At a time when the court was shocked and boiling because of this year's imperial examination, the situation on the other side of Yuanshan was particularly special.

Originally, at this time of year, everyone would be busy about how to spend the cold winter. The bandits who should have been busy robbing everywhere, as well as the wandering bandits who were busy robbing homes everywhere, are now all busy with another thing.

Hui Kong was wearing a bright yellow monk's robe and a big red cassock embroidered with gold thread. He first twisted his neck, then moved his wrists and ankles, and then twisted his waist.

"Boys, practice!"

When he gave the order, he saw the little monks he had brought from Nanshan Temple and some poor Aboriginal boys he had collected in Yuanshan mountain rush to the martial arts arena. Then they quickly stood in formation and began their morning exercises!

"Come with me, three laps on the left, three laps on the right, twist your neck and twist your ass ~"

"Left hand and right hand slow motion, right hand and left hand slow motion replay ~!"

The two brothers, Eryuan, became the leader here and followed huikong closely.

It was supposed to practice martial arts, but now it has been changed to dance. This is what huikong often says. It's easy for those people to get into trouble. We'd better "corrupt" them with square dance, so as to facilitate better management.

"Why didn't the boy with seven knives come again?"

"Hey, that kid doesn't know why now. He often runs to the Hu people at the foot of the mountain. He doesn't go empty handed every time. Alas, he will ruin all the ideas and possessions I've saved over the years."

Yuantong smiled and brought over a fresh fruit plate, which contained grapes like purple agate, golden bananas and freshly beaten dates.

"Master, don't worry. Brother Qidao is not young anymore. It's normal to learn to chase girls."

"You little bald head, hurry to find your elder martial brother and study the dance steps that Joe drew for us recently. Don't affect us to play chess." huikong scolded with a smile.

Yuantong flattened his mouth and said, "master, now everyone doesn't go to the mountain to pick fruit. These grapes are sent by sister sonny. Do you really plan to let them learn nothing and study square dance all day?"

"Go, don't delay us in discussing ballroom dancing. You're a young boy and don't understand the fun of our adults."

"That's right. Hurry and do what you should do. Where's the dancer sent by Joel? Doesn't it mean there's a dance that two people dance together?"

It was originally a dance step for men and women. At huikong, it was changed to two men who can dance together.

At this time, he was holding Yuanshan bandit leader to dance with his shiny big bald head.

"Oh, why are you so stupid? How many times have you been taught? How can you step on the feet of the poor monk? I'll make complaints about your toes." Hui hugged his toes in anger and Tucao.

"Oh, Hello, I'm really sorry, master huikong. I'm clumsy. Oh, don't worry. When I learn it, I'll go back to the little ones under my hand to practice and promise not to pit you any more."

Yuanji and Yuantong were dancing "shoulder to shoulder" at this time. Dancing with the sound of playing the piano over there, slow and urgent, it makes modern dance feel different.

"Ah, it's really old. If I am not the height of those two good kids, who will make complaints about you?" Hui Kong once again.

With all kinds of dances being dug up by huikong, Tian Yuqiao thought he was idle and bored. However, while celebrating Wulang as the No. 1 scholar in the middle school, he got the news from Sonny that the people of Yuanshan are all crazy.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know why, so he went to Yuanshan in a red dragon car with Fang Wenhao and planned to make an unannounced visit.

Just when the dragon car was hanging in the air, it was attracted by the sound of gongs and drums.

"Look, Joe, are those men crazy?" Fang Wenhao frowned and looked down.

Tian Yuqiao was also a little speechless. His heart said that was really the dance step he had improved for huikong before? Why do you look like two Donald ducks with pouted buttocks, fighting there?

When she was at home, Xiaoyu also knew something about these dances. Occasionally I will find other little girls in the house to jump for a period of time. The purpose is also very clear. Because the owner of the family treated the servants very well, the little servant girls who used to love beauty became a little fat one by one, so everyone expected this to lose weight.

Now I found that the men with thick waist and legs like buckets were jumping. They were even a little cautious.

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly turned his eyes and said that brother Hao'er's poor people in the original mountain were brought out of the sky by huikong's old bald donkey. Not to mention, I still feel like I'm running farther and farther on the road.

It feels like riding a horse and ten cows can't pull back.

"Qiao'er, I think they are quite good here. Everyone is happy. At least no one has robbed their homes. Although this dance is a little ugly, it is also very happy." Fang Wenhao said with a serious smile.

"Oh, miss, I don't think they are right. Oh, it's so tangled. The maidservant really wants to go down and correct them." Xiaoyu raised her small fist and turned pink with anger.

"Oh, forget it. It seems that they have been taken astray from the root. Only in this way, it's good to be stable, and don't ask too much for those people." Tian Yuqiao shook his head helplessly.

A red fox fur shawl was put on Tian Yuqiao's shoulder. The little girl turned and looked at Fang Wenhao's bright eyes as bright as stars.

My heart couldn't help moving. My heart said what was this guy going to do?

Sure enough, the next second Xiaoyu disappeared directly into the carriage and pretended that she was temporarily offline. Tian Yuqiao here feels that his breathing is not smooth.

They were so close that they seemed to breathe at the same frequency.

"The heartbeat is out of order, and the wind is not free..."

The romantic atmosphere that Fang Wenhao was brewing was suddenly disrupted by Tian Yuqiao's sudden singing. What's next? Urgent, online, etc!

Looking at Fang Wenhao's disappointed look, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing. He pushed him away and rushed into the vicinity of the tea table like a kitten.

"Brother Hao'er, I'm still young. Although we're engaged, we're still a long way from getting married. You have to control yourself, even if it's deep."

"Oh, little girl, I've learned to play hard to get."

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