"Grandpa, Grandpa!

When Sanmina called the village chief loudly, the village chief entered the room with a roar and footsteps. I wonder if the symptoms of Melmina have changed suddenly. The face is sharp.

"Whatever! What's wrong with you!?

As Sanmina hugs Mermina,

"Look, Melmina is cured!

"Hah? What do you mean?

As he said so, the village chief approached Mermina, and as soon as he saw his grandson, he relaxed his whole body and sat down on the floor with petan.

"It's not true... Borno told me to stay quiet for three days."

Is Borno a doctor in the village? But what Mr Borno said was not wrong, and I think he is a good doctor.

"Thanks to the boy's potion and magic! Magic is amazing! Wow!"

Sanmina repeats that magic is amazing. That's right, it's YMS.

So, Grandpa...

"Wait, don't tell anyone.... will you all stay at home tonight?

The village chief asked us with a smile.

--That's how we got a place for tonight. They're hurrying to prepare their accommodation and meals. I was kind of distracted to get a big welcome, but I was sweet enough to say thank you to my grandson, and until I was ready, I walked out of the village and ruined my time.

After everyone connected their horses to the cabin at the village chief's house, Celine stretched her arms up to make them feel good.

"Hmm, this village has a nice breeze. Maybe it's the proximity of the lake? I'll see you in the lake."

Well then, Nicola will follow Celine's sister...

As she wrapped Nicolas around her waist, Celine walked to the lake. I dropped them off, thinking I shouldn't bury my face in my ass.

Well then, I'll go buy a tentacle. What about Delica?

"I'm pretending outside. I've been practicing every day since I started going to the dojo, but I haven't done anything today, so my body is distracted."

I don't know how that feels. I can't think of a day when I don't consume mana either. I waved to Delica and went to buy Tentacles by myself.


Call out to the grandfather holding a tentacle next to the cabin, as he did when he arrived before. My grandfather stopped at work and raised his face. He looked at me and replied his greeting.

"Oh, hello.... oh, not the boy from town before."

"Yeah. Did you sell the tentacles since then?

"No, not at all. Sometimes people who like to visit this village buy it and go home."

Seriously? We sell a lot, but there are too few people who are willing to sell it. But it's convenient.

So the price is the same as before?

"Hmm, five silver coins per animal, one bronze fillet."

"How many underhanded tentacles are there now?

Grandpa answers as he looks at a tentacle floating in a nearby wooden tank.

"There are not five of them now. The remaining five have not yet been processed."

All ten, please.

I keep fifteen gold coins so I can afford to buy them.

"Oh, will you buy me ten?

Grandpa asks with his eyes round.

"Yeah. Tentacles are popular in our shop, and they don't rot in the item box. And I'm leaving tomorrow morning, but I can buy about 20 more, so I'd like them ready by morning, if you like."

"Whoa! That's good! Let's start with the rest now! Hold on a second!

That said, the grandfather puts a long, large knife, like a tuna dismantling knife, into the tentacle.

"Kh, ngh!

But it's hard to cut off. Apparently there was a particularly tense area that was difficult to cut.

"... uhh, I'm not too old. Sometimes it's hard like this. Please wait a little longer."

Once he took his hand off the knife and pushed his wrist, he stopped trying to grab the knife again.

"Wait a minute. You want me to cut this place? Then..."

When I took out my knife and wrapped it around the wind magic, I slipped it into the area where my grandfather was struggling. Then the tentacles split in two while showing a beautiful cut. Grandpa opens his eyes as he looks at the cut.

"Whoa, magic!? It's not convenient. I also have an item box, and the boy will eat it in the future.... I see! May I introduce my granddaughter? I'm 30 years old."

No, thank you.

Grandpa laughs and throws the finished piece into the tank. And I went to the warehouse to pick up the rest.

A while later, when he came back with the whole tentacle in his truck, he put it on the workbench and started to crawl. When I saw my grandfather holding a tentacle with vivid hands, I heard what bothered me.

"Tentacles cooking at our inn is very popular. But I wonder why they don't come to buy it just by name."

"There are a few merchants who came to see us. That must have been the influence of the boy's shop. I was glad to go back to what Tentacles looked like."

"Well, the world was pretty disgusting."

Recently, I completely forgot because I didn't have the opportunity to see the whole thing or show it.

"Not at all brave. But it's a big step forward just because a peddler hasn't been here before. Well, some bony peddlers will come soon, so besides the kid, it might sell a lot."

"Well, then we have to buy it before it sells cheaply."

"Whoa, there's no way!

So I spent time with my grandfather chatting and finishing the tentacles. I was relieved to stroke my chest when I was about to replenish my stocked tentacles.

By the time I put everything in the item box, the color of the sky was dyed at dusk. It would be a good time to return to the village chief's house. I said goodbye to my grandfather and went to the village chief's house.

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