The empress's female students occupied the whole palace, but even so, the enrollment was still overcrowded. Later, Fang Wenhao could only order that only the eldest daughter of the third grade senior was qualified to sign up, which alleviated the pressure of the person in charge of recruitment.

"Joel, what are you going to teach them? Usually their fathers will ask their husband to teach them at home. Are you sure you can do it?"

Looking at Fang Wenhao's suspicious look, Tian Yuqiao immediately flattened his mouth and said, "the queen taught me personally and directed my name. They won't lose when they come."

Fang Wenhao was speechless. Anyway, as long as she was happy, just let her toss. Anyway, the person who was tossed was not her own daughter.

The matter was settled, and soon the women's school began with great fanfare.

The reason why the daughters of senior officials above the third grade come to study is almost the same. They came for the Queen's name in order to hold her big legs.

Most of these legitimate women have reached the age when they are about to talk about marriage. If a matchmaker comes to talk about marriage in the future, when they say that their daughter is taught by the queen, their rank will be much higher immediately.

Everyone had the same idea in mind, so they sent their own legitimate women one after another. There are also many people who go through the back door and trust relationships, almost breaking the threshold of the Tian family and the official family, so that they can send two more girls to school.

Even Prince Jing is no exception, but every relationship that can be used is used.

Tian Yuqiao lay on the rocking chair and looked at the list of applicants in his hand.

"Yes, they are the daughters of senior officials and those who send concubines. Tut tut ~"

"Queen, this is the shuxiu sent by Brother Bear. Please have a look."

Xiaoyu handed over an account book. Tian Yuqiao was a little sleepy at first, but now he saw the amount recorded on the account book and immediately had no sleepiness at all.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect these senior officials to have such an eye. Only when I knew that the queen would teach in person would I enthusiastically sign up. It's really a child to teach. Naturally, the queen will live up to their expectations and will teach their daughter as excellent as me."

"Cough, in fact, you don't have to teach them as well as you. It's almost all right."

Although Xiaoyu said so, she thought to herself: there is always an ominous premonition. Who has heard that school teaching has to send hundreds of chickens? What's more, there are no four treasures of study in it. What's the meaning of letting people move so many weapons from the school yard?

When the women's school began, Tian Yuqiao directly announced: "it's not easy to become the Queen's own disciple. Now there is only one chance, that is, it needs to pass my test."

Li Bu Shang Shu Di NV: Fortunately, I am proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Soldier's Maid: Fortunately, I have outstanding needlework.

Prime Minister's wife and concubine: Fortunately, our sisters have been learning from our husband since childhood.

Tian Yuqiao looked at those confident girls with a smile, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Cough, I'm making a dirty remark. Even if you don't pass the examination and can't enter the school smoothly, the queen won't refund your original registration fee." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Where does the empress say, we will not do so."

"Yes, what does the queen want to take? Just take the test."

Mrs. Chen next to her began to announce the rules with a serious face.

"This assessment is divided into three levels: Class A, class B and class C. in the assessment later, the best can enter class A, and so on. Well, I've finished the rules. Next, please move up the props."

Everyone was a little stunned. They said why should we use props for this assessment?

In the eyes of the crowd, someone carried up big iron cages, which contained a lot of chickens, ducks and fish.

Just as everyone looked at the chickens and ducks foolishly, they were stuffed with a big kitchen knife in their hands. Yes, it's the big kitchen knife used by the cook at home.

"This is the prop for class a assessment. The queen thinks that women don't have to rely on men to survive. We women shouldn't be too weak. Come on, this is your assessment. Anyone who can kill any of the birds in one incense burning time can enter class A."

The girls at the bottom suddenly lost their color, and some people couldn't even hold a knife. There were occasional sounds of kitchen knives landing on the ground and women crying.

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes when he saw their pathetic little bird. She took a kitchen knife directly from Mrs. Chen nearby, then took it up and down, and soon cut off the head of a chicken.

The blood splashed three feet, and the chicken's wings were still fluttering, and the two chicken feet were kicking indiscriminately. The severed head flew directly into the crowd, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

Three girls were stunned directly. Tian Yuqiao shook his head and said, "carry away, these people are unqualified."

At this time, the direct daughter of Anping Hou's house held a knife in both hands and said she couldn't just quit. After all, her family gradually declined, and this time it was her father's order that she must become a student of the queen. This is the only chance she can save her mother. She must not let go.

So she was the first person who came forward to kill the chicken, which got a look of appreciation from Tian Yuqiao.

When she saw her eyes closed, the kitchen knife was chopping at the chicken in front. Pity the chicken, so it was chopped into chicken pieces.

Bloody feathers were flying everywhere, and Zhou shuangshuangshuang's face and body were splashed with a lot of blood, which made her pale face even paler.

With the first beginning, the other girls who had been assigned tasks at home were all ruthless. He regarded the birds in front of him as the person he hated most, waved a kitchen knife and rushed up.

The scene was very tragic, and the birds that were killed miserably became their lunch today~

There are still some who don't dare to go up to kill chickens. Tian Yuqiao still gave them another chance.

"Well, next is the examination of class B. anyone who can kill a fish within a incense stick can enter class B."

Another bodyguard brought up the bucket, which was full of two foot long live fish.

This slippery fish is even more frightening because they feel like snakes. The girls were so frightened that their legs softened, but they were still reluctant to give up the chance to become Queen's disciples.

More than a dozen people passed the examination of killing fish and became students of class B.

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