Delica, Delica, hello.

"Hey, Mark. Hello? What?

Céline asked with a flickering face. Oops, I accidentally said it on the phone.

"Yeah? What is it? Somehow?

Keep calling Delica while deceiving her appropriately. After a while, I heard the sound of removing the resonance stone from the crust and leather bag.


"That's right. Good morning, Delica."

"Good morning, Mark!

Marc? Oh, I'm here, too!

Looks like Nay's with us. It's still morning time, but why is Nai with Delica?

Good morning, Ney too. I contacted you wondering what had happened since then. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me if you were free right now. "

"Yeah. Um... I talked to Byan-san afterwards. So if you tell me that tentacles are popular at Marc's house, you'll be interested in tentacles. I decided to go to Sekkat and Fathia to go shopping."

Apparently Byan found a business opportunity in Tentacles. I thought it might be out of my specialty except for glass products, but apparently it's not.

"So I'm on my way to the village of Seka. Beyan told me that he would put away the magic equipment from the big vault in his carriage and take it to Marc's house."

"Yes, thank you. So, you're already in the carriage, right?... what about Ney!?

"Fufu. It seemed interesting and I decided to follow it. I'm coming home with Bján! I hope my father feels a little thankful when I'm gone. The innkeeper's grandmother sent me out!

It's kind of like running away, but is it okay? I wonder if it would be okay if Bjørn were here. That's what I'll do.

"That's right. That's why Nay enjoyed it.... so Mr. Wekel and the others came back from there?

"The three of you are back safely. So Wakel and the others were supposed to escort us for free, and now they're riding in my carriage with Byan."

If you listen carefully, you can hear me say "Wayway" noisily. Immediately afterwards, I heard Wakel's voice clearly.

"- What am I saying? You're talking to Mark?... woah, I couldn't believe it when I asked my buddies yesterday, but the resonance stone is really shining, so I'm not halfway there..."

Hearing Wakel's voice, Celine approached the resonating stone.

"Wake up, Delica. Keep Nai safe.

"Eh, Celine Sun's voice!? Ha, yes! Of course I'll protect you! We both feel obliged to Celine Sun! Monsters and thieves don't touch a finger, and we don't touch a finger!

"That's fine. Good luck ~"


Looks like Wakel got away from the resonance stone. The voice of Delica came again.

"This is the current situation. Do you understand?

"Yeah, I got it. Thank you. I'm sure Wekel and the others will be fine, but be careful along the way."

Seven escorts would be a good place for a two- or three-day trip. They're supposed to kick me out like monsters and thieves on the road.

"... hey, Mark."

"What's wrong?

"Can you contact me again tomorrow?... ah, you use a lot of magic!? Not if it's hard!

"Yeah, it's okay. This is going to be a magic training too, and I hope so. I'll call you every morning if Delica's okay."

"Really!? Thank you!... well, thank you for listening for yourself."

"Never mind. See you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it...."

While listening to Delica's slightly embarrassing voice, when I try to cancel the call, I hear voices and whistles that are kind of flirting.

"Chi, no! I don't think so..."

And Delica was yelling and the call was cut off.

It's not hard to imagine Wakels teasing Delica. Gosh used to make fun of me, and now I think I'm angry because my face is bright red.

But I'm sure Delica herself is not that kind of floating story, but rather a little mindful away from her parents. I'm still twelve years old, though I'm getting stronger. Some of them aren't that close, and only Nay is of the same sex. I can't help being anxious to get in touch with you every morning.

I'll call you longer tomorrow to relieve your anxiety. With that in mind, the resonance stone was placed in the item box.

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