Liang Kang took off his disguise and asked his men to prescribe a prescription for dysentery. Then he sent two boys to ask the shopkeeper for leave, saying that he may have eaten bad food and need to rest for a few days.

As soon as a little black snake passed to him by his master was released here, Cai Cai took the little black snake as his own dish.

If it hadn't been for communicating with Tian Yuqiao without permission, I'm afraid the guy named Xiaohei would have been eaten by Caicai.

Tian Yuqiao already knew that Liang Kang was a bad comer, and even arranged little snake to take people to find Fang Wenhao's specific location. She was also curious to know who sent that guy.

The little black snake is still excited because he has just eaten snake pill. Therefore, he didn't notice that there was a small creature following him in the dark. Even if he noticed, he couldn't make money, because the gap between the two was still very large.

When Tian Yuqiao knew that Liang Kang had released a little snake, he called out the little broken tail and told it to stay nearby all the time. At this time, Honghong followed Fang Wenhao with her, wrapped around his waist and acted as an imperial belt.

"Don't worry, I'll protect him." Honghong cocked her small head and said.

Tian Yuqiao said, "things have been discussed almost. Since people have made the first test, we'd better not scare the snake. Try to catch big fish for a long time, so that the other party can't understand our details."

"Well, what joel said is reasonable. You can arrange it here. I'll go to the rockery Pavilion in the backyard later. Don't follow me, just in case."

Looking at his worried look, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "well, you do it yourself. Anyway, there are Honghong and small broken tail. If you are in danger, I don't mind making you a pot of dragon soup."

Hearing what she said, she was so frightened that she instinctively tightened up. It doesn't matter. He frowned when he gave Fang Wenhao to ledden.

The little broken tail over there also drew his body, and then he hung his head and said, "it's a big deal to stew my tail ~"

Honghong was not happy at once and shouted, "it's so unpromising. Do you have no confidence in yourself? It's a shame to the dragon family, hum!"

Fang Wenhao plans to use himself as bait. In order to facilitate the other party, he even sends all the dark guards around him to a far place.

Tian Yuqiao made a series of arrangements in the garden in the backyard, which made people buy mouse traps for young and old, as well as some small animal traps.

I bought a lot of honey, and even asked people to call several vendors selling honey by the side of the road directly and buy all their honey and syrup.

The day is not a good time to make a move, but Fang Wenhao said early today that he would stay in Xianxiang hall for a day and go back tomorrow morning. So Liang Kang was very relieved and decided to do it again tonight.

At this time, the little black snake had successfully sneaked into the Xianxiang hall. As for the following Chimonanthus and Dongxue, as well as eight people in black, they easily sneaked into the Xianxiang hall.

This is also Tian Yuqiao's intentional arrangement. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to come in quietly.

Honghong and xiaoduanwei became stiff at the first time, because they had noticed the smell of Xiaohe and the snake.

Fang Wenhao didn't know when he was covered with snake powder by the "doorboy". Now he has changed his clothes. All the original clothes were left near a thatched pit, and the thatched house was very exquisite from the appearance. I couldn't see what it was.

The plaque on the letter said: the place of grain reincarnation!

If you don't have any culture, you naturally don't know where this is. Chimonanthus and Dongxue have never been to Xianxiang hall, so they are not very familiar with the terrain.

The little black snake took them to a back garden with mountains and water. Although the mountains and rivers are man-made, they look different.

They are crazy about it! The heart said how wonderful it would be if we could live in such a beautiful place with our master for a long time!

Fang Wenhao kept coming and going. His identity was soon confirmed by the two people. Because they knew Fang Wenhao, their mission was very successful this time.

After stepping on the spot, they quietly sneaked into the dark and waited for the opportunity.

For killers, being able to resist loneliness is a required course. Usually, in order to ambush a person, they will keep in one position for several hours like wood carving and clay sculpture.

Tian Yuqiao has already found out the location and number of the killers. Now the little fish has taken the bait and is waiting to catch the people behind them.

The task of these people now is to ensure that Fang Wenhao doesn't go out. As for other things, we have to wait until the evening.

Because there are many servants and servants in Xianxiang hall, visitors can't stare at the vicinity of the thatched cottage all the time.

Tian Yuqiao confirmed that those people were far away from here. Then he ordered people to brush honey in the yard where the hut was located, and put animal traps and mouse traps in nearby corners.

Not to mention that, the honey brushing is also regular. It is not a large-area brush, but a piece of honey, and the next place is sprinkled with a lot of soybeans.

Those soybeans are carefully selected, one by one are round, not an oval!

Tian Yuqiao here is playing. He feels like playing a prank. Fang Wenhao was depressed. Although his clothes thrown into the pit were worthless, they were made by Wang himself, so he was still reluctant to give up.

However, in order to attract the little black snake with that dress and facilitate Tian Yuqiao to arrange traps, he can only bear the pain to give up his love.

"Joel, I think you're almost ready. I don't have to squat in the pit all the time?"

"Hehe, just stay inside. You can see a good play at the first time. Don't worry, they can't get close to you."

After that, Tian Yuqiao said to the people, "Oh, by the way, inform the old Liu tou who keeps bees outside the city and ask him to send us two beehives later to bring bees."

Hearing the speech, Xiaoyu immediately jumped off to prepare. Because she knows that once her young lady wants to use bees, she needs to get some protective clothes to prevent bees from stinging.

Tian Yuqiao mentioned it to her before, so she remembered it. At the thought of a good play in the evening, everyone was looking forward to it.

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