Khan, Khan, Khan!

The lighting magic activated in conjunction with the torch glows brightly over my head. I glanced at the lake without knowing, swallowing my saliva. Then the lake swayed.


----At the same time as the waves struck violently, Tentaculus jumped out and danced in space with a strange voice.

The first count looks like mine. Including the tentacles, it's two meters long, and the tentacles, much bigger than me, are far more powerful than they used to be from afar.

For a moment, my feet were about to fall, but if I kept a good distance from the lake, I shouldn't be suddenly attacked.... maybe.

I arouse my mind and shoot a falling tentacle out of the lake like a missile with a stone barrel. Nine bullets in three rows go straight to Tentacles.


The next moment, with a dull sound, the body of the tentacles blew up and only the tentacles fell to the ground. The bounced shards fell into the lake over time, making a noise.

"I did it."

As I watched the twitching geek thrown to the ground, I suddenly fell from my feet.

I was surprised by the power of the Tentacles I saw nearby and accidentally shot them with all my might. Only the lower half of the body remained, so half of it was crude as a ingredient. I apologize to all the fishermen who made it impossible for me to participate. Let's just calm down a little bit.

As she calmed her heartbeat a little faster with her hands on her chest, she heard men groaning from around her.

Turning to you, all the men were looking at me, not the next group. I am quite ashamed of my sudden failure.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally hurt too much. I'll be careful from now on."

"Oh oh...."

The man from the nearest group of Delica returns the word. As soon as I lowered my head, I confronted the lake. If you don't keep looking at the lake surface, you won't be able to grasp the timing of coming out, so you'll be in an extra hurry.

The lake soon swayed again. Next thing I know, it's my area of responsibility. Now calm down, aim the moment you jump up and become defenseless, and shoot the Stone Barrett in one shot.

A single shot through the tentacle's eyebrows without making a sound, and the tentacle that fell to the ground quickly stopped moving. Okay, this time it's a success. I want to praise myself for the accuracy of the hits.

But shortly afterwards, Tentacles jumped out of my area.

I feel like it's only coming to me, but what do you mean? Next time you pierce it in the same way, you will hear a distracted voice from the parent rating.

"Oh boy! The magic of lighting is pulling me all the way to you. Give us a chance!

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Apparently, the lighting was too strong compared to the torch. As soon as the light dropped, the tentacles finally began to gush elsewhere.

"They're coming too!" Uh-oh! You can't beat the kid! - Kill him!

Men flock to the tentacles as they scream. I saw Delica waving her spear.

Oops, we need to focus too. Focus your attention on lake fluctuations. ----I think the lake surface was a little big, and two tentacles jumped out at the same time.

It is possible to fire a Stone Barrett simultaneously, but it is still difficult to aim in another direction and shoot simultaneously. First, I pierced one eyebrow and secured it.


The other one crawled to the ground, making a strange noise. Hee, it's still a long way from me, but I'm so scared! Fishermen and delicacies stay away from such things. I don't think I can do it.

To stop the approaching tentacles, use earth magic to create a 30-cm long bullet like a spear tip that is longer than a regular stone barrel. Let's call it a lance barrel.

When I hung it on the tentacle and blew it off, I pierced the tentacle with a pounding sound on the ground.

The spear bullet (Lance Barrett) did not penetrate the emergency, but it seems to have succeeded in stopping it from sewing to the ground. I settled down on a tentacle struggling on the ground and shot a stone bullet (Stone Barrett) and stabbed it.

I relaxed a little tension that had been strained by the two of them at the same time, and saw the sight between the lake and me again.

I had no one to pull up the defeated tentacles, so the carcass of the tentacles was dotted and it was terrible. Should I collect them together later? I'm afraid to go out front to store it in an item box now.

We'll put the retrieval behind us and see the Delicacies again. The opponent seems to be a little more complicated than usual now, and they all have spears, but it seems that they have not been able to finish it off. As the men's anger flies, Tentaculus waves his tentacles and goes wild.

And in front of me, the tentacle approached Delica...


--The tentacle blew up with a dry sound.

The men nearby solidified for a moment and stared at Delica, who also opened his eyes without knowing what had happened. And when I noticed something, I put my hand on my chest.

You can see the remnants of the mana standing slightly from your chest. Apparently this is the effect of the talisman. The talisman I received from the pervert lord was, as Celine said, quite good. Delica would be safer. I concentrated on my present.

After hunting for a while, Tentacles' assault was interrupted. The men also pulled their prey backwards and kept staring at the lake.

Is this what we're stopping tonight? As Khan Khan and the applause tree rang, he waited for about a minute without wandering around.

----I saw a larger lake surface fluctuation than before. I can hear the men around me groaning.

"... hey, that's it."

"I haven't seen him lately."

"Ah, ahh...."

Then the anger of the parents echoed.

"Nushi! Let's go!!!

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