Returning to the house, Tori immediately searched the magic equipment on the shelf and placed it on the table one after the other.

"I should have asked you first. Is it good because of this?

Tori started explaining, pointing at the magic equipment on the table one by one.

"This is a glass that purifies raw water and allows you to drink it. This is a magic tool that keeps sending the cold wind on hot days. This is a lantern that glows when you put mana in it."

Oh, that sounds kind of convenient. I wanted something like this.

"And glasses that you can see in the distance, and magic equipment that delivers a loud voice to the distance. How about this?

It's like a telescope and a loudspeaker. Neither of them can be reproduced with my magic, so it might be useful if you keep them.

"Yeah, that's what I like. I want all of them. Thank you, Mr. Tori."

"Oh my God, Celine was so far away because she boasted about my boy."

"What is it? I wanted to brag about it, so it's okay."

Hearing Celine's objection, Tori turned her neck and exhaled tirelessly. And once I took the Magic Stone Mountain out on the table again, I stared at it for a while and picked a few small Magic Stones and put them on the shelf.

"The price is like this, it's unsaleable. But to be honest, I want more magic stones. So I'll make something for you. Do you have any magic tools you want me to build? I'll try to make something that matches your wishes."

"I can't think of anything in particular right now... But I'm going back to town soon. Can you make magic equipment so quickly?

"Yeah? A few months if it's complicated... Oh, I see. You're not staying in the village until Celine's portal stone is ready."


I looked up at Celine next door. Celine is looking away from me and her cheeks are looking poly.

"Celine, what do you mean?

Celine opened her eyes to my question. [M]

"Um, well, it's not so much a code. It's not recommended to leave the village without a portal stone...."

"That's right. It is a mysterious item that can be used to return to the village in an instant, even if you are dying. There won't be any advantages to leaving the village without it."

Tori shouted in astonishment. The more they say, the more useful it is. Adventurers would be even more important if they were working.

The question is how long can we build it up... The doubt was solved by Esther's mouth.

"That's right! I want to get out of the village and be an adventurer, but I'm in the middle of building a portal stone for ten years."

"Ten years!?

"Yeah, I'm not good at magic, so I'm a little late. But even Celine said it took about three years, right?

"Ah, yeah, that's right. That's how long it took me to make it. So for now, I'm going to put Marc back in town, and I'm going to go back to the village, and I'm going to take it easy for a while."

"No, it's this guy. I might end up in trouble and never come back to the village."

When Tori stared at Celine in a carefree manner, Celine put her hand on her waist and stretched her chest without saying that she was out of her mind.

"I know I'm handy with portal stones, too. I'll come back to the village and be quiet for a while.... Mark, I won't be seeing you for a while, but don't forget about me, okay? Yes, that's it!

When I stood up quickly, I clapped my hands with bread and forced the conversation to end.

"Well then, Grandpa Tori, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm going home, both of you."

Celine leaves the house to run away, and we tend to hang out with it. Tori called me on the way out.

"Hey, Mark.... at least don't let me stay in town after I return you. It's for Celine."

I nod firmly to Tori's words.

"Ah, and...."

I wonder what. Tori's serious face makes me squeal.

"I forgot to clean up the Mountain of Magic Stones. If you leave me like this, I can't get out of my stomach."

"Ah, I'm sorry..."

I went after Celine when I put away the Mountain of Magic Stones.


"Now, where shall we go next?"

Celine walks gently through the village with a breathtaking voice that never happened before. But now my heart feels like a weight.

Celine used a portal stone to protect us and was tied up in this village for about three years.

Well, this village is Celine's birthplace, and it's not a bad place, but it's probably too small for Celine to be an adventurer.

I know Celine doesn't regret it, and I'm sorry. If it hadn't happened, Celine would have been silent.

I wish I could do something for Celine, but I can't think of anything right now.

"... hmm, I think I'd like to go home for a while."

Yeah? Speaking of which, it's almost lunch. Shall we have lunch at home? Let's eat Ester together ~ "

It is a report contact consultation at such a time. Let's talk to Nicolas.


When Celine went home and woke up Eclaine, she walked out of her bedroom with shiny Nicolas, saying, "I kind of had a dream of eating my whole body on a slime." I'm sure that's because Nicolas did something.

The lunch begins by appropriately spreading the food that you received from the morning barter to the table. Soon after that, Nicolas sent me a message.

Oniichan, you look kind of like you're not floating. I thought you advised me to be very careful about sexual harassment against Esther?

Actually, I need to talk to Nicola...

I explained the situation through Nicolas's light mouth.

"- I see. Three years may not be that long from a half-elf, but I am very sorry to leave Celine for three years.... it certainly seems better to think of something like this."

"Can't you think of a good idea for Nicolas?

"... why don't we go check out the portal crystal for now? This is not part of the knowledge I have sourced, but if we look into it in detail, we may find a way out."

Sure, that's all I can do for now.

I see. Let's do it.

In the meantime, I feel like I have a little chest pressure because the policy has been decided. I grabbed the white bread in the basket and started eating.

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