learned to talk back to the young lady. Look, I won't clean up your ~"

They laughed on the soft bed covered with bear skin, and the little girl's laughter was as sweet as a silver bell. Tian Fu is cooking glutinous rice dumplings for Tian Yuqiao in another carriage. This is what Tian Yuqiao suddenly wants to eat.

"Hey, it's rare for miss to be so happy. Brother Dunzi, do you think what miss did this time is reliable? Can you really make the old bandits surrender because of a poison? Why do I think it's a little mysterious?" Tian Fu frowned.

While Dunzi wiped his sword, he helped Tian Fu add coal to the stove.

"You don't know the princess. When did she miscalculate? She helped her majesty calculate the Hu people before. Now it's Yuanshan bandits' turn. I think it's all right. We all know the princess's means. It was the princess's credit that made baki and his four sons become enemies in the Hu territory." Dunzi said proudly.

At that time, he was just the leader of a small team. Now he has become the leader of the dark guard, which is also related to his meritorious service in the grassland.

All the dark guards who participated in the grassland operation were exceptionally promoted by Fang Wenhao, so those people were very grateful to Tian Yuqiao and brought their worship to the ground.

The small broken tail has made great progress since its tail was connected. Now its flying speed is no slower than that of Honghong. He soon arrived at Tianshui city. After a while, he landed when big head came out to meet him in person.

"Little broken tail, why are you more and more like Honghong? You really love to show off." Tian Yuqiao said silently.

She had patronized the study of the new year's gift before, ignoring that she had reached her destination. Seeing her thoughtful appearance, Xiaoyu was inconvenient to disturb, so it gave xiaoduanwei a chance to play.

"Oh, it's not a broken tail dragon! With a tail this time, it looks more powerful."

"Yes, it's not inferior to the dragon of the emperor's majesty. Hey, you didn't see it late. I really saw it at that time. It was Da Bai who carried a guy named crocodile and broke his tail with that guy's tail ~"

The big head greeted Tian Yuqiao into the house with a smile. The two children also ran out of the house. When they saw Tian Yuqiao, they shouted "aunt, aunt".

"Where's sister Rong?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

The big head smiled and said, "isn't it? She has another baby. She just gave birth to a baby. This time she gave birth to a big fat boy for me. She's resting now."

"Then I have to hurry over to see her. I didn't expect that good things are in pairs. Looking at the new year, your family has added another fat boy." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Her side is going to see Zhu Rongrong, while Xiaoyu is responsible for preparing the meeting gift for the child.

When I entered a warm Pavilion, although there was a foreign stove burning in it, there was no smell of soot. Even the furniture in the warm pavilion was very exquisite.

"Sister Rong, where are you confinement? You're enjoying happiness." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Ah, sister qiao'er, why did you suddenly come here? I was worried when I heard you were going to Yuanshan." Zhu Rongrong was also surprised.

"Don't worry, things over there have been almost arranged. Now the aborigines there have a good impression of us, but there are some mobs that need to be dealt with. By the way, I have something to discuss with Brother Big head. The fief of Xiliang king is also in the west, so I have to guard against it."

Zhu Rongrong naturally didn't understand what was going on in the court. Now that he met his good sister, he naturally wanted to gossip.

"Joe, don't worry about those things. You are a girl. It's almost time to get married in two years. You have time to learn more about needlework. Why don't you stay here with your sister and me this year."

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