The news that Princess Facai stayed in the palace to rest, somehow, spread quickly. The thoughts of those ministers who worry about the royal children all day began to move again.

Tian Yuqiao naturally didn't know these things. After all, Fang Wenhao lived under the same roof with himself when he was at home. I didn't expect that there is at least one door between them. Why is it so chaotic?

Fang Wenhao is also a little angry about this, but he can't wait for the little girl to come to the palace to accompany him every day. The little boy had already grown up and was in love. He couldn't stop missing the little girl.

In order to avoid the limelight, Tian Yuqiao moved to Bohai village and called it vacation!

She had planted coconut trees that had been transplanted thousands of miles away. Because of the climate problem, only the virtual lotus pond water can keep it alive.

That day, Tian Yuqiao was sitting under the coconut tree to enjoy the cool and watch the scenery. Suddenly, a coconut fell down so straight, and then hit the target~

Frightened, Xiaoyu rushed over, but she was still a step late. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao had an idea and collected the coconut into the virtual environment in an instant.

"Miss, are you all right? I saw such a big fruit fall just now. It's frightening to death."

Xiaoyu looked around nervously for the "culprit" just now. However, after looking for it for a long time, she didn't even find the mark of coconut landing in the bunker.

Scratching her head, Xiaoyu said suspiciously, "it's strange. I just saw that such a big coconut fell down. How could it disappear in the blink of an eye?"

"Come on, you little girl, how old are you? You're even more wordy than my mother. It's estimated that you're sleepy, so you can't see clearly. Come on, go and get two cups of iced sour plum soup." Tian Yuqiao said calmly.

In fact, she was also very afraid just now. At this time, her heart was still pounding. Fortunately, Caicai over there had already coveted the coconut fruit. It was the first time that he opened the virtual environment with Tian Yuqiao and took the coconut fruit in. Otherwise, relying solely on Tian Yuqiao's own words, I'm afraid it won't be so seamless.

"Zhizhi!" Caicai warned that it was just now. It was not an accident, but a "bird".

Tian Yuqiao is angry. In the final analysis, whose bird is she? She doesn't have eyes and dares to break ground on her head.

But soon she knew who it was. It was a carrier pigeon called xiaoyudian. It is also the descendant of Daimei, but it is full of black and white spots, so it is named xiaoyudian.

"Little thing, you've gone too far. It's very hard, but it's not easy for you to eat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile and said, "little jade, let someone get some ripe coconuts down with a bamboo pole."

Xiaoyu was very happy when she heard that she had coconut to eat. The coconut tree was transplanted. She thought it was just beautiful. Unexpectedly, it could still be eaten. After all, the tree has been raised for more than a year, and it only bears fruit this year.

After getting five or six coconuts, Tian Yuqiao waved and called two dark guards. He said, "it's time to test you. Try to make a hole in the coconut shell. Remember to be careful."

With that, she began to read the letter brought by xiaoyudian.

Yuanji and Yuantong jointly wrote it for her and Wulang. The content is very simple, that is to say, the temple over there has been built. At the beginning, they had several conflicts with the Yuanshan bandits there, but fortunately, those people were frightened by huikong's "playing tricks", so they were obedient~

The original Honda Yuqiao was still worried about them. Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly. It seems that the power of religious belief can't be ignored, but she doesn't know how huikong deceives those bandits.

In the Imperial Palace, Fang Wenhao happily patted the table while watching the flying eagle deliver a letter. He was so frightened that the little eunuch waiting next to him didn't dare to lift his head.

"OK, that's really good. I didn't expect that old guy huikong had such means. Tut tut tut."

Huang Banxian also came back with Jin Huan this time, because it was stable there, so he didn't need to help there.

Now he angrily complained to Wen Hao and said, "emperor, that old bald donkey is no longer a thing. I have already discussed with him. I will publicize Taoist ideas and educate the common people there."

"Then what?" Fang Wenhao asked with an eyebrow.

"It's agreed that he is responsible for surpassing the bandits, and I'm responsible for educating the civilians. In the end, he did everything, and all the believers ran to his side, which made me busy for nothing. Thanks to me, I played tricks with him and fooled the bandits. It's too much!"

Huang Banxian vomited some bitter water again and told how he and huikong collaborated and played tricks together to deceive the aborigines of the original mountain. Fang Wenhao was surprised to hear that there were so many tricks in the so-called demon subduing and demon subduing.

Out of curiosity, Tian Yuqiao also sent xiaopill back to the palace to inquire about the news. Soon Fang Wenhao came to Bohai village with a golden ring, an eagle's claws and a small ball.

After the small ball landed, he fainted. He held a coconut tree outside and vomited for a long time. The whole person was not well, as if his body had been hollowed out

Tian Yuqiao asked someone to drink some water for him. After he slowed down, Tian Yuqiao asked the reason.

"Princess, don't let the little one go back next time. It's terrible. Such a big claw, the little one is really afraid of falling down and dying. Your majesty is comfortable. He can sit on it. The small one can only be caught by the big claw like food. Oh, hey, don't mention how scary ~"

There, Fang Wenhao arranged for xiaowanzi to have a rest, while Fang Wenhao personally told Tian Yuqiao about Yuanshan.

Tian Yuqiao listened, and his heart was completely put down. She knew that if she wanted to subdue those shameless bandits, she had to use people who were more shameless than them. Huikong just meets this requirement, so it can be so smooth this time.

On the shore of the golden beach, two barefoot young girls are wantonly patting the slightly cool sea water with the soles of their feet, splashing waves from time to time.

The servants and the dark guards all retreated 200 meters away for fear that they would disturb the two playing people and break the picturesque scenery.

The little girl seemed a little tired. Her head tilted in the boy's arms and slowly closed her eyes.

He looked down at the man in his arms. The eyelashes were like two small brushes, which were constantly fluctuating by the sea wind. Cherry lips are fresh and tender. People can't help but want to taste it!

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