"Hmm, this is terrible. I'm very careful with this. Be very careful!"

After peeking into the room, Nicola turned to me and protested against me with her index finger up.

"I admit it's too empty. That's why Esther gave me flowers...."

"I don't think one or two of the flowers can handle this killing scenery room. Would you like to make it look a little more decent for now? I don't want to spend the night in jail either."

Nicolas entered the house and started wandering around. You can praise the fact that you take off your shoes without saying so.

"For now, I can imagine why there are no windows, and let's say today. Didn't you say the lights were replaced with magic equipment? Let's use that. Please also put out magical equipment like a fan. I want to do" Ah ~ "."

At Nicolas' behest, I solemnly made a hook in the ceiling, climbed onto a magical earthen platform, and hung the lighting magic fixture and lit the lights. Then install a fan-shaped magic tool in the corner of the room. I'll say "Wallewalehawchuzinda" later.

"Besides, it looks like we haven't made a private room toilet yet, so let's make it.... just for the record, you're not going to build a toilet in the corner of the room, are you?

"That's not exactly how you do it... But the bathroom. You can add a small room and put the temporary toilet that I made when I was in the wilderness, but I wonder if we need to dispose of the stuff that's accumulated inside in three months."

Incidentally, my parents' toilet was flushing into the sewers, but it seemed to be a pick-up at the village mayor's house, Sadra mine's inn, and Celine's house. But the smell didn't bother me, so I guess I was doing some magical processing on the stool part.

If you accumulate it, oniichan can put it in the item box.

"Definitely not."

"I don't care.

"I care. I mean, don't worry about it.... I'll dig a hole as deep as I can for now. So, in case we need to deal with it, let's bury it in the dirt and move the toilet somewhere else."

"Well, three months might be fine."

"All right, let's make it."

I was working on the toilet when I got Nicolas's tattoo. After that, while listening to Nicolas's proposed renovation, I continued to revamp the room, and after a while I went to bed today.


"... Luku... Maruku..."

I woke up with a faint sound of Esther and a knock on the door. It's not a wooden door, it's a stone door, so it makes a dull noise.

When I got out of bed, I stretched lightly. It seems that sleep is a dust. I don't know what's going on outside because there are no windows, but it's probably early in the morning when the pickup arrives. Hurry to the front door and open the door, there was an ester of smile standing there.

"Marc, it's you! I'm here to pick you up!

"Hey, good morning. Ah, that's...."

Esther was holding a vase with both hands. The vase contains several white lily flowers, similar to those decorated with ester flowers.

"Yeah, that's the flower I said yesterday. How about this?

"Thank you. It's nice to decorate your hair, but it's cute to decorate with a vase. I'm going to get ready, so I need you to go home and wait for me."

That said, when I received the vase from Ester, I occasionally smelled a stronger smell of flowers than the smell from Ester. Where should I put this vase? For now, why don't we put it on the table and ask Nicolas about it later? I like the entrance. [M]

Estelle, who followed me into the house, looked over the room and looked next to my bed.

"Hee ~, the room has become quite busy. And Nicolas is staying here?

"Yeah, so I don't have to pick you up, but I think we can take it a little slow. I'm going to wake Nicolas up. Just give me a minute."

Nicolas is still sleeping soundly in the bed next to me. When I suggested a different bedroom, Nicolas said that she could stay with me, so I adopted it as it is.

Besides, under Nicolas's instructions, closets and shelves were also produced with earth magic, and the layout was close to the parents' children's room, including the adjacent bed. I think it has become a kind of calm room compared to when I was imprisoned.

... but it's really embarrassing to open the front door and see the bed right away. We'll sandwich the walls while we get back today.

Place the vase on the table and shake Nicolas's shoulders as she sleeps on the bed. Then I heard a sudden reminder. Apparently, his eyes are still closed, but he's already awake.

"... are you going to kill me to come to work at this hour?

People don't die when they get up early, maybe. And that's what my mom wanted, so let's do our best. "

It's almost oniichan's fault.... well, I see. Nicola, wake up. "

When Nicolas stood up naked, she yawned and stared at Esther as she had just noticed.

"Phew... oh, Estelle. Ohayo!

"Good morning, Nicola. Say hello today."

When Jesus laughed at Nicole, Nicole replied cheerfully.


Ha. Ester is cute after all. Even though it's cool at first glance, if you forgive someone, you'll feel like a dog or something like that when you're in a gap. I hate oniichan, who is pouring that love on himself, and I'm jealous... "

"Love. I'm just a friend. Would it be better to change clothes quickly than that? I have plenty of time, but it's not good to wait."

I take off my room clothes and send a reminder. And Nicola, who had her hands on the pink pyjamas, blushed slightly.

Roger that. Even so, it's kind of creepy to change your clothes while a beautiful girl watches you... "

When I looked at Esther in Nicolas's whisper, Esther looked at us all the time while she was smiling. Don't look, you're over-conscious, and above all, from me who saw you naked in the river... I took off my room clothes as soon as I could and changed into my outerwear.

After a while, I let Nicolas sit on the bed and brush her hair lightly. The neighborhood's reputation for angelic blonde hair shined brighter. You're all set.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go then."

When I put the brush in the item box, I called out to Nico and Esther who was watching.

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