I went outside the hotel looking for a well. Passing through the entrance to the inn and slamming the large doors will calm down the hustle and bustle of the pub. Soundproofing seems to be fairly good with only solid buildings.

Incidentally, there are quite a few service accommodations where you wash yourself in wells. Similar lodgings are also found in the town of Fathia. There are fewer shower rooms that use magic equipment like our inn. As expected, our shower rooms are not separate but shared.

"Well, I wonder where the well is...."

I mutter alone. It seems that the well is near the inn. Outside, the sun is completely falling, but we rely on the light that leaks out of the inn's windows to search around the inn.

As he was wandering around for a while, he found a well a little off the inn.

The area around the well found is slightly faded away from the inn, so it is exposed to the light of the moon and asserts its existence in a different way. The sight of the well as if it were rising is so creepy.

It seems that there are ghosts (laces) in this world, and they are usually scared. If I hadn't been my oldest son, I would have run away unbearably.

Moreover, only in these times will I remember horror movies of the previous life, and the fear gradually increases. I'm sure you'll come ~ Please forgive me.

In that case, if the surroundings are lighted up with lighting magic, the fear may disappear, but when I wipe my body half-naked from now on, I am embarrassed to take the trouble to make it stand out from the surroundings.

Just get a little closer to the well for now. I have water magic in the first place, so I don't need to use a well. But if it's around the well, it's okay to leave some water running, so use it.

I floated water in space with water magic while trying not to look at the well as much as possible. All I have to do is wet the towel and wipe my body...

So I came up with something. It's a waste to just wipe your body when you're outside feeling so scared. I'll wash my head at least. I'm a man who can turn a pinch into a chance.

When I took off my jacket and got naked on my upper body, I let the water out like a shower from a chunk of water and bathed my head with water.

Remove the hair soap from the item box where water is familiar to the hair and rub it onto the head. Then I washed my scalp with shakashaka while foaming the soap. Hmm, it feels so good. I feel a little better because it is something that cannot be done in the room.

I completely forgot what I was afraid of and drifted bubbles all over my head with my nose. Then wipe your hair and wipe your body with a wet towel. I took the towel out of the item box to dry my hair.

- The towel was true (...), red (...), stained (...) with blood (...), (...), (...).


I stumbled back a few steps when I accidentally threw away a towel. I want to praise myself even if I just couldn't get out of my hips.

My heart is pounding. When I swallowed the raw saliva, I pulled my hips and threw a towel in the direction of my face. The same red stained towel fell on the ground before throwing it away.

The bright red color will undoubtedly be blood. Is this something psychologically aggressive about ghosts?

I've heard of ghosts (races) from Nicolas, and I don't know how to deal with them. I regretted a little that I should have asked.

Yet it is dark and heartless.... yes, it's the light for now. Now I'm naked on my upper body, but I don't think that matters anymore.

When I activated the lighting magic, the area around the well became brighter as if it were daylight. And bloody towels reveal the whole thing.

I mean, this is the towel I wiped Ney's blood with.

Now it's time to relax from my feet and drop the magical amount of illumination as I crouch down to the ground. Then he exhaled a big relief and approached the towel.

The towel seems to be dirty and intact because I threw it away. Ney's blood wasn't enough to stain the whole towel red, just the side that happened to be in my sight was stained red.

I can't use this towel anymore, can I? I also wiped the floor, so there may be glass fragments intertwined. In the meantime, we'll throw it away later and put it in the item box.

Blood, wet towels, Ney's blood.

What a label. How stupid of me to accidentally take this out of an item box.

I took out a brand-new towel and this time I started wiping my wet hair. I'm glad no one saw me...


Though I feel like I'm getting some kind of hearsay, it's my fault and the inn definitely won't turn around.

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