The 15th Lantern Festival was held smoothly, especially the play of Nezha making trouble in the sea. Tian Yuqiao's skill in juggling was really extraordinary. He cheated all the people present who didn't know the inside story.

Many girls lose their color and feel sorry for the lovely Third Prince of the Dragon King. The women bowed their heads and wept, still immersed in the pain of the killing of the Third Prince of the dragon.

Everyone completely forgot the plot of the story and cried because the more lovely party died.

Fang Wenhao sighed and said, "Hey, I'm really too cold in the harem. There aren't many lively times like today."

"Yes, it's almost time for the emperor to accept the imperial concubine," Prince Jing said with a smile.

Fang Wenhao's face turned black and his eyes secretly fell on Tian Yuqiao's face. He was relieved to see that she did not show any strange look.

"It's not urgent. After all, it's not the time." Fang Wenhao sighed.

Chou Chou Chou Tian Yuqiao, heart said this little girl why not grow up? His beard is getting white, eh~

"Your Majesty means that the country is the most important, which is the blessing of the people." Marquis Wu said with a smile.

Seeing that these people couldn't tell the truth one by one, Fang Wenhao had to say, "Hey, if Godfather and godmother can live in the palace, that's good. Especially Xiaolan, she's a happy fruit ~"

"Lan'er, if this girl goes into the palace, it will make the palace a mess! It's impossible. We'd better live outside more freely." Wang said.

Fang Wenhao immediately wilted, while Wu Lang smiled and comforted him, "don't worry. When I grow up, I can enter the palace as a general to protect Hao'er's brother. At that time, it's also very lively."

"Hey, Wulang, you're still young. You still don't understand some things. You'll know when you're as old as me." Fang Wenhao said reluctantly, then picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

When the banquet dispersed, Wang led Zhao and his party into the Longevity Palace to have a rest. Tian Dahe led the Wang brothers out of the palace, while Wu Lang lived in Fang Wenhao's bedroom. Neither of them was very sleepy and talked about the art of war all night.

This is the art of war of Sun Tzu, which Tian Yuqiao told Wulang. He just briefly told the story in the thirty-six strategies. Unexpectedly, Fang Wenhao thought it would play a great role in unifying the army.

Zhao and Wang collapsed and slept together. The mother and daughter didn't want to sleep that night.

The two recalled the poor days they had lived, but they had a runny nose and a handful of tears. One side is responsible for serving their little maids. They are all sleepy. Later, Wang sent them to bed first, so everyone didn't have to suffer with him.

"Well, it was a hard time for our family at that time. Our hometown was hit by a disaster, and we begged all the way. My mother was not strong enough along the way, and even fell ill for several times. She didn't bring much money, which made the disease worse. Hey, I was still worried at that time. What if you were too busy to take care of yourself? Fortunately, you separated your family and lived a better life "It's over ~"

Wang wiped his tears and said: "Mom, at that time, our family went to join the army in the big river. People said he was dead and sent someone to send back twenty liang of pension silver. Unexpectedly, my mother-in-law took the silver and treated our mother and son badly. Joe almost died. I thought at that time. If something happened to the child, I would be sorry for the sinner of the big river. I even thought about it To die ~ "

"Girl, don't cry! My mother also knows that you had a hard time at that time. Alas, fortunately, the heaven has eyes, which saved the girl Qiao from death. Now she is as smart as a person, and the big guy's life has been much better. Alas, it's hard and sweet, and our days will be sweet in the future."

The next morning, Fang Wenhao got up very late, so the breakfast was saved. After Zhao and Wang finished grooming, it was already three poles in the morning, and the sun was shining on his head.

Fang Wenhao just came to greet them and invited them to lunch together.

After the family had dinner, Fang Wenhao said, "Mom, why don't you let grandma live here? Anyway, there are empty palaces in the palace. It's not a matter to keep the old houses empty."

"Oh, I can't help it. I'm used to idling in the countryside. I dare not come in and enjoy the palace. It's better for me to rely on the mountain village. I appreciate your kindness."

Seeing this, Wang quickly agreed: "yes, Hao'er, grandma is used to living in the countryside. I'm afraid she won't be used to living in the palace. Moreover, she doesn't have a familiar person in the imperial city. It's not hard to find someone to talk about."

"In fact, if grandma is willing to live in, I can also let the wives of those officials come into the palace every three or five times to chat with her." Fang Wenhao said without giving up.

Tian Yuqiao just came in from the outside and said with a smile, "brother Hao'er, it's not the time yet. When things in the imperial court are completely stable in the future, we'll pick up grandma and them all."

Fang Wenhao's spirit was like beating chicken blood when he heard the speech. What does she mean? What is the stability of the imperial court? It clearly means that the things between herself and her are stable! Little girl, are you implying yourself?

A heart was pounding in her arms. She was so excited that she went straight up to hold Tian Yuqiao in the palm of her hand and asked her if she really agreed.

"OK, OK, listen to Joel. I'll stabilize the Chaogang as soon as possible. After the first month, I'll go to Yuanshan in person. When Yuanshan temple is completed, I'll see Master huikong stand firm there. At that time, the world will really be flat. The fish business will be on the right track as soon as possible, and I'll have time to consider the affairs of the harem."

Tian Yuqiao glanced at him and said, "hum, filling the back palace is your ultimate goal. Alas, a man is a man. He pretended to be calm before. What he thought was ~"

"Joe, you can't misunderstand me like this. My mind can be learned from heaven and earth. I don't care what others say, but you can't say that about me." Fang Wenhao was worried.

Tian Yuqiao thought it was funny, so he said, "Oh, I don't think the atmosphere is too tense. I want to liven up the atmosphere. Look, you're still serious. Hehe, what you said is like real."

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