We went up the stairs to the rooftop. The wind is stronger than the ground, probably because it's quite tall.

"Hehe, the rooftop is taller than I thought, and the wind is terrifying. I'll put a fence on for now."

I decided to walk around the edge of the roof with my hands on my knees and build a magical earthen fence of about a metre.

And while I was working on the ground, Nicolas walked into the middle of the stack and the rooftop, stopping in the middle and holding her chest with her hands on her hips. --Of course it's breadcrumbs.

"Oh, this is... Oniichan, don't you ever stop building a fence? A sense of openness as the wind passes through your body...! This is hard to throw away in anything!

"If that's what you want, I'm building a bouldering wall over there, so can you do it yourself? Then I won't say anything."

Nicolas looks at the bouldering wall placed near the exterior wall with her hands clasped.

"Hmm, Esther and oniichan's cackyaufu space are definitely taller. But the space is too small for the height."

I see. By the way, I don't catch anything or wuffle. I'm just looking after the fields. Moving irregularities according to Esther's request. "

"Well, then I'd like to play with you next time. Of course, I can't climb that either, so I'd like to support" Good luck ♥ Good luck ♥ "directly below and admire the punch from the slightest gap while looking at the healthy foot that stretches slightly from the ester culotte skirt."

"I think it's drawn from the ester too much, but if you like... it's finished."

The fence surrounding the roof was completed, so I stood up gently. Okay, I'm not afraid of this. And I once again looked at the surrounding view from the rooftop, but, um, I can only see the mountains and forests.

Let's dry the laundry first. I made a drying rod and stand with earth magic and hung the laundry from the item box one after the other, so the work was done lightly. Of course, Nicolas kept her hands on her hips in the middle without trying to help.

"--That's it. The ventilation is good, and it might still dry out now."

"If you can't, you can take it home later, put it on the fan in the room, and dry it. I think oniichan would be quicker if he were to cast a warm wind with wind magic and fire magic."

"Compared to making hot water, wind and fire are more difficult to apply or reduce. Rather, even a centrifugal dehydrator would be better made by Mr. Tori, and my mom would be delighted."

"Very nice. I'll make sure you make it.... so what are you going to do now?" When oniichan is breadcrumbling, I can almost tell. "

"Oh, I'll make a bath on the rooftop. I wanted to make a rooftop bath."

"Is it a rooftop bath? I feel like IT president."

Is that the image of the IT president in this guy? No, I have an image like that.

Well then, I'll make a bath and get in. What about Nicola? I can't soak it very slowly. "

I looked up at the sky from the roof. Soon it will be time for the sun to set and for dinner at Celine's house.

"Of course, you can come in. Even with me, I don't want to go to Celine's house all sweaty."

"Roger, I'll make it."

After responding lightly to Nicolas, we first made a fence about 50 cm across the roof to prevent the roof from flooding with hot water. Then open the drain in the corner and extend the drain from there to the ground.

The bathroom space is now complete. All I have to do is make the bathtub as usual, but I try to raise the foundation of the bathtub so that I can see the view from the outside.

And since the rooftop bath has the image of a stylish round tub, I tried to make an elliptical tub to match the space of the horizontal bath. That's it.

"I wonder if this is okay for now. I can't take my time, so I can't put in any potions."

With that said, as I poured Dovadova and hot water from both hands into the bathtub, Nicolas took off her pants as soon as possible and put my hand all the way towards me, and she took hot water from her head. Apparently it's going to be hot water.

"Puhaa, I'm taking a second bath today, so just sweat it off. Let's get in first."

Nicola took her hand off me and sank herself to lie in a hot tub that was still at her waist, and she shouted like an old man.

Looking at such an old man, I poured more water into it. Recently, I feel like pouring hot water a lot sooner.

Is this growth due to the absorption of ether from the monster soul, or is it due to the use of resonance stones to squeeze out mana? Anyway, the bathtub was filled with hot water in no time, and I jumped into the bathtub after Nicolas.

And looking around, I decided to enjoy the scenery from the height that is characteristic of the rooftop bath... but I felt a little out of place.

"Ha, I knew it, but I can only see the woods and the mountains..."

"That's right. After all, the IT president looked downstairs from the super high-rise apartment and said," Fuhaha! Look! People are like garbage! It feels good to be happy with wine in one hand, right? 'It's not high enough here, and it's too pastoral. "

"You... You want to apologize to the national IT president?

When I looked out again from Nicolas, I slowly sank myself in the bathtub.

As I gazed at the scenery outside for a while, I felt a little strong wind stroking my cheeks.

Turning to the direction of the wind blowing, I now realize that in the surrounding forest, the trees are swaying to the wind, and occasionally the sound of the ears is deliberately sound. When I listened carefully, I heard a chill from a nearby river.

While listening to the sound, the next time I looked at the mountain that seemed far away. The mountain was covered with clouds and clouds, and the only thing I could see was blurriness, but when I stared at it, it seemed like my heart would be freed up by the vastness that seemed to be spreading infinitely.

... yeah, it's certainly a non-irritating landscape, but this might be something I'm not tired of watching. When I relaxed my shoulders more than ever, I decided to enjoy the bath while looking at the scenery in a slightly different mood.

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