Celine was left in the bathhouse and returned to the children's room. Explain the situation to Nicolas, who is looking forward to welcoming you back early.

"Celine said she wanted to take a bath, so she came back. I'll polish the tub later."

"Celine, did you stay at my sister's house? I have to go and enjoy my fluffy tits later."

"Eh, you're already awake about your relationship, and you're over there?

I bothered to hear the words as much as possible. It's kind of hard to ask the directball.

"It's not that kind of thing. When people find something they don't have, they choose to love or be jealous. And I'm just the former."

Nicola replied with her chest flapping.

"Oh yeah... No, Celine was using the magic of lighting earlier. I've never seen it before."

"Unless you're an adventurer, a lantern will do the trick. Moreover, the magic of lighting is a category that is somewhat difficult to control and maintain mana.... Celine, you were better than I thought. I thought you were an adventurer in Easy Mode with a man in your boobs.

Oh, look, I've never seen you sell your charm to a male adventurer, and I wanted to argue that you might be too stiff, but I stopped because I was actually teased earlier.

"Lighting magic is light magic, isn't it? The four attributes don't contain light magic, but why?

"Light magic and dark magic are said to be polar attributes. The two polar attributes, the four major attributes, and the seven unattributed attributes make up the magical system."

I see. The seven apply to the seven-week system of this world. By the way, it is a light day that falls on holidays. Everyone works normally on a church event day.

"And I was saying," Light, "but do you have magic that requires a name?

"You don't have to say anything else, but associating magic and names within yourself makes it easier to activate at some point. I think it's an adventurous idea. Incidentally, some people cast spells, but it's like a routine that increases concentration when using magic that is difficult to handle mana."

I see. Perhaps it would be easier for you to use your magic by speaking up. I'll leave it in the corner of my head as a little trick.

Speaking of light magic, I was wondering if I could use healing magic.

"Even people who can't use magic hold mana in their bodies. Since it is the magic of recovery that intervenes there, you will need either delicate mana control or a large amount of mana to push back to neutralize someone else's mana. I can't say much now because the control is trained, but if the mana capacity is growing well, oniichan seems to be able to use it for the time being."

I see. It's so nice to be able to practice every day. "

I heard someone coming up the stairs while I was taking Dr. Nicolas' magic class like that. After a while, the door is knocked.


When I answered, the door opened and Celine entered the room. The clothes are the same as before, but my face is a little hot and colorful after taking a bath. Well, it doesn't make me uneasy.

"I came to disturb Leona when she told me that this was their room. Nicolas is so cute today. Thank you for the Marc bath! I felt so good!

Nicolas approached and hugged Celine. And when Celine hung on and hugged her back, she fell on her tits and exposed her face at an angle that she could not see from Celine. Is that really just love...?

"Nicola still can't get her tits apart. Cute ~"

I thought Nicola was standing on a stage that was one or two ranks up from there, but she wouldn't talk to me.

"So, Marc, you're not going to use the bath as a lodging service? I'll come in every day."

"I won't do it because it's troublesome to clean and prepare hot water."

"I could pay two silver coins to get in once."

Considering that our inn has five pieces of silver with overnight breakfast, it is a good price. By the way, I think it's about 1,000 yen a silver coin. The bathing fee for a bathtub like that is more expensive than the super public bath of the previous life. I was a little upset, but I still had trouble winning.

"I can't. I can't go to play if it gets better."

"Speaking of which, it was a good time to play. I forgot because the atmosphere was calm."

Hmm, should I behave like a child more normally? But even though tone alone is difficult, it's quite difficult to behave like a child.

"I'm afraid I have to give up. Ah, but will you let me in occasionally?

"I'm fine with that."

"I did it! Well, thank you for that."

Apparently, it was about thanking her and continuing to use the bath in the future. Celine lastly stroked Nicolas' head and stood up, putting her hand on the door knob. And I thought that I would leave the room as it is, so I stopped to wipe it.

"Ah, speaking of which, I didn't know what to do with the hot water in the bathtub, so I left it there, but it's okay?

"I'll scratch out the hot water later and throw it away."

Actually, it's stored in an item box, but let's do that.

Well then, please. Don't use the rest of my water for weird things ~ "

That's how Celine left. I wonder if the rest of the hot water is a girl's iron plate. Rather, what kind of weird thing can the remaining water be used for? On the contrary, I'd like to ask.

"You look like a pervert who's going to do something with the rest of the water."

The time of bliss was over, and Nicolas of Sage Time snapped. I want to believe it's not.

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