The founding father's government, since the two great gods of Horqin tribe came in, the house has been more lively than before. I don't know how many times.

Originally, little miss Lan'er was the most noisy girl in the family. Now there are 100000 new kings of Horqin tribe and a curious baby. It's really fun to rob the little brother with Lan'er all day~

The day was full of chicken flying and dog jumping. At this time, Wang was pressing his temples with his hands, and the word fatigue was written all over his face.

"Don't force yourself too much. You were tired of taking Lan'er's naughty. Now the two nobles live at home, let their children play by themselves. Fortunately, the strange looking King Barbara is only interested in the business at home and doesn't need our backyard." He comforted.

Wang took a bowl of tremella lotus seed soup handed over by his mother-in-law behind him. After drinking a few mouthfuls, he sighed and said, "ah, after all, people came all the way here and specially asked to live in our house, which can't be ignored. Fortunately, there is a girl named Joel at home to help, otherwise I'm really busy."

"By the way, have you heard from the young master?" he turned and asked the woman behind him.

The woman quickly replied, "if you go back to your wife, the young master is busy outside these days. He said he wants to help the young lady manage the business of opening a chain store."

"It's hard for Xiaoyu. Fortunately, his body is much stronger than before, otherwise I'm really uneasy." Wang said with a bitter smile.

The atmosphere inside the house just got better. As a result, a little girl suddenly ran in in a hurry. "No, no, no, madam, Mrs. he, young master Wulang has an accident ~"

When they heard the speech, they immediately felt that their hearts stopped beating for a few beats.

Wang couldn't care about his image. He jumped down from his couch and asked loudly, "what happened?"

"The young master took Miss Keya out. As a result, I heard that Miss Keya had a dispute with others, and then the young master fought with those people ~"

In fact, it's like this. Wulang plans to let Keya see her violent side, so that she may die for herself. At that time, according to her own words, take back the golden knife. However, unexpectedly, I met a hard stubble when fighting today.

Keya stayed at home for five days. Every day the little guy took her out to play. But Keya is a more heroic female man, so it's normal to fight with people when you don't agree with them outside.

The aftermath of these things was lost to Wulang. Poor Wulang, who has just won the first prize, has not been proud for a few days. He sadly meets Princess Keya.

He regretted that if he hadn't been dazzled by the golden dagger at the beginning, if he hadn't accepted the golden knife at that time, he wouldn't have such trouble today.

But there was no regret in the world, so he could only admit bad luck. Originally, he intended to make himself look like a dandy, so as to annoy Keya. The result was just the opposite. Keya's fist seemed to be bigger than his.

In the end, it turned out to be the kind that Wulang could not even grab a bite of soup when he watched Keya fight in front of him.

Seeing the naughty nature of the little girl, Wulang was even more depressed about his identity as a Jindao son-in-law. He doesn't want to marry a woman who can beat an adult man down with one punch. No, No~

Just today, envoys from overseas countries happened to come to talk with the emperor about opening ports to trade. As a result, those people met Keya as soon as they got here.

When the two sides met, they didn't want to make way for each other. As a result, in a few words, Keya directly moved her hand.

"Hum, you people here are really troublesome. You always talk nonsense. Don't talk if you can move your hand. It's a waste of time. I'm going to have a good time in the gambling house later, aunt."

Keya then rolled up her sleeves and revealed her true face as a prairie woman.

The other side is a group of big and thick men who travel on the sea all year round, and each one is tanned black and red. Suddenly, seeing such a little girl like a spring onion and raising her fist at herself, those people immediately laughed and burst into tears.

"Hahaha, the little girl here is really interesting. She looks strange. She shouldn't be a local? It's really good. Look at her face. She's open her teeth and claws. It'll be fun to take her back and lock her in the room."

"What adults say is, don't tell me. Although the little girl is not in good shape and looks like two small steamed stuffed buns, she has a good personality. We rare such women overseas, especially the little ass. it seems that she will be a good child in the future."

But ya is angry. She was molested by someone for red fruit. And still in broad daylight, people come and go on the street. The people watching the bustle surrounded three floors inside and three floors outside.

Angry, the little girl's nostrils spewed out anger, like a crazy bullfight.

Seeing this, Wu Lang hurried forward to stop him and said, "you can't be unreasonable. There are a large number of people on the other side. We brought too few people out this time. Heroes don't suffer from the immediate loss. Let's go back and find my sister. Don't worry. I promise I won't let you be despised by them for nothing."

"Hum, your sister has to make up her mind about everything. Really, are you still a man?" Keya puffed her mouth and made a teapot.

No matter what they are discussing, the people opposite have begun to rub their hands and come slowly towards this side.

There are more than 30 people on the other side, and on Wulang's side, except for the four dark guards he brought out, there are only eight big men of Horqin tribe brought by Keya.

The men of Horqin tribe always give priority to wrestling, so they almost don't know anything about martial arts. Soon the wind fell down here, which made Wulang scratch his ears and cheeks.

He had long heard that foreign envoys would come today, so he knew that these people could not be killed. It's too difficult to kill each other and get out of so many people's eyes.

Fortunately, the founding Duke got the news in time, so he sent someone to separate the two sides.

The farce ended abruptly. Finally, all the foreign envoys were invited into the palace by the emperor. It is said that they didn't go out for several days. When someone saw them again, they found that they were all black and blue. They didn't get any cheap from the young emperor, so they left in such a gloomy way.

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