I knew it from the looks of it, but these three were thieves after all. I wonder if it's a bandit whose roots are in a mountain that looks farther away.

"Aniki, why don't you pretend to be guiding the way and do what you're so alarmed about?"

"Ugh! It wasn't the kind of air that would have guided us anyway!

"I should have compromised with one gold coin... I'm an adventurer, sister."

"I'm not a big adventurer if I'm working like a child amulet. Surrounded by three, it'll be easy."

"Ugh, it's easy to understand. That sister is okay with you first, so I'm... that red-haired kid, right?

Delica stepped back in the sight of a pussy. And the other dick makes a sweet voice to the bearded old man.

"Ah, then I'll be that blonde boy, please. I was curious to be cute."

What? Me?

"Damn, you're the same hobby... Fine, you guys, do whatever you want."

"Sasugata, oniisan understands the story! Hehehe....."

The pussy stared at me. Hieh, suddenly your whole body starts to have goosebumps. Is this how delicacies taste today?


Nicolas arrived with a memorable message. Even so, is it really a great practice to consult as soon as possible?

"Celine, what are you doing?

"Hmm... As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to pay for the fire powder, but I wonder if it'll be a little more exciting if I do."

That's how I looked at Delica. Delica was stifling her body with her hands on the sheath of the sword. I want you to take care of me if you can.

I'm not scared either. Compared to having Celine and monsters like Nushi, I can only calm down as long as the words make sense.

"Marc, you do something about it. If you want to gain the strength to defeat malice, you have to fight not only monsters, but others."

I knew it. That's what I was thinking. When I nodded, Celine slapped Delica on the shoulder and pulled her back. Of course, Nicolas went down voluntarily. It's inevitable that I'll come forward.

Oniichan Ganbae

The bandits who were discussing our treatment saw me cheering on Nicolas.

"What's up, kid? You came out front. Heh, you want to play knight?

I'm not moving forward. They are retreating. I tried to have a conversation.

"Uncle, you know that looting is tied up, right? And yet..."

"Why don't you guys work?

Nicola leans her neck from behind me, stirring it with a jittery face. No, that kind of straight ball is unexpectedly effective. An old beard with a bright red face shouted.

"Ugh! I'm tired of working. I have to live long and fat!

When the old man lowered his hips, he vigorously pulled the sword out of the sheath while making a loud noise.

Failed to persuade. Nevertheless, I don't really think I can handle the conversation. I'm still not familiar with interpersonal and relentless pre-emptive attacks.

I quickly turn my hand to the bandits and release the lighting magic. Three blurry glowing spheres of light flew towards each of the bandits' faces.

"Uh-oh... what is this? The boy's magic? I've seen this before, the magic of lighting. Hee... You can use useful magic. If you turn the boy into a slave, our cave will be better..."

"--That's it."

When I close my eyes, I pour as much mana into the lighting magic as I can. The sphere of light sparkled brightly white enough to be seen behind the eyelids for a moment, and it bounced and disappeared.

"Uh-oh! You little bitch!

The other two are pulling out their hips as the old man waves around with his eyes tightly closed. It's dazzling success.

While I'm still moving, I'll do earth magic.

The soil beneath the bandits' feet rose and a dome house about three metres high was completed that took them inside. It is a type with a little air hole but no exit.

I heard bandits whose sight had recovered after a while.

"Hey, hey! Suddenly you're trapped!

"Haah!? Oh, my God!

Hiiii! That's why I said stop!

It sounds like you're banging or kicking a wall from inside a dondon and dome house. Perhaps it won't break that much. If I hit him with a hammer, he might crack. I can hear the impatient old man's voice from inside.

"Hey, kid! Get the fuck out of here!

I silently made the air hole big enough for my torso to pass through.

"All right, hold on. I'll beat the shit out of you right now!

Immediately after the old man pulls his arms through the wall, narrow the hole again to the size of a tightened torso. Then the old man became like a person who couldn't move when he tried to get out of the toilet window.

The old man spills his sword and yells as he presses his hand against the wall.

"Oh, I can't get out of here! Do something!"

"There's no way you can handle it.... um, oniisan inside"

"Hyi, what is it...?"

The special sex dick who was after me makes a scared voice.

"I think oniisan will be caught and tied up after this. At least do whatever you want before that happens."

"What? What are you talking about...? Ah."

There must be an older brother's ass in front of his dick.

"Oh no, I haven't met my brother yet....."

"Hey, what are you taking off your pants for?! I don't have that hobby! No, hey, hey!

"That's right... If you're going to die anyway... Even my brother always said it was fat and short. --Aniki, take my fat, short one!

"Hyi, stop! Stop! Whoa, whoa!... ahh!

An old man's dirty scream echoed on a clear early morning plain.

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