A carriage carries along the meadow, making a noise. Though it's a tranquil landscape, the last time a bandit was slaughtered came. Try not to be alarmed for now. I don't miss searching.

But I talk to Delica because it's horny.

Hey, Delica.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Marc?

Delica from the podium replied without looking at me. Delica's red-haired ponytail is shaking like a tail as the name suggests. It's kind of interesting to see it synchronized with a horse.

"That sword is real, right?

"Yes, I can't take a wooden sword with me. I borrowed it from my father."

Delica punches a one-handed sword around her waist. The wooden sheath enveloping the sword had a number of scratches that could be seen to be in use and looked quite old. Gosh had a sword like this. Even though it's a Mukimkimacho that looks good on axes and sticks.

"There are Celine and Marc this time, and I may not be fighting with a sword... If you like, I'd like to go with Goblin."

"That's right. I think so. Let's do our best because it's a great opportunity."


I can't see her face from here, but Delica smiled happily. You said you saw a goblin once in a while on your way to Sekhard Village. Let Delica do her best then.


However, the thoughts and feelings arrived in the village of Sekkat after noon without seeing a monster shadow at all in the back. This time, the carrier was light, so it proceeded all at once without taking a horse break. Call Celine who woke up from a nap.

"Celine, you're staying here today, right?

"Yes, I'm going to... Speaking of which, you know the village chief's family."

"Yeah, he said come and see me anytime, and I'm going to say hello."

"Yes, let's go. Maybe they'll let me stay."

Even though you are rich, you are quite solid. That's when Delica manipulated the horse into the village chief's house.

We arrived at the village chief's house after a while. As soon as I knocked on the door, the door opened, and the village mayor of Sekkat opened his face.

"Hello, village chief."

"Oh, the town of Fathia! Long time no see. Nice to meet you, you colorful man?

"Yes, I'm Celine, an adventurer in the town of Fathia. I'm doing things like guardians of these kids right now."

Celine continued her words with a light confession.

"I'm on my way to the western mine on behalf of the Alliance, but when I stopped by today to get some rest in this village, I heard that Mark and the others were looking after me, so I asked him to say hello."

"I see. Is that so? It's not a village with nothing, but take your time. And I can't believe you took care of Mark and the others. I would have liked to have you stay here today and have dinner... I'm going to stand up a little bit now."

The village chief lowers his white eyebrows in trouble.

"Oh, what's wrong?

"Hmm, my grandson, Melmina, has a little cold and a fever. Well, it's not a major symptom, but I still have to rest."

Speaking of which, Melmina is just like me, a girl with a gift box. I had a gift on my last visit. I'm a little worried about a cold.

"... um, if you don't mind, I'd like to show you my sympathy. My recovery magic can't cure my illness, but I'm buying a lot of food, so I want to split up what I like about Melmina."

Healing magic can't cure an injury or illness. I think the illness is more complicated than the injury. There are cases where hangovers are cured with potions, but that is probably the result of a good combination of herbs and light magic. Not all diseases work.

"Oh, Melmina would love that! Will you meet him? Right now, Sanmina's taking care of lunch."

The village chief invites us into the house. According to the village chief, Sanmina's mother is going fishing instead of Sanmina today, and Sanmina is taking care of her children in a manpower home.

Soon we were guided to the room where Mermina was sleeping. When the door was opened, Sanmina, a black-haired girl with shoulders, was sitting on a chair beside the bed, eating something like an itch in Melmina's bed.

Sometimes Sanmina seems like a child, and she still looks like an old sister, but she's a parent and child.

"Oh? I thought someone was coming, but it's not the boys, it's been a while. Some people are new. Hello, it's Sanmina."

"It's been a long time, Sanmina. Is Melmina okay?

Melmina, who had been fed an itch, was waking up and glancing at us blurrily with a burning red face.

"Hmm, as you can see. Well, I think it'll be better in a while, so don't worry too much.

That said, Sanmina gently stroked Mermina's head. After all, I don't seem to be as well as I used to be when I was in the hospital. Even though it's a magical ski, I don't make any noise when I see Celine who is a wizard.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Celine.... could you show me your child for a second?

"Hmm? Please?

With Sanmina's permission, Celine approaches Mermina. And as she bent down, she touched Mermina's forehead, neck, and hands on her chest.

After a while, he stood up and looked back at us.

"... it looks like she has a magical cold after all."

"What is a magical cold?

Sanmina raised her confused voice and turned to us. No, I don't either.

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