Well, then I'd like to go.

"It's settled. Let's go out when Esther comes."

At that moment, the door opened momentarily just after I was told the story and Esther entered.

"Hello! I'm here to play as promised!... what? It's a magic stone, isn't it?

"Welcome to Ester. I'm going to take this magic stone to Grandpa Tori, but I'll go with Esther ~"

"If I could talk to Celine, I'd follow her anywhere!

Staring at the mountain of magic stones on the table, Esther answered immediately, turning her expression into a full smile in response to Celine's invitation. Hmmm, that's the momentum that's going to make you see your swinging tail.

I delivered a message to Nicolas while storing the Magic Stone in the item box.

"Nicola, what are you going to do?

I can't discard deepening my rapport with Esther, but now I'm finally sleeping with Eclain Mama's meat and I'm sorry, but I'm absent.... ah, oniichan. I'm glad you bought some magic equipment with glasses that you can see through your clothes, even though you sell all your property. "

I wonder what magic tools are... Well, then leave a message. "

There was nothing strange about the end of the phrase, but it was better not to know, so I went through it with all my strength.


Leaving Nicolas and Eclain at home, we set out for Tori's house, where we were making magic tools.

Now Celine and Esther are walking together in front of me. It's not like I don't feel a little alienated, but it's been a long time for Esther, so I'll give it away. I decided to enjoy the surrounding scenery.

The landscape where houses are built in the woods is unchanged, but is this part of the main street or is it somewhat well-maintained and easy to walk around? Yesterday's journey was different from that of Kemo.

Still, there were trees above my head, and it was cool and pleasant to walk in a leaky day.

"Oh, Marc. What's the matter with you? What are you looking for?

Celine turned around and asked me. I was just looking at the view, but apparently it looked suspicious.

"Yeah, I was just looking at the view. After all, half-elf villages value nature. Look, there are so many trees left."

I spread my hands and praised this nature. Then Celine and Esther meet each other... and blow.

"Fufu, that's not true. Well, I don't like being surrounded by the woods, but it's inconvenient to just have so many trees. I'm just looking for trouble keeping it simple ~"

"I told my grandpa and grandma that I used to live in an elf village, and they said there were more flats even in an elf village that liked the forest."

"This village is basically a village where people get tired of adventures and want to get a partner to relax, so the villagers aren't willing to do it. This road was created at the initiative of Deal."

"That's right...."

I'm a little embarrassed to praise nature with my cheeky face... Nevertheless, it is surprising that Deal, dressed in a green ethnic costume and visible only to Conservatives, is promoting pioneering. Maybe you want me to open it up to the elves.

"Do you think this road and the bargaining square are properly maintained? Everyone will do whatever they want afterwards when they need them."

It's an unexpectedly relaxed ethnicity, Half Elf. The first thing I saw when I came here was an elf open deal, so the image that had solidified there collapsed.

"--here we are."

Behind Celine's stop is a small wooden house somewhere slightly paved.

The area around the house seems to be well logged, but given the half-elf temperament I just heard, it may be a little unusual. Well, if not, I wonder if I can't make magic tools.

Celine knocked on the door and went in without waiting for a reply.

"Grandpa Tori, long time no see ~"

Inside was a skinny man with glasses. The ears visible from the brunette hair are round and seem to have a good human character. But they call him Grandpa, but he looks only in his 40s.

"What is it, Celine? I told you not to call me Grandpa. I've been active my whole life."

"What is one of the elders saying?"

Tori turned his gaze towards me after looking at Hung and you. With a sharp gaze, I bow unexpectedly.

"It was rumored in the square that this is the kid Celine brought in."

"Yes, hey. There were a lot of misunderstandings about my children, and I had a lot of trouble trying to solve them ~"

"Hmph, it's not weird to have kids anymore, right? It's a natural consequence.... so what can I do for you today?

"Mark, show him."

Celine prompted me to show me all the magic stones I had at the table nearby. Tori stared at the magic stone and asked Celine to make fun of it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And with an item box."

"I wish you could ride the temptation. Unfortunately, I came to the village this time. And this Magic Stone was taken by this child with his own genius. Don't make any mistakes."

You mean the kid you expected? Even though it's a kid, "Celine, the Man Who Dislikes Men" is unusual. So, what do you want with this magic stone?

"You're just staring at the Magic Stone with your greedy eyes. You don't have enough magic stones, do you?

"Respond. I'm doing business with a peddler, but it's still small. It will soon disappear, so you won't have time for it. Will you let me have this magic stone?

"Yes, if there's anything that Grandpa Tori has that she likes, I want you to trade it for her."

When Tori heard that, he twisted his mouth and approached me.

"Wow, that's funny. Well then, let's have a look at my magic equipment. You said Marc, right? What do you want?


The shelves lined up by the walls of a room that wasn't so big were lined up with magical objects. Some of the magic tools I've seen on the stove and some of the magic tools to cool things down, but there are also some that I've never seen before.

I point to what looks like a seemingly ordinary knife on the shelf.

"Mr. Tori. This knife is also a magic tool, right?

"Of course, this is a knife that adds more sharpness to a mana. Fish is a bone-in spa."

Yeah, I can do it myself.

"Then what is this?

Next, I'll show you a cylinder like the core of toilet paper.

"This is the barrel that the Stone Barrett pops out when you put the mana in. If you hit a beast, you can take it out with a single blow."

Hmm... I knew I didn't need magic tools.

"What's wrong, kid?... hmm, I'll show you what I can keep."

Tori removes his glasses from the shelf. I wonder if this is also a magical instrument.

Sit down.

Wear glasses as told. Glass glasses with no freaks. Then Tori grabbed my shoulders and forced me to turn towards Celine and Esther. Celine and Esther looked stunned immediately.

"Put the mana in."

I put in a mana. And then...

Celine and Esther are suddenly naked!?

"Eh, this is it!

I look up at Tori in a hurry. Wow, Tori's naked.... hmm? Is that it?

--Ah... If you look closely at this, the part you're wearing is just skin toned.

"This is a magic tool that uses the power of the light attribute Mana to turn the clothing into the same color as the skin. Perfect for a kid's toy, right?

Tori smiled at me and looked at Tori with a stupid face, as Celine and Esther probably knew.

"I'll keep it cheap. How about one?

Hmm. It's close to Nicolas's request, but if I take this on the spot, everything in me is going to collapse.

No, thanks.

I took off my glasses and gently put them back on the shelf.

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