"So, Sensei, which attribute do you practice?

When the students asked Tori, he made a slightly thoughtful gesture.

"... that's right, let's start with water magic. We're going to the river!"

"I did it!

When the asked student held his fist in a guzzle pose, he turned his face towards Nicolas and laughed refreshingly.

Apparently, he is good at his attributes. Even so, it is a gift of village education, but everyone doesn't hide their preference for the other party. That's exactly what love is all about.

Honestly, it doesn't suit me, but I think it's much better than teasing a kid I like from hiding like Jack. This kind of thing was the most popular thing in my previous life.

And Nicola waved her hand back with a gesture she didn't notice at all. Still, he is laughing freshly. Mental, too.

Well then, follow me ~

The students followed Tori's call and walked. Usually you go from the lab to the river, and the roads that go through the woods are quite well maintained and easy to walk.

Think about water magic as you walk along with the previous student. I was also interested in the success of the same generation of water magic. I've only seen one older Pamela use magic in the same generation before, except Nicolas.

What I saw at that time was a little bit of water magic flowing from my fingertips, but I look forward to seeing how much magic this village will show me as a child.

By the way, Nicolas was never able to speak to the boys on this trip. I suppose it's because I've been talking to Shinya like I'm putting up a barrier. The handsome men in this village seem to be able to read the air. I don't think Deal can clearly read the air, but did he grow up as a teacher on the other hand?

In addition, I didn't have a barrier, but nobody called. Is it because of all the beautiful men and women in the village of Half Elves, or is it because of Nicolas's obscenity? Perhaps I shouldn't be a cucumber child.

I walked to the river for a while. The river is wider than where I took a bath before, and the middle of the river is dark green and looks pretty dark.

Well then, let the elders release water to the river one by one with water magic. Just like everybody else is watching. "

"I'm coming!

The good-looking man who waved at Nicolas just now raised his hand.

"Kozakar. All right, show me."


Kozakar meditated in his eyes and wrapped his hands in water mana -


When he opened his eyes with temper, he released water towards the river. From the part where both hands met, water with enough momentum to fully open the faucet of the tap flowed into the jabberjabber and the river.

"Oh, wow." "I can't win with water magic." "Kozakar-kun is cool...."

Students around me can hear praise. There was more momentum when Celine put water in the bath, but apparently this was the top level at the elementary school level.

"All right, you can stop."

Kozakar, who stopped the water with Tori's voice and breathed on his shoulders with his hands on his knees, wiped the sweat on his forehead and showed his shiny white teeth towards Nicolas.

And when she realized that Nicolas wasn't watching, she shook her neck as she sighed back into the student line. He's handsome, but he's a little sad.

"... hey, Nicola. Why don't you make it a little more affectionate?

I felt a little sad, so I sent Nicolas a reminder, and Nicolas looked stunned and delivered it.

What are you talking about? That type of overconfidence is important at first. If you show a little acceptance at first, you'll keep coming even if you get cold later. Rather, showing no attitude from the beginning is a kind gesture towards him. "


That's right.

Hmm... When I jumped into a sales job in my previous life, I couldn't be definitely turned down, could I? After a long sales talk, I was most tired of being turned down, and I wonder if that's what it is.

As far as I'm concerned, if my sister could be a boyfriend and chase her pretty ass around, it would be a little more authentic, but if you could play with me, I would definitely be shielded later, and I'll follow Nicolas here.

Afterwards, we will continue to carry out water magic in turn from the elders. Although not as good as the first Kozakar I saw, some children at a level close to that sometimes had more water than the older ones, either because they were good at attributes or because they were younger.

And it's our generation's turn. Let's start with Shinya.


With Shinya's call, water like a water cannon popped out. After flying toward the river for a while, Tori's voice stops it. After finishing one job, Shinya's face was satisfactorily relaxed.

I wonder if the amount of water is different from that of Pamela. On the contrary, I think Pamela, who draws the same amount of water as a half-elf child, is quite excellent.

"Well done, Shenya. Now, Mark. You do it. Show me."

Tori calls while staring at me. It looks like my turn has finally come around.

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