The engagement of his Majesty the emperor of China made all the people in China boiling. Of course, even some countries and small tribes around have received news.

In particular, Horqin tribe, Hu tribe, and Yuanshan, the newly taken clothes, all sent heavy gifts.

At this time, the busy people are the elders and servants of the two families. The Lord is hiding in the house to exchange feelings.

"Joe, I know you don't lack money, so I can only give you this country. I don't know whether you like it or not. When we get married, I'll give you the jade seal for safekeeping?" Fang Wenhao said tenderly.

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "it's so heavy that I don't bother to keep it for you. After all, after all, it was found in the toilet. It's a delicious seal."

Looking at the little girl's expression of disgust and disgust, Fang Wenhao didn't know what to say. This is what he thought for several days before he thought of coaxing the beautiful people with rivers and mountains. I didn't expect to die in the cradle as soon as I said it. I didn't even have a chance to excavate it.

"Joel, anyway, you are the master of our country. It was agreed before. Who makes me unable to pay back your IOUs, so I can only promise with my body."

Looking at the straight young man opposite, Tian Yuqiao said love words there solemnly. Tian Yuqiao didn't know how, but he thought what he said was very reasonable.

"Well, in that case, don't blame me if I spoil your country."

A poisonous girl suddenly had a huge plan in her heart, a money making plan! Now it has broken through the ground.

"OK, listen to you. Although my mother said she would not let you into the palace until you were 15 years old, now you can exercise the Queen's rights. Come on, what do you want to do now?"

For someone's pun, Tian Yuqiao can only pretend that he is ignorant and can't hear anything.

Has the final say that the law of the Heavenly Kingdom needs improvement. After all, you are the emperor of the founding of the Republic. You have the final say. First, women have the right to fight husband. This is a legalization. And I will change the palace, do you mind?

Looking at her serious look, Fang Wenhao immediately smiled.

The little girl said so. It seems to others that she is very excessive. By the way, she is suspected of kicking her nose and face. But in Fang Wenhao's opinion, the little girl didn't treat him as an outsider. This is the proper treatment for his talents. How can he not be happy!

"Well, that's settled. Isn't it just to formulate the founding law? I've long seen that the previous law is very awkward. Why can a man have three wives and four concubines, and why should a woman follow three virtues and four virtues? It's really unreasonable. Listen to our queen. I'll change it now."

At this time, those conservative old diehards suddenly felt cold in their backs. In this hot day, they couldn't help shaking. They didn't know where the cold came from.

And an emperor, the more he looks at his little daughter-in-law, the more pleasing he is. He wants her to grow up all at once. Naturally, she followed all her demands.

Old ministers: poor Jiangshan, I'm afraid it's going to be broken this time!

After Fang Wenhao returned to the palace, he was busy revising the law. Almost all the provisions that are unfair to women are checked out. He plans to enact the Chinese law on equality between men and women.

Tian Yuqiao began to plan how to use the huge harem after Fang Wenhao promised her. It's impossible to keep it for him to marry a small three or four. Based on the principle of waste utilization, she decided to use the palace to make money.

First of all, she felt that the fairs were one by one, which was very troublesome, so she decided to open a royal farmers' market in the palace. Peddle the seeds of virtual environment products, which can also benefit the people.

The shops on the market are full, and you can't buy a suitable shop even at a high price. It doesn't matter. Someone in our palace directly transformed all the palaces where the concubines in the back Palace used to live into shops. Wouldn't that make a lot of money?

Big cloth shop, big dye shop, super grocery store... Ah, the harem is really not small. There are dozens of palaces. Fortunately, I passed through it from later generations. Otherwise, I really can't make rational use of it.

Looking at the drawings sent from the palace, Tian Yuqiao went to rest with satisfaction. Xiaoyu looked at it curiously for a long time. She found that in addition to the palaces reserved by her young lady for the future Prince and princess, there was the Longevity Palace left for the Wang family. All the other palaces had been changed their names.

It says farmers' markets, supermarkets, meat and vegetable markets, fashion stores and so on. Although Xiaoyu had occasionally heard those modern words before, she really felt a little excited when they were implemented.

I knew my young lady was a great. I didn't expect she could be so powerful. Originally, Xiaoyu thought it was a waste to live in such a big harem with only a few women. How good it is now. It's all used by our young lady. It's both profitable and generous.

At this time, an emperor was still immersed in the joy of engagement. He had no idea that his palace had been divided at this time~

"My sister is very busy these days, and I don't know what to do. Alas, my sister who is going to marry out doesn't kiss me as expected." Wulang said with a mouth.

Doudou gathered his brain bag together, one man and one dog, sitting side by side on the steps of the pavilion, looking up at the moon in the sky.

"Don't worry, Doudou. Even if I marry my daughter-in-law in the future, I won't ignore you. Never," the little guy vowed.

Doudou seemed to understand the little master's words. He put his head on Wulang's shoulder, and then "swept" Wulang's face with his wet tongue. He didn't stop until his face was covered with rain and dew.

Now there is less war and tax reduction. The people have surplus food in their homes, and few people have been starved to death. So now the emperor is engaged, and most of the people are very happy.

The country is rich and the people are rich. It is naturally good for the emperor to marry a rich queen and come back.

The first is the Xianxiang hall, which has been 20% off for two months. The same is true of Tianji fresh fruit, which makes the little rich families who are reluctant to spend money also bite their teeth and luxury once.

Small profits and quick turnover, but earn more than usual.

At this time, the emperor and the future queen hid in the room with a smile and counted the silver tickets in their hands with saliva.

"That's great. In the future, Joe will keep all these. She likes counting silver Tickets Best and says she likes to smell the ink on it ~"

The little eunuch was speechless and said in his heart how could his emperor be as happy as a mentally retarded?

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