Liang Kang successfully entered the founding Silver Tower and became an apprentice. However, he found that it was more reliable to go to the Xianxiang hall if he wanted to see his majesty, so he took the initiative to find Tian Yuqiao and proposed to change his post.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care much about this guy at first, but when she heard the report from the shopkeeper of the silver building that Liang Da good man would inquire about the whereabouts of the emperor intentionally or unintentionally, Tian Yuqiao had to look at the so-called "great good man" again.

He seems to be more interested in Wen Hao's affairs than learning art. Now he takes the initiative to go to Xianxiang hall. There is definitely something fishy here. It just depends on how deep his fox tail can hide. If you don't have good Kung Fu, don't come out and make a fool of yourself.

"Well, then I'll change a place for you. Anyway, you don't want money, hehe." Tian Yuqiao smiled with a harmless face.

As soon as Liang Kang heard this, he was elated. Then he smiled and asked, "I don't know what position I'm going to take? Even in the kitchen, I'm too old to learn. Why don't I run for you? I can lose weight by the way."

"Puff ~" the little guy couldn't control himself and laughed.

Tian Yuqiao's eyes narrowed, and then he said, "the good name of Liang Da's good man has now spread to the imperial city. I'm afraid you'll be inferior."

Listening to Tian Yuqiao's words, Liang Kang's small squint immediately lit up and said curiously, "Oh? What does Miss mean?"

"How about this? I think if you Liang Dashan stops in front of the door, the business of our Xianxiang hall must be like a cloud of customers. I think the doorman is most suitable for you. It can not only reflect your mighty and heroic posture, but also lose weight after standing for a long time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Liang Kang was a little depressed, but he could be a doorman. At that time, he could take this opportunity to meet many imperial court officials.

He is naturally willing to do anything beneficial to his future seizure of the throne.

After thinking for a while, the fat face like meat steamed stuffed bun burst into a bun pleated smile.

"Well, thank you for your help. I'll go back and prepare now. Do you think I'd better wear the clothes in the shop or my own rare clothes?"

The nouveau riche said, "you are not always a native, but an woodlouse," but you can't just say it. You can only wave your hand and say, "just go ahead and wear the clothes you think you are right." Tian Yuqiao said, "I'm not a native speaker."

"OK, just wait for Miss's words. I won't go to the shop next morning. I'll go back to my house and prepare. I'll be the front of our fresh fragrance hall then. I can't disgrace the owner."

When he finished, he shook his fat belly and left.

"Elder sister, I always think he looks a little strange." the little guy frowned and said.

"Oh? What do you think is wrong with him?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

"Look at him, a big man. His stomach is like a pregnant woman. I always think it's not like him. It's very strange. I've seen many fat people, but I just think he's wrong."

The little guy reminded me that Tian Yuqiao also had a strange feeling. Yes, that guy is fat, but his arms and legs are very flexible. Only his stomach looks strange, like it's pasted

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao ordered Xiaoyu to inform the shopkeeper of the fragrance hall over there to keep an eye on Liang Kang. Once you find anything unusual, you should report everything at any time.

The next morning, the sun was bright and the wind was gentle. Xianxiang hall has also ushered in a new day, but many onlookers gathered in front of the door today.

"It's strange. Is this Xianxiang hall not acting according to the rules?"

"No, there are always new dishes on the first and fifteenth day of the first day of the lunar new year. Only then will so many people gather at the door. What's the matter today?"

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

People gathered in twos and threes in front of the Xianxiang hall to watch the excitement. As a result, they saw a fat man in a red brocade robe standing there, like a fat God of wealth, puckering his ass and playing treasure.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. I'm in xialiang Kang. I'm called Liang Dashan. Now I'm a waiter in Xianxiang restaurant. Please come in. Anyone who comes to dinner today can get five Liang silver ~"

People heard that although five liang of silver was not much for those who could eat in the delicious restaurant, after all, grasshopper legs were not meat. So everyone came to see the excitement, and then many people took silver from Liang Kang.

When the shopkeeper saw him, he was so angry that his nose was sore. After the people went in, he asked people to call Liang Kang aside.

"How can you do this? Our things can't be sold. If you do this, what can we do in the future?"

Liang Kang blinked and said, "but I have money. It's also to attract more business for the store. Besides, I don't want your wages here. Look how happy they are. Isn't that good?"

"What a fart! If the owner knows, he will be unhappy. You can't give them money in the future."

The next day Liang Kang arrived at the fragrance hall, although he didn't stand at the door to give everyone silver, he sprinkled copper money at the door.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The specialty of Xianxiang restaurant, tin paper flower nail powder, made a grand debut today. There are only 50 copies, but there are no people who come late. If you get the copper money, please help publicize it."

For ten days in a row, this guy looked like a good money boy every day. However, due to his size and facial features, people in the Imperial City affectionately called him "fat God of wealth".

He was very proud of such a title. Tian Yuqiao had known the news for a long time. That day, she asked Fang Wenhao to go to Xianxiang restaurant for dinner, and planned to see what Liang Kang's purpose was.

This is the first time Liang Kang has met Fang Wenhao. Although he doesn't know Fang Wenhao, he has seen it in the portrait after all. So seeing Tian Yuqiao leading a teenager over, he ran in time, and the fat on his body trembled. Even so, it doesn't affect his speed when he runs.

"Oh, the eldest lady is coming. I think this must be a distinguished guest? Come on, please come inside. There are many specialties today ~"

His eyes moved away after a short second with Fang Wenhao, and did not attract Fang Wenhao's attention.

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