A carriage carries you through the tranquil meadows that are no different from yesterday's journey. There are no forests or rocky mountains that obstruct my view, so I am very grateful to you on the search, but I am tired of seeing nothing but the grasslands. Honestly, I want something to change.

"Hey, Celine. You're not stopping by another village until you reach your destination's mining colony, are you?

"Yes, we're going to be a wild boarding house tonight. Well, even though it's a wild boarding house, I think it's going to be completely different from a normal wild boarding house. Marc is really one in the family ~"

Celine pulls me around. It feels very good that various soft parts come into contact with it.

"Ah, if you say so, Melmina-chan proposed to me, but you can take it from me ~"

When Delica from the podium heard about it, she turned to me and looked at me with a jittery face.

"What? Celine said it was different in age."

"- Delica, did you say something?

"... Nandemonides"

I turned around immediately before. Apparently, he noticed his inaccuracy. I'm afraid of malicious penetration.

Delica seems to have heard it for the first time, but Celine has been spitting on a capable boy since she met him. He said something like that, and I don't feel like going too far right now.

Speaking of which, even if I don't have to go to my mentor and disciple relationship, they will take me out like this, and they will teach me a lot. Potions that Celine occasionally buys are a valuable source of income.

I feel that the debts that are unlikely to be repaid are getting more and more, but I wonder if this is a state that is currently being spit on in the form of progress. I don't feel like I can say no if Celine asks me something.

With that in mind, Nicolas hugged Celine as she continued to tease her partner. I remembered something I wanted to ask Nicolas. I'll just tell her the story.

Hey, Nicola. The power of the example soul... is it a mixture of remnants of the monster soul and magic elements...? Is that known to the public?

I think you can clearly feel the increase in power when you defeat a big guy, just like when oniichan woke up a lucky skate. But I've never heard of it before, so it's either hidden or the research hasn't progressed. Either way, I think it would be quicker to ask Celine. "

I see. Then I'll ask Celine.

"Hey, Celine. Since I defeated Nushi, it seems that mana is somehow easier to manipulate, or it seems to have gained strength, but do you have any idea?

"Oh, I knew you got the ether. I'm glad to hear that."


"Yes, sometimes I feel more powerful when I defeat a powerful monster. They say it's the effect of taking a monster soul into your own soul. It doesn't seem harmful to the body, so thank you for accepting."

It's kind of like Nicolas's explanation, though. It is difficult to understand the power of the soul or the mixture of remnants of the soul and magic elements, so I will call it ether from now on.

"Ah, this is something everyone knows about adventurers, but don't be ridiculous. It doesn't feel good to hear that a powerless man is trying to kill a big guy in vain."

The reason it didn't get in my ear or Nicolas's ear seems to be around here.

"Celine, can't you get that ether from a weak monster?

Delica clasped her mouth.

"They say it's just big stuff. That's why you shouldn't wake me up.

"... hah"

You must have thought it was a shame. Delica answered in a disappointing tone. Nicolas supplements it with a quick story. Certainly buried her face in Celine's stomach. Nothing tightens.

As I said before, even weak monsters such as goblins and covolts don't have that ether, but they can hardly get it. If you keep hunting at the level you can feel, it will not increase the strength of your soul, but it will be the result of mastery. "

It seems that this area is unknown to the public. There's no doubt that Nicolas taught me this straight from God, maybe.

After all, if you see a weak monster, you'd better have Delica stab you as hard as possible. It will help Delica's dreams for a little bit.

Nevertheless, I'm on my way to see none of these monsters. "Why don't you stop by and see if there's a lot of weak monsters?" I can't say much in the middle of an Alliance request, and I have to wait for that opportunity.

"Phew... I'm going to go to bed. Even so, this request is the best I can make just by sleeping in a carriage and watching the mining village go back ~"

I usually get weird requests and complain at the tavern.

"I didn't wake you up after lunch."

When Celine let go of me, she lay down with the cushion pointing to the other side of me and felt a little itchy. She scratched her buttocks slightly. Soon Nicolas also hugged and wobbled and leaned against it.

The slightly sober manner and appearance seemed like a nap between my father and his daughter on a holiday, but I didn't order it to come out.

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