"... hmm. Let's climb the slope slowly today."

Celine looked at Nicolas and smiled with her eyebrows down. Nicolas has a nice exterior, so I don't have much to say except for me and my parents because she's tired or troublesome, but I guess that's what she looked like yesterday.

"... yeah!

God...... The coming of God..... "

When Nicolas replied cheerfully, she immediately followed God's waist and buried her face on her buttocks.

Well, it's especially because of Bjørn's stretching out yesterday, and Nicolas won't sweat a lot if she walks slowly.

--That's how I thought about it.

After all, walking slowly didn't have much effect, and I went up the ramp to be pulled by me while sweating slowly this time. He doesn't have any health.

Still managed to climb the ramp and arrived in front of the destination warehouse. Of course, the connected hands were wet enough to hold even a wet sponge.

Hahaha, Nicolas is breathing on her shoulders.

"Oniichan, I have an important request... Will you make this ramp a slide with earth magic on your way home?

I'll never stop.

If you do it, it's going to be a sliding slide where your buttocks are scratching, and worse than anything else, it's bad for Beyan.

I decided to make a chair and table for my hard-working sister.

This flat in the middle of the mountain has a warehouse built in the middle, but there's too much space for us to relax.

First I made a large table and a chair with five legs. Nay, who was looking at it, raised her voice with her eyes open.

"Oh, you can do earth magic too!? It's not just healing magic....."

"Yeah, I'm better at it."

As for me, since I am a child who can use earth magic in the town, I am a little happy that these reactions are fresh.

You can also make a roof that looks like a Higashiya for sun protection with a little smell. This completes the rest area.

As soon as Nicola sat in her chair and left her body at the table, she turned to me and said, "Oniichan, give me some water."

"Yes," she handed Nicolas the glass out of the item box, and Nicolas drank it dry and tied her face to cover the table.

I don't want to move for a while...

When I said that, it stopped moving like a doll with a dead battery. Well, I think we should take a full break.

I look back to get the rest of them a drink. Then I saw the mountain on the other side.

Apparently, we can see from this side, and we can see from the other side. The three miners who are watching the entrance point to this building that was created suddenly and say something to each other.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if I could do this all of a sudden!

Nay waved at him as he said so.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Jimza!"

Nay raised her voice. Then he looked back toward Nay. Looks like he knows Nay.

It's quite a distance away, but I don't know whether the Dwarf species has good vision or whether Nay's vision is special at this distance. Incidentally, from the other side, I think Nay's pink head stands out even if he doesn't know his face, so I just said goodbye.

So I watched Ney's interaction with the miner in the mountain over there blurry, but I noticed something stupid at the mouth behind the miner.... a big grey lizard? I'm sure that's the Stone Lizard.

"Ney, there's a stone lizard behind my uncles!

"Ah! Hey, back there! Jim, back, back!

Nay calls out to the miner, but his voice doesn't seem to be clear, and he just waves his hands around. I'm sure he was free to keep watch. I don't realize there are enough prey behind me to crush my time.

"It's not a monster that hits very aggressively outside the nest, but it's the entrance to the nest, and it's not dangerous to turn your back on it."

Celine frowned worriedly as she watched the stone lizard lurking at the mouth of the pit.

"Celine, can you do something?

"I was going to tell you to do it... That's right, if a stone barrett hits someone, it won't be for free...."

I'd rather shoot a stone barrel over there with one or eight. Celine exhales loudly.

"Hah, I can't help it. Now, take a good look ~"

Celine took out her magic wand and said the words that triggered it as usual.

Fire Arrow

The fire arrow, which appeared to cross the vertical cane (wand) and the cross, flew to the other mountain without a sound, sliding through the side of the guard and hitting the stone lizard to suck.

The sentinel miner stood beside his body, forcing the fire arrow to pass by in an instant, without moving a step, but immediately saw the stone lizard carcass behind him and realized it. She waved her hand toward us, thanking her, and Celine also waved her hand.

"Cerine's accuracy is incredible."

"If I don't polish it first, I'll live in a place where I can't help it....."

Celine looked bitter as she moved to the table. I wonder what happened when I was brushing my arms. I wanted you to tell me the hard story you said one day.

Serve a drink to Celine, who is sitting in a chair. Nay and Delica also sat down and decided to rest behind the roof for a while.


While you're squandering your time while chatting, if you notice, it's about noon.

"I don't know yet. I wonder if it's time."

As I murmured, Ney pointed to the adjacent hem and replied.

Looks like he's here.

When I look at the bottom of the mountain, I see seven men walking towards the entrance of the pit. Looks like the Wakels finally showed up on the scene.

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