A few weeks after I finished helping Iris. Nothing in particular happened.

Speaking of noteworthy events, I think it was because I was embarrassed when I met Pamela at church school and she didn't look at me very well. It seemed like I'd finally gotten used to it on my way home that day and had a conversational conversation.

And one day, at lunch in the cafeteria, I saw two knowledgeable people, Celine and Lisa, having a meal, and I remembered a project that had completely sinked into the depths of my memory. I told my mother to take a break and went to the table between the two of them.

"Hello, Celine, Lisa."

"Oh, Marc, what's wrong?

"Hello, Mark."

They are surrounding the table and playing with their father's pride. They look beautiful, but there's no man to mess with for the sake of numbness. In other words, all the regular customers were sunk.

"There was something I wanted you to see. It wasn't a very good memory, so if I wanted to forget it, I'd really forgotten it."

I took out the silver accessory from the disgusting Handsome Lord and put it on the table.

"Silver eagle talismans, you know?

"Silver Eagle Talisman? Could this be...."

Do you know Liza Denki?

"The Falcon is enshrined as a patron deity by the ruling lord's family. Isn't this the Lord's sole substitute?

Lisa Denki only knew what I knew.

"Yes, I was helping my friend's shop during the Lord's visit the other day, and the Lord came to the shop and gave it to me."

Celine looks at me with her elbows on the table.

"How did you get your eyes on me?"

"Hmm. I think I know where the recipe for the potato salad came from, as well as the stone balls I made and showed them."

I feel like I was interested in myself dressed as a woman, but I'm sure it's my fault. It must be my fault. It's my fault... please.

"I know because you let me eat potato salad, but what are stone balls?

"This is it."

Create stone balls on the spot. Immediately a round ball of about a centimeter was formed and rolled towards Celine.

"I see. That's how you keep an eye on me."

The stone balls were picked up and Celine nodded convincingly. I don't think I can handle this kind of stone.

Look at that.

Celine made stone balls like Morrison did one day. It's not as snoring as Morrison, but it's hard to say it rolls beautifully.

"I'm not that good at earth magic, but I can't make anything like yours unless I'm quite familiar with earth magic. If you show me that, it's like I'm a master of earth magic."

"Younger children usually play with this in church, and I'm not particularly surprised.

"That's because you seldom see earth magic itself."

Celine used to say that. As far as I was concerned, I was going to show it on the level of a child who memorized the name of the station, but it was more advanced than I thought. I wonder if I got into trouble. I'm starting to get nervous.

"Hey, Celine. For now, should I pretend that I can't use magic? I don't want to get caught up in anything weird."

Then Celine smiled,

"You idiot. Magic is useful, it's a waste of time not to use it. If you can't breathe enough to hide your magic, get the strength to defeat malice. You can do it."

I was banged on the back. Well, you can't weigh yourself any more than you need to. I felt literally pushed on my back.

"Well, you shouldn't worry about this talisman so much that you can spit on it when something happens."

Breathe of relief into Celine's words. In other words, it's the same for the time being. However, I don't think we need to learn how to protect ourselves. --But the expression of Lisa, who had been silent for a long time, remained unclear.

"Um... Liza, oneechan. Something bothering you?

Driven by anxiety, I asked quietly, and Liza opened her mouth without breaking her expression.

"... I'm very interested in the dish that fascinates the lord, the potato salad."

There you go! Unexpectedly, while weakening, I remove the potato salad from the item box in a small plate. It was popular with Iris, and I made it for my family to show it again, but it was a waste of time.

Gokuri and Riza's throat rang.

"Can I have this...?


Sometimes the amount is small, and the liza is carefully scooped and put into the mouth. It seems that the experience of eating the Okonomiyaki of Nozoya in an instant is alive.

Hey, this is--

― ― I asked another question from the side of Lisa eating a little bit of potato salad while keeping her eyes shiny.

"Does this talisman have any effect?

"That's right...."

Celine stared at the text behind the protective talisman.

"Looks like it's protected by the wind. With this on, I think the wind barrier will protect you from a few malicious attacks."

"Really? Isn't that amazing?

"Quite a fine talisman. I can't believe I'm giving this to you, my lord. You really liked it ~"

Then should I wear it? I received it from the disgusting lord, but will you let me use what I can use? There was a place where I could put the string through, so I'll hook it up later.

With that in mind, Celine and I were staring at each other.

"... hey, Mark. Would you mind if I went away for a week on behalf of the Adventurers Guild? Originally, today was Lisa."

"Eh!? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I can make it easier for you to stay in the wilderness, and you can learn the skills and knowledge of adventurers from me. Both are good deals. You can take Nicolas with you if you want to be as sticky as usual."


Celine usually teaches me a lot of things, but I'm sure she'll learn more locally. The same was true of the Goblin Forest.

"Oh, you're eating more than I thought. Of course, it's on the assumption that Leona will give her permission."

That said, Celine looks at her mother. Did you hear that? The mother at the counter gestures big and round.

Well then, please. When will we leave?

If it takes a week, vegetables and medicinal herbs grown will have to be dealt with. We need to plan our measures by the due date. When I was thinking about that, I heard a voice behind me.

"Why don't you follow me?

Looking back, instead of the maid... Delica, dressed in maid clothes, stood there with a serious face.

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