Walking from the makeshift toilet to the other side of the dome house, I first made a table and chair with earth magic.

Next to it, a table of the same height as the table is made, and the edge of the platform is surrounded by a block about ten centimeters high. Put the charcoal in there, put the wire nets that you bought in town on top, and finish the barbecue set.

Oh, you've done it already.

Celine called out as if she had come out of the toilet.

"What do we do? I think it's a little early for dinner."

"Hmm... Shall I eat already? I was starving when I saw it ~"

"Okay. Well, can you light the charcoal?

I was afraid of my awkward fire magic, so I decided to get Celine's fire magic to light it.

"You still have fire magic."

"I wonder if it's enough to put water in hot water. I don't really have a place to practice."

"Sure, when I was a kid, I had a hard time finding a place... Well, if it's attack magic, your earth magic is better than fire magic, so maybe you don't have to use it."

With that said, Celine lit the charcoal one by one. Celine seems to be comforting, but I'm flattered by the fire arrow's accuracy.

Stone barrettes only fly hard stones, so the farther away they are, the more susceptible they are to physical influence. In that regard, it seems that the Fire Arrow is not physically influenced by what I've seen. Maybe it's just Celine's arm.


As they gazed at the burning coal, Nicolas and Delica, who had laid their carriage on the dome house, approached the table. Of course the sound of meat is Nicolas.

"Everyone's here, and it's time to start baking."

I take the plates and cups out to the table, put the raw meat and vegetables on a large plate, and I start placing them on the net from the meat. The roaring sound of jujuju and meat echoed around me.

"Nfu, looks delicious. I'm starting to want to drink too. Can you get me out of here?

"I didn't bring it. It was Celine who said it was dangerous to get drunk in the wilderness."

"No, I was on my way to work. I was feeling kind of like a picnic."

That's it, Class C Adventurer.

"Speaking of which, what do you usually eat at these lodgings?

"You ate dried meat and black bread in the woods of Goblin a while ago, right? That's it."

Has it been about two years? I thought you ate too hard black bread with hot water.

"Anything else?

"I don't think so. That's all.... Oh, sometimes I find monsters to eat, and then I cook them up and eat them... That's a treat."

It seems that the adventurer's diet is more difficult than I thought.

"Food is bulky and painful. If you can manage to eat it with black bread and dried meat, you can do it."

So Celine pierced the freshly baked meat with a fork and put it in her mouth.

"Mmm, delicious! This is unusual because you can't eat it in a wild inn!

By the way, these meats were purchased from Celine's wallet when she left town. I want you to eat plenty.

And without hesitating to eat such meat, it's Nikola who eats leopard leopard more and more.

Nicola, you can eat meat, but you can also eat vegetables.

I'll put the roasted peppers and carrots on Nicola's plate.

"Vegetables kira. I would eat a potato salad."

It's a delicate thing to count this on vegetables, but it's okay. When I served you a potato salad plate, Nicola started eating it.

"Is there anything Delica would like me to do? I've brought a lot of stuff."

"Really? Do you have any limtehins?

There's a mysterious food that hasn't been translated in a long time.

"Limtehin? I've never heard of it, but what is it?"

"You don't have one. I just heard my dad ate once when he was little, and I've never seen him or eaten him."

Oh, I don't know either.

Seems Celine doesn't know either. Shall I check it out someday?

I'm not just talking, it's time for me to eat some meat. When I tried to stab a fork in the meat that I thought had finally burned... Nicolas took it from me.

Sometimes this happens. I had no choice but to put new meat into the net while waiting for it to burn, and Nicolas took the meat I was aiming for.

"Hey, Nicola."

What is it?


The meat around me is being taken from the side I'm talking about.

I want to eat meat.

Really? But I have plenty of vegetables. Why don't you start with vegetables?

That said, Nicolas put the meat of the critical line on her plate, whether it had burned or not.

I'm not going to say that I grew meat. I can only say "I grew up" to be a fighter who kicks up some bench.

But this obviously seems to be eating to keep me from taking meat. Apparently he didn't like the peppers on the plate. I put peppers on my plate silently.

Then I think I saw Nicolas squeeze the meat. Delica puts carrots on her plate.

"Hey, Nicola, we're on a dangerous journey. You can't move if you eat too much, so you have to be careful."

That's what I said in a tone that makes me feel comfortable. Then Nicolas immediately replied.

"Nicola, I've heard that eating a lot of meat will make your chest grow bigger."


Delica unexpectedly looked at Celine's face and her rich breasts. Céline, who understood the meaning of her gaze, smiled bitterly.

"Hmm, well, I've been eating meat a lot since I was a kid.

"Yeah, that's right."

As I murmured, Delica started taking freshly baked meat from my nurturing area. I can't believe you occasionally shut up Delica in one word because of her parental qualities... Nicolas smiled at me, and I was struck by a deep sense of helplessness.

--After all, the problem was solved by baking meat in such an amount that they couldn't eat it out at once. Fighting is a number, sister.

The result was a flat family of two breasts who ate more meat than the stomach's capacity. Now he's lying on a bench I made, hungrier than his chest.

Looking coolly at it, I started cleaning up the barbecue. After gently rinsing the iron plate with water and placing it in the item box, the table and dishes are simply returned to the soil, so it is lactine.

After that, my body kind of smelled of charcoal and I wanted to take a bath.

"Then I'll make a bath...."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

"And Nicolas later....."

It seems that the two who ate too much are far from taking a bath. It seems more serious than I thought that Nicolas would drop off the mixed bath.

"Well, I'll make one for you today."

Complete the bath cabin by making a tub and wall as usual. I made it for one person, so it looks small around, but one adult would fit enough.

I didn't think it would be particularly good to accumulate fatigue during the journey, so I put in five E potions.

Say, Celine, please.

"Oh, you're not coming with me?

It's the usual exchange.

"Yeah, I'll come in later."

"Fufu, is that so? Come in whenever you want."

"Yes, yes."

That's why I dropped Celine off at the bathhouse.

Oniiichan, you're a mess.

Nicolas was lying on the bench listening to our conversation. Jesus Christ, I'll take care of you this time. I approached the bench and pulled out an E-class potion.

"Yes, potion. I don't know if it's good for eating too much. We're both going to be careful now."

That's what I'll give Delica and Nicola.

"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience...."

"Oniichan, real angel."

You're the original angel. If I punish you for this, I want you to stop your weird pranks. I really hoped so.

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