"Uh-oh! Mark, Nicola! What do you mean, you're not home yet?

Lunch at Celine's house and infuse magic with portal crystals. Seline, who was sweating, dropped off to take a bath with Nicolas and went home alone. When the two of them came to my house after taking a bath, I contacted my parents with a resonance stone, and I had a conversation with my father for a while before I interrupted Grandpa's dialog.

"Uh-huh, I've got a lot to do. I guess Grandpa started coming to us."

Now they'll put the resonance stone in our kitchen so that Dad can talk while he's at work. As far as Nicolas is concerned, he used to use the surroundings as a candle without entering the inn.

"Ah, ahh... After that, there were so many things! You miserable Jayne bastard can't at least admit that he can't beat his father's taste that I know of! Leona asked me to, but I had to go through the exam to eat Jayne's mess!

Jayne is my father's name. Apparently, as a result of my mother's success, she finally got to us. I hope my parents and grandfather will be able to spend a lot of time like this.

"More than that, Marc was really nice. I thought you'd be back already, so I bought a lot of stuff and counted your fingers and waited! 'Cause you guys are almost there - no, nothing! Nothing!

It's your birthday, I know.

That's right. We will be nine years old in a while. Every year, our parents celebrate us warmly, but it's a shame we can't make it. And it looks like Grandpa was coming this year.

"It's great to be back anyway - there's something good going on! Is that why you're here? Come home as soon as you're done!

Apparently, he'll have a birthday party a little late after he gets home. Thank you so much.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's time to hang up today."

"Ah! This stone uses a lot of magic. Marcus is my proud grandson! Well, can I say goodbye to Nicolas for the last time?

I look at Nicolas sitting next to her in the chair. Then Nicolas smiled nicely at the resonance stone and raised her loving voice.

"Bye, Grandpa! Babba!"

"--ahhhhh ~..."

Shortly afterwards, I thought I heard a bang and something fall, and I heard my mother's voice immediately.

"Oh, Dad?... no, you're fainting!? See you tomorrow, Marc, Nicolas! Father, Father!?

I breathe out and stop pouring mana into the resonant stone. The resonance stone stopped shining pale green and returned to a mere stone.

"Fufu, you don't know that my charm stays when I take you to Haven with just my voice."

That's just Grandpa...

When Nicolas smiled bitterly as she cleared the resonance stone, Celine's voice was heard from behind.

"You're kind of a very powerful grandfather ~"

/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) slowly/slowly/slowly/(P)/

"Yeah, but it's really nice to us."

/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) slowly/slowly/slowly/(P)/

"That's right, but it feels so good to be lying on a carpet. Hirohiro ~"

While we were talking on the resonance stone, Celine was lying on the freshly laid carpet, rolling to the right and left. Nicola sees it and delivers a sweet story.

Fufu, it's even prettier than rolling on the floor.

Yeah? That's right. I mean, you don't usually roll on the floor... "

That's right. Fuhihi "

Leaving Nicolas alone and turning to Celine again, she stopped rolling and lay down on her back on the carpet. When I look at the two mountains that are lifted up even though I'm lying on my back, I think the human body is strange.

"Hah, I have to take care of my mother when I get back to my house, and I kind of want to stay here forever... no, no, no, that's no good."

Celine shook her head and stood up, dressed herself up and headed for the front door.

Well then, it's time to go home. I'll be waiting for dinner ~ "


Celine walked through the door waving at us and left. So, what do we do now? Nicolas murmured when I thought about it.


"Hmm? What?

"Could you put me in this carpet for a minute? I want to be wrapped in the leftover incense of Celine, who is taking a bath."

"Oh, you...."

I sighed loudly while remembering my sister's words.


After spending some time in the room, I suddenly wobbled my shoulders at the banging of the gong and the front door. Probably the ester that blocked the signs. As soon as I opened the door, Esther stood there smiling as expected.

"Hello, Mark! Are you still here today? May I play?

"Fine. I'm going to sprinkle water out in the field, so why don't we go out together?"


Even though I met her a few hours ago, Esther replies with pleasure as if she had seen her for a long time. I'm too innocent to think I'm fifteen when I'm talking like this, but I'm glad you're just happy to see me.

As soon as Esther matches the shoes in the front door to make it easier for me to wear, she starts pulling my hand lightly to go faster.

"Ha ha, Esther, I can't wear shoes with that."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry, I'm so happy..."

I blushed my face like Esther lit my words, flew right behind me and walked away from the front door.

"Well, I'll wait outside first!

Yeah, I'll be right there.

I can wear shoes as soon as my hands are free. I hurriedly put on my shoes and chased after Esther, who ran towards the bouldering wall.


In a quiet room. There is an unnaturally swollen, rod-shaped carpet rolling around as if it had been abandoned.


Nicolas slept in the carpet wrapped around it. And when Marc broke up with Esther and was left to go home, instead of smelling Celine, she was rescued in her own sweat, like a wet sponge.

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