When I got out of the bath in a somewhat unconvincing mood and Nicolas, who naturally insisted on mixing baths, went up with San Mina Mama, Kai visited the village chief's house again.

"I'm here to pick you up.... I don't know, don't you sleep?

The child is already asleep. Kai was naturally worried, but he fell asleep a little immediately after fighting Nushi, so he wasn't sleepy at all.

"I'm fine, but how about Nicolas?

Nicolas is fine.

Nicola answers with a smile. Well, I slept all the way to the village. As long as it's not too late.

Okay, let's go.


Come on ~ ~

Me and Nicolas were escorted to Village Square by the shiny San Mina Mama.


Arrive at Village Square. This place, where Seesaw and the slide were previously installed, was already a splendid banquet hall.

The whole square is surrounded by pine lights, and many wooden tables are lined with a variety of dishes and alcohol, and the villagers are drinking alcohol with laughter.

"Whoa, here comes the star!

The red-faced village chief finds us and calls out to the surroundings loudly. As soon as the venue stood up, the people in the square stared at me.

"Such a little girl? You're kidding." "No, most fishermen saw it." "Oh, I saw it." "You're as old as my kid." "I heard he built the slide."

Oops, naturally, but you're getting a lot of attention... After gathering a lot of eyes, I bowed to the surroundings. It's impossible to be so brazen.

Looks like a fresh debut professional boxer.

I am by no means a homozombie. Nicolas is still getting noticed and restless as she goes through. I was wondering if you knew anyone to distract me.


I found Celine at a table nearby. When Celine and I met, she waved her hand small and drank the liquor she had in her hand. She seems a little drunk and has a slightly red face.

By the way, just near Celine, a man on the 30th road lay facedown on the ground, and a bearded old man was lying there.

There is a sense of pre-vision in this kind of sight. I've seen it many times as the end of a man who tried to do something bad to Celine in our cafeteria. Don't say anything at the earliest.

"Marc, I heard you woke up. Are you okay now?

"Yes, I took a bath and I feel refreshed."

"Oh, you're already in there. I'll let you in later. My body kind of smells like tentacles because I helped you dismantle Nushi...."

When Celine sniffed her back and arms,

"Er, what's that smell? I smelled it!

Nicolas immediately sniffed around Celine. You never miss a chance to be sexually harassed naturally.

Koala, please stop.

It's Celine, who always likes Nicolas, but she doesn't want us to come any closer now. I tried to twist my body to escape, but there was a long story that Nicola was entangled like a soft creature.

"Fuhihi, the smell of squid drifting slightly from a beautiful woman..."

I can imagine what Nicolas is thinking, and I feel like I'm holding my head. I'm really sorry about my sister...

"Mmm.... yes, I'll give this to Marc."

Celine, who had given up taking Nicolas away, took out several vials when she got her hands on her chest. There is plenty of black liquid in there.

"It's the nursery ink you almost caught. I just picked it up from the ink bag. The fishermen told me that ink was poisonous even in a regular tentacle, and I was supposed to cook after I pulled out the ink bag. I can use these monster fluids for something, so please keep them for now."

Does it look like poison? This area is different from the squid of the previous life.

"Okay. Thank you."

Store it in the item box as a thank you. So in the item box,

Greater Tentacles Ink

are denoted. That's the name Nushi.

When my conversation with Celine came to an end, a villager pulled a van from the other side of the square. The village chief who noticed it shouted.

"Well, it's time for everyone to have it!

A large tentacle was on the wagon that arrived in front of the village chief. It appears to be one of Nushi's tentacles.

And when the tentacles were placed on the table, the grandfather of the tentacles shop, who appeared from nowhere, held a knife in his hand and fought in front of the table. It's like a tuna demolition show.

"... ah, it was pretty stiff, so I think I should help you."

"It's okay. She was as hard as a regular tentacle because she died."

Is that so? It's kind of easy to disassemble when you die. I think it will be soft from when I'm alive anyway.

Grandpa handles tentacles vividly. The fillets, which are cut one after the other, are thrown more and more onto the adjacent steel plate. From the heated iron plates! and a pleasant sound was sounded, and the smell that stimulated my appetite immediately drifted.

"Whoa, whoa, what a smell!" Yabe, the yodale won't stop anymore! "" You can drink as much as you want with just the smell!

Even the inhabitants of the village of Sekkal, who eat tentacles every day, seem to have a different fillet.

When the square was filled with good smells, I responded to the village chief's invitation and approached the village chief. The village chief shouted at the surrounding villagers as he embraced me.

"Everybody, listen up!

As the noisy square calmed down, the village chief continued.

"... yes, the troublemaker of Lake Sekal, who has lived in the lake for many years since I was a young man and disturbed our fishing, was crushed by Marc, who, as I heard, came from the town of Fathia! Today is a happy day to be carved into the history of the village of SECARD! Ladies and gentlemen, let's celebrate this day with a hearty drink!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

When the village chief puts out a glass of wine, the villagers respond to it together. Apparently, it's live from here. The villagers began to enjoy the banquet with more drinks and noise than ever before.

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