Could it have taken more than an hour? He circled around the empty land while striking the pile. It is quite spectacular to see a pile of stone two meters high lined up and surrounded by open spaces.

Even though I have a sense of space, I'd better be prepared for this. Anyway, Nicolas, who's better at sensing than I am, will be staying at Celine's house, and from now on, she will be living alone with a weak eight-year-old. As long as you don't let anything extra near.

And even though it took a long time, for some reason Esther was walking around about me and watching the piling work.

"Now the fence is complete. I've been watching, but aren't you bored?

"Yeah, I've never seen so much earth magic before. I can't use much magic, but I like to see it. When I was a kid, Celine asked me to visit many times."

Through that conversation, Celine showed me the magic of fire in the river, shot a fire arrow at a monster that happened to be in the woods and hit him brilliantly without any other flames, and encouraged me to stretch it if I wasn't good at magic but I was good at handling weapons -

He narrowed his eyes to remind me of various memories. All I know is that Estelle really likes Celine. Well, I like it, too, but let's skip the sex stuff.

After talking all the way, did Esther lighten up a little? She raised the tone of her voice while looking around.

"Nevertheless, I've only seen it in such a large place, in the village square and in Dr. Tori's laboratory, so I kind of want to move my body! Can I run around the perimeter for a minute?

It feels kind of surreal for a gymnasium girl to walk long distances around where I'm working in a vacant space. There is something better if you want to move your body than that.

"How about this instead of a silence charge for Celine?

I make a monolithic stone wall about ten meters tall in a corner of an empty space. Then, the surface of the wall was convexed or partially deflected, and next to it, stairs were made for climbing and descending.

Now we have a bouldering wall. From a safety point of view, it couldn't be made with children's play equipment, but I think it would be more enjoyable if it was an adventurous ester. After all, the surrounding ground has been converted into a soft sand field, so falling is not so dangerous... but it is only at your own risk! Please do it at your own risk!

"How about training to climb up with your hands and feet on this wall?

"Heh, that sounds interesting. Is it like this?

Staring at the bouldering wall with an intriguing view, Esther rushed toward the wall, showing a leap nearly two meters high. That's an adventurer aspiration, an incredible physical ability.

And when I pulled my feet on the protrusion, I quickly reached the top with a tantan turn. No, it's not.

"Yeah, it's fun! Can you make it a little higher?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm worried about getting hurt if it's too expensive..."

Really… But it's funny enough! I'll let you play with this for a while, so don't worry about Marc. Do what you want. "

As soon as I got down again using the convex part of the wall without using the stairs, I ran up to the top. Just looking at it makes me feel tired when I put my neck up and down.

"Ahahah, I'm glad you enjoyed it... But why don't you try climbing with your hands instead of your feet? Because I only use my hands...."

…… I see, then it's going to be an arm strength exercise. "

The ester on the wall nodded deeply as he rounded his eyes as if he had been fooled. Normally, I think I'll think of you first, but I wonder if all adventurers have this much physical ability.

Then I watched Esther climb up and down the wall for a while, but it was about time for me to go back home. I'm sure Celine and the others are already happening.

Oh, yeah. There was one question I wanted to ask before I left.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to mention that Estelle was off the hook today, right?

She answered with her cheeks pointing like the ester jumped off the wall.

"Ah, sorry, right? I didn't realize it until Marc told me, but it looks like it's a mess. I'll kill the signs and walk."

Oh, I see.


She broke up with Esther, who was playing in Bourdaling, and returned to Celine's house. When I opened the front door, all three of them were already awake.

Celine, who was brushing Nicolas's hair in the room, opened her mouth with regret.

"Welcome back, Marc. You slept a little too much. It's almost lunch time, isn't it? It's a little early, but I think we should have lunch and contact Leona and the others when we're done."

"Okay. Then I'll put it on the table properly."

I put meat skewers bought from white bread and street food from the item box, and fried rock insects on the table with a plate, and the eclaine caught by the smell pointed to fried chicken.

"Marc, it's you. What the hell is this?

"It's a fried monster called a rock bug. It was sold in a Sadra mine settlement."

"Heh, monsters I've never heard of. Which one?"

Eclaine hits the gavel, picks one and puts it in her mouth.

"Oh, it's crispy and delicious! After all, the meat of the monster tastes different. It's a shame there aren't any monsters around here to eat. I wish there were more monsters around this village ~"

You say things that are quite noisy. Even so.....

"I asked Estelle that I met on the way out, but there are monsters called Green Fox and Forest Fungus, right? Can't you eat?

"The meat of Green Fox was not eaten strenuously, and some people seem to eat Forest Fungus... I want to pass."

Looks like it's a delicacy. I don't think rock worms are that kind of thing.

Oniichan, oniichan...

"Mum, oniichan, were you in close contact with Esther? Don't you think it's okay to stop flagging beautiful girls for nothing?

Nicolas, who had finished brushing her hair, sat down in the chair and delivered a speech. It happened last night and Nicolas is spicy today.

Oh, good morning.

"Flagging and nothing but Celine's old tale."

Nicolas on the table just keeps eating fried mog and rock bugs, but the conversation doesn't stop because it's a precaution.

I don't think it's anything other than royal roads, such as attacking from a common topic.... well, good. It's better to have a lot of branch routes because it's a mess. The main heroin is just one erotic person, so it's a good place to fuck. "

"Would you stop comparing my life to an erotic flowchart?"

"Ah, have you both eaten already? Don't you mind waiting for me?"

Celine, who arrived late at the table, sat on the chair protesting lightly. That's why we started lunch a little earlier.

Spend a little time after lunch, and Delica will be in the town of Fathia. Anyway, I imagined a long conversation with my mom and dad about extending my stay, and I kind of bounced.

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