The official of the Yamen soon arrived at the mountain village. It can be said that he galloped all the way. As they ran all the way, many people from other villages naturally saw them.

Everyone talked about it. There happened to be a yamen servant who was from niujiazhuang nearby, and he happened to be behind. When I met the villagers in my village, I simply said two words.

"What, the old woman of the Tian family in the mountain village killed her daughter-in-law in broad daylight?"

The news seemed to grow wings. It spread ten, ten and hundreds, and soon spread all over the small mountain villages.

In zhoujiatun, Liang Dashan was still in the village as his "good money boy". Just after throwing 5000 copper coins, he was shaking his fan to walk around. As a result, he heard the villagers talking about it.

"I said the old Zhou family. Go and have a look. If it's said, it has relatives with your family."

When Mrs. Zhou heard the speech, she immediately put down the pot she was feeding the chicken, frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Hey, it's your in laws, the old Tian family. You should know?"

"Well, I know that. When I went back, the old Tian family went to my in laws' house to make trouble. Thanks to my distant brother's help, the old woman was willing to give up."

Liang Kang's eyes narrowed, and his face like a fat fox completely covered the sharp edge in his eyes.

"The old woman of the old Tian family heard that she was in her yard in broad daylight and killed the two young concubines her son married back with her thick stick."

With a "bang", the chicken bowl was accidentally kicked over by Mrs. Zhou. The chicken in the yard immediately fluttered its wings and was scared to explode.

Don't care to appease the old hen laying eggs, Mrs. Zhou hurried to the field to find Mr. Zhou.

Everyone sat together and discussed what to do next. Do you want to go and have a look.

Liang Kang smiled and said, "sister and brother-in-law, you don't have to go there. I'll take someone to have a look. Don't worry, the old Tian family won't dare to go to the old Wang family this time, otherwise she won't succeed with me."

"Yes, that old Tian's mother-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Liang Dashan has passed, and you can't let your in laws suffer."

After a while of discussion, Liang Kang asked his servants to drive the carriage towards the mountain village.

Originally, the villages were not far away, so they arrived after only half an hour.

At this time, the ancestral hall in the mountain village had been opened, and Gongsun Changyin took it as a temporary court to hear the death of Li's beating his daughter-in-law.

"My Lord, I was wronged! Everyone saw it. I really didn't fight a few times." Li argued cunningly.

Fang said, "my Lord, she didn't hit a few times, but everyone who saw said that the two people did fall to the ground after she hit them."

As the wife of the village head, it is more suitable for her to come forward at this time. But she was not on the spot, so she didn't know what was going on.

However, other villagers can also testify that although Li didn't fight a few times, the person died at her hands after all, so this reason can't absolve her of the crime.

Gongsun Changyin was also a little tangled. Although Li was guilty, he only killed two concubines after all, and the crime was not to death. But if the evil old woman is not punished, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact.

Just when he was embarrassed, Liang Kang dressed like a movable gold and silver jewelry exhibition rack, shook his fan and squeezed into the front. He didn't speak at first, but when Tian Dajiang said he didn't blame his mother and said that he could not sue her as long as Li Shi was willing to give him a hundred Liang silver, Liang Kang stepped forward and spoke.

"My Lord, it's a big death. The dead are now dead in the sun. It's really indecent. I'm not talented. At least I have a reputation as a good man. How about this? The Tian family is somehow related to me, and I'll give me the hundred Liang silver. As for Aunt Tian, she's so old, she must have caused great disaster only by her wrong hand. I don't know what adults think?"

Before Gongsun Changyin spoke, Tian Dajiang's eyes were hundreds of Watts brighter than before. He hurriedly said, "are you really willing to give money? Well, I won't investigate this matter. I will continue to be filial to my mother in the future. But they are lost ~"

All the people were speechless, and they said in their heart, is there such a shameless person? I gave you a hundred liang of silver for no reason. Are you going to let others do a funeral for you?

"Alas, everyone knows you are a good man. Now our family is also small. My two poor daughters-in-law are wronged!"

Seeing that Tian Dajiang began to work again, Liang Kang didn't care at all. With a serious face, he arched his hand to the county magistrate and said, "Sir, I'll handle the funeral of those two people. Who makes me a good man!"

Looking at the people around, the village head knelt down and said, "my Lord, this thing has happened in our village. I'm really ashamed."

"Well, since someone is willing to give money to settle this matter, I won't make a deep correction. However, Tian Li's death crime can be avoided, and it's hard to forgive his living crime. I judge you not to go out of your yard within three years, otherwise you will be punished for running away."

Li's heart was finally put back into his stomach. For such punishment, the villagers felt that they did not dispel their hatred.

However, Liang Dashan over there has settled the silver, and the boy he brought also carried away the two bodies. Even if the matter is over, the villagers naturally don't say much.

After the great good man who looked at all the jewelry left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are there really big grievances these days?"

"It's not why. People have so much money that they have no place to spend. Tut tut tut."

"Wow, this is the man I like. It's a man!" an old widow who has been widowed for decades didn't know she came from that village. Everyone didn't know her. At this time, she was going crazy towards the back of Liang Kang.

The crowd was speechless, and their hearts were cold. They didn't feel like vomiting when they saw the body just now. Now they see an old woman with a bright chrysanthemum face, who is crazy about the back of Liang Dashan. Everyone can't help but feel sick and sick.

"Bah, where's the old bitch? It's shameless."

"No, she can be her son if she is a good man. She dares to think about it."

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