Tang Chuan's words are very casual. Lu Caijie is stunned. She never thought that he would say such a thing, let alone believe that Tang Chuan is such a mean person.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ying immediately became angry and could bear it again and again in front of Lu Caijie, but Tang Chuan's words completely aroused his anger and made him intolerable. From small to large, no one seemed to dare to be so arrogant in front of them.

Tang Chuan turned to look at Lu Caijie and said with a smile, "Miss Lu, you have to find out. Now it's not me asking you, it's you who want to know about this case!"

Zhang yingche is completely ignored by Tang Chuan, and Tang Chuan naturally can see that Lu Caijie is definitely a conscientious person in her work. Since the beginning of this case, she has been unable to get out.

Tang Chuan takes a fancy to this, so he makes the Warhawk disappear from his sight with the help of Lu Caijie.

"You..." Lu Caijie frowned, some unhappy, "tangchuan, you are too stingy, Zhang Ying said a word from the beginning to the end."

Tang Chuan's eyes flashed abuse, "people respect me a foot, I also others a foot, but for some eyes higher than the top, rely on the lofty people, I'm sorry, my eyes can't hold sand!"

With that, Tang Chuan stopped talking nonsense with Lu Caijie and pulled Zhou xiaonuo into his car. Then he said, "I'll wait for you in the car. I'll give you two minutes."

"Boy, get down here!" Zhang Ying hurriedly took two steps to catch up with Tang Chuan. He wanted to smash Tang Chuan's head with his fist.

"Zhang Ying!"

Lu Caijie shouts Zhang Ying, some helpless, "you wait for me in the nearby hotel, I and Tang Chuan go to investigate the case, you don't want to participate in it."

"How can this work?" Zhang Ying vetoed, eyes full of sharp, "I come to take charge of your safety, in case you have any accident, how can I do?"

Lu Caijie blushed a little and glared at him angrily. "Zhang Ying, don't worry. I'm just investigating the case. It'll be OK. Besides, Tang Chuan also knows Kung Fu."

Hearing Tang Chuan's name, Zhang Ying's eyes became more and more fierce. He wanted to get tangchuan skinned and cramped, "is he just a high school student? CAI Jie, are you kidding me

"You can't go with me, or you won't show up in front of me." Lu Caijie started to face and walked towards Tang Chuan's car.

"You I... "

Zhang Ying is completely dumb and can't say anything about Huanglian. He knows Lu Caijie's temper. As long as it's something she decides, even if ten cows can't come back, he can only watch her get on tangchuan's car.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Ying has already hated Tang Chuan. He has been pursuing Lu Caijie, but Lu Caijie doesn't seem to give himself a chance. This time, he is caught up in trouble again because of this boy. How can he not be angry.

"Tang Chuan, right?" Zhang Ying narrowed his eyes and revealed a ray of fierce light between his eyes. "I'd like to see what kind of ability you have to dare to be arrogant in front of Laozi!"

With that, Zhang Ying returned to his car, but he didn't stay here as Lu Caijie said. Instead, he drove in another direction. Obviously, he was familiar with this place.

Tang Chuan has already started the car. Lu Caijie sits in the back seat and looks at Tang Chuan through the rearview mirror. "I never thought you were such a mean person."

"Miss Lu, where am I being stingy?" Tang Chuan sneered and glanced at Lu Caijie in the rearview mirror. "He's not a beauty. I'm not interested in him!"

"You What nonsense Lu Caijie was upset by Tang Chuan's nonsense. "Is there any progress in the case?"

Tang Chuan shook his head. "No, let's collect some information about Tianyi Chemical, which may be of great help to this case. Then I think it's necessary to go to the provincial capital, the Security Bureau Hey, hey

"Are you going to the provincial capital?" Lu Caijie frowned slightly, revealing some worries. "Tang Chuan, I think this matter should be handed over to the police. It's too dangerous for you as a high school student to do this kind of thing. In case of any accident!"

"Yes, Tang Chuan, this matter should be left to the police." Zhou xiaonuo grabs Tang Chuan's arm and looks worried.

Tang Chuan smiles and gives Zhou xiaonuo a reassuring look. "Don't worry, I know what to do in my heart. Since the other party dares to kill people, it means that they have begun to stare at us. If I quit at this time, the game will not be fun, hehe Have a good time with them

Last time, Tang Chuan quietly solved the two people who followed him. He believed that the clue of the other party was broken, and he could not suspect himself for the time being. However, he had locked his target on the Security Bureau. Since they wanted to play, he would naturally sacrifice his life to accompany the gentlemen and have a good time with them.


Zhou xiaonuo knew that tangchuan was good at Kung Fu, but he always thought it was too dangerous. What else did he want to say, but Tang Chuan interrupted her, "don't worry, I promise you nothing will happen."

Zhou xiaonuo no longer said what, had to obediently place the head.

Naturally, Lu Caijie did not ask any more questions. Soon, the three people arrived at Tianyi Chemical. There were still two policemen guarding the factory, and the factory had stopped operating. There were more than ten migrant workers gathered here."Pay!" Someone yelled, "the boss here is dead, whatever we do, our wages can't be in arrears, give us wages quickly!"

One person opened his mouth, and others echoed, "yes, yes, we can't default on our hard-earned money. Our dolls are still waiting for their wages to go to the pot."

When Tang Chuan saw this scene, he could not help frowning. Was it just because of sun Zuofu's death that Tianyi Chemical stopped working?

The crowd seemed to see the three Tang Chuan people coming along. Seeing that they were coming this way and dressed in extraordinary clothes, they heard someone ask, "are you people from Tianyi Chemical Industry?"

Tang Chuan shook his head, "no, we are here to investigate the case."

"What's good to investigate the case? You can't ask for the wages of our hard-working people even if you have enough to do."

"How much are they in arrears with you?" Tang Chuan quietly asked, and the next to Lu Caijie has taken out a recording pen to start recording their words.

"If only one month and two months would be enough. The factory has already defaulted on our wages for half a year. Originally, we would have to pay next month, but who knows the boss is dead. Who do you think will pay us?"

"My baby is still studying in the provincial capital, waiting for the food expenses."

"Don't worry, uncle." Lu Caijie some can't bear, "I'm a reporter from provincial TV station. Since the factory is in arrears with your wages, I'll help you get back."

"Are you a journalist?" The middle-aged uncle was a little surprised, and immediately cried out, "great, great, someone has come to the fore for us, and our wages are settled."

In an instant, all the workers gathered around and began to tell Lu Caijie about their inner troubles, and Lu Caijie recorded their words one by one.

Among them, Tang Chuan heard two key points: one is that leaders from provincial cities will come here to inspect work every month; the other is that a large number of their products are transported to the port.

It has been more than an hour since the blink of an eye has passed. Lu Caijie also learned a lot of news from it, and she said to them, "you can rest assured that I will report this matter and recover the salary here as soon as possible."

They were grateful and excited.

Then Tang Chuan three people left Tianyi Chemical Industry, Tang Chuan inadvertently asked, "how, have you found any important information?"

Lu Caijie nodded, "the first point is that the leaders of the provincial capital will come. This can be used as our breakthrough. Whether it is the leader of the security bureau still needs to be confirmed. There is also one point about the sales of products. According to common sense, this is that the products of the love chemical plant are transported to the provincial capital. Why did they get to the port?"

Lu Caijie is worthy of being a journalist. She also keenly captured the two points of Tang Chuan's thinking. When she finished, Tang Chuan said with a smile: "you're right, so let's go to the port to have a look."

With that, Tang Chuan stepped on the gas pedal and speeded up. After more than 20 minutes, the car had already driven to Huanhai Avenue. Looking at the blue sea outside, Lu Caijie was in a better mood.

"I envy you that you can see the sea every day." Lu Caijie seems to be talking to herself.

Zhou xiaonuo heard this and asked, "sister Caijie, isn't there a part of the provincial capital that depends on the sea, don't you often go to the seaside?"

"In fact, I grew up by the seaside. When I went to college and worked, I seldom went to the seaside." Lu Caijie said quietly.

Zhou xiaonuo nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, the wharf has entered the sight of three people. Here is the cargo port. There are several large cargo ships parked near the port. Many stevedores are carrying something up and down.

Tangchuan several people just want to go in, was stopped, then listen to the security said: "what do you do, here no outsiders into."

Lu Caijie was busy showing her own press card. "Hello, I'm a reporter from the provincial capital. I want to interview the stevedores in our port and understand the life of our stevedores."

The security guard frowned when he saw Lu Caijie's press card, and his tone was somewhat unkind. "Sorry, we don't allow interviews here, and we haven't received the notice from the superior leaders. Please go back!"

"There's something fishy about it!"

Tang Chuan smiles at the corners of his mouth. It is easy to judge from the security that there must be something unknown in this. Tang Chuan winks at Lu Caijie and the three turn away.

"If I guess correctly, the people in the port should also have something to do with the people above. Now I suspect that the goods may be smuggled..." Tang Chuan lowered his voice and looked at Lu Caijie's face.

Sure enough, Lu Caijie's face became serious when she heard this, "smuggling Tang Chuan, don't speculate until there is no evidence! "

Tang Chuan sneered, "things have come to this stage, as long as you are not a fool can guess, hehe The Security Bureau of the provincial capital is really powerful! "

Lu Caijie's face was a little ugly, "OK, let's go back first. I need to digest the information and then call my family."

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