So, how do you do it?

I asked Nicolas with a stunned voice.

It's easy. I connected Celine's hand, and through a filter called Celine, my brother poured a fire mana into the crystal branch. "

Well, it seems easy to do.

Please be careful not to pour oniichan's mana directly into the crystal branch. The question is how much time Celine has to pay for it. "

Okay. Let's try it for now. "

"Celine, I need to give it a try."

"Nh, man, look serious. I'll take Marc's proposal, okay?

Hold Celine's hand with both hands without saying anything. While listening to Celine's joke saying, "Oh, that's aggressive." I looked him in the eye and told him clearly.

"Now, I want you to pour the mana on the crystal branch again."

After opening her eyes, Celine put one hand on her chin to reflect.

"... Phew, that's what I mean. Sure, you might be able to handle it."


"Alright, let's do it."

Understanding my intentions, Celine began pouring a fire mana with her other hand touching the crystal branch as she squeezed her hand.

After I saw it, I put the mana in the hand connected with Celine, imagining passing the fire attribute mana through Celine to the branch.

Gradually, Celine's body was wrapped in red moya. My flushing fire mana must be running around Celine's body. Then Celine, wrapped in my mana, opened her mouth in agony.

"Nh, su, it's so hot and thick... this is Marc's mana... So, I'm sorry, but I appreciate you loosening it up a little...."

Originally, I am not good at handling mana with fire attributes. Looks like the force is not working. Slowly and carefully lower the mana output.

Oniichan. Gently, gently. If you don't do it slowly even when you loosen it up, the difference in concentration will make Celine feel strange. Slowly, slowly. Yes, hi-huh. Repeat Afternoon Hiffoo "

Instead, I want you to stop because I am distracted.

A few minutes passed. Someday my connected hands are a little wet with sweat. I don't know if it was my sweat or Celine's sweat, but when I looked up at Celine, it was sweating like a waterfall from my neck.

"Celine, are you okay? Shall we loosen it up a little bit?

"Heh, I'm fine.... hahaha, you can do it like this. Nku... please continue..."

Celine, who dyed her cheeks red, exhaled a rough breath and shook her chest upwards and downwards. When she answered, the potatoes and sweat fell from the tip of her chin. Is it really okay?

─ Ehhhhhhhhhh

And Nicolas broke before Celine did.

Did you continue for 30 minutes? Celine leaned against the portal crystal but kept pouring mana into the crystal branch without rest. Your body is already sweaty, and your breathing mouth is still open.

Celine shouted.

"But I'm already at my limit... Forgive me....."

Celine took her hand off me and fell off her knee.

"Crazy beauty!

"Celine, oneechan, are you okay?!

When Nicolas rushed to Celine with a worried face, she sniffed or peeked from an incredible angle and was busy. In other words, excited conversations and conversations seem to be the opposite, but Celine's consciousness seems to be blurred and she doesn't show any reaction.

I handed Celine a towel and turned the fan magic equipment I had just replaced towards Celine. I'm glad it was useful right away.

And it was the core stone fruit, but something like a stem was just stretching towards the tip of the branch. Unfortunately, I haven't found it yet.

Celine, who seems to have rested for a while, looks up at the crystal branch sitting on the ground.

"Hmm. Looks like it worked. That's....."

When Celine got her hands on her sweaty chest, she took out the leather bag and a bundle of paper from it. Looking at it from the side, it seemed that the observation record of the stone fruit was written down like a picture diary.

"There's nothing to do in this village, so I kept an observation record... Looks like this is how the crystal branches looked when I spent about 10 days?

So it's ten times faster? Which means, uh...... if you continue like this, it will be completed in about a hundred days. It is ambiguous because the pictorial diary is the basis.

That's right, if I don't go home for three years... Maybe a little homestay for about three months.

"... Nicola, you don't have to leave right away, do you?

Yes, I haven't enjoyed the beautiful parts of this village yet, and it's no problem. I can get in touch with Mom and Dad with a resonance stone. "

"Ufufu, if we do it today and tomorrow, we'll be back as early as 20 days. You've been loved so much for wanting to see me so soon ~ Mfufufu"

Celine laughs as she wipes her sweat with a towel. Seems Celine has decided to spend only two days... Let's keep it quiet for now.

I reached out to Celine, who was sitting on the ground. Not high enough, but a little help getting up.

And Celine grabbed her hand and said, "Thank you."


I trembled like a numbness and stuck my buttocks.

"Eh? Celine, are you okay?!

"... I'm sorry. Well, it looks like there's still a feeling like that. Well, I don't know what happened.... Ahahah, I'll stand alone ~"

Celine stood up as if nothing had happened while her face was bright red and started walking first by herself. I'll follow it in a hurry.


And in my brain, Nicola's screaming wooden spirit.

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