"Okay, that concludes today's lesson. Dismissed"

Together with Tori's voice, the students stood in their seats and left in pieces. At church school, at the same time as Sisterina's closing remarks, the children ran away in a lively way.

But now in this blue sky classroom, the boy still walks around with his shoulders down, and the girl looks at us and talks quietly and goes home.

Nicola, Marc, Babai ~

In the meantime, only Shinya waved her hand at us and went home shaking her fluffy hair. It is my healing frame in this blue sky classroom.

Only me, Nicolas and Tori remained in the magic field. At the end of the class, Tori told me to clean up the blue sky classroom. Thanks to the item box, I am good at this kind of thing, so of course I understand. I just wanted to ask you something.

"Well, Marc, can you help me?

"Yes, I'll keep it for a while."

I put away my desk and chair from one end and finally put away my blackboard. Tori, who was watching it, exhaled lightly.

"Oh my God, it's over now. Then let's go to the warehouse over there.... by the way, why are you always looking like that?

Tori snapped his jaw at the destination and asked me with a strange face.

"Oh, it's like everybody's scared me."

I don't think it's a very good school debut, even though Nicolas threatened me. And I wondered if Tori would seriously attend the consultation as a teacher, and whispered while looking at my face.

"Haha, what is that?! I'm sure they were surprised, but they're not as realistic as you are. The next time I see you, I think you'll be cheerful.

"Is that what this is about?

"That's how it is. That way, the men can't speak to your sister anymore, the women think you're a good property, and at the time of taking Celine with them, I think they're disappointed."

"Celine's not covered?

"Ah, you're the kid that Celine the Man Hate brought in. You might think what you're saying by the outside criteria, but from the people who noticed the color of this village, there's also a view. If you're interested in women, why don't you ask them out? I think he probably ate it.

That said, Tori smiled lewdly. This old man is the only creator of glasses that look naked, and sometimes he's a pornographic father. In the meantime, it seems better to stop looking at this person as an educator.

No, it's Keiko.

"Really? It's a waste."

Yes, it's a waste.

I heard two erotic fathers.

"Then don't even touch Shinya. He's my sweet grandson. I know you're still cute, but I know you're leaving the village right away because I don't want you to."

Ah, yes.

Is Shinya not Tori's grandson, but his grandson? Speaking of which, Tori was so old that Celine called him grandfather. Even though he looks like an uncle in his 40s, half-elf is really confusing because it doesn't match his looks and age.

"All right, can you line it up here?"

Tori opened the warehouse door. It seemed like a heavy door, but it was countryside without a key. In a warehouse where light plunged in and a lot of dust floated, there was a lot of mess and stuff piled up near the wall, but the center was empty. I guess I should just leave it there.

Tori Sensei, today was a practical technique of the water and soil attributes, but don't you want to do other attributes?

As I lined up my long desk in the warehouse, I asked what I wanted to hear.

"There are very few people who can use Light and Darkness, and above all, I can't tell you what I can't use. And the fire... I used to teach you before, but Celine did a lot of things. After that, I stopped teaching."

I wanted to ask what I had done, but the village in the woods, there was only one thing I could think of with the magic of fire, so I decided not to ask. Sometimes it's better not to know.

Remove the long desk and chair from the item box while discarding any thoughts. By the way, Nicolas hated going into a dusty warehouse, waiting for my work to be finished outside. Well, I'm just taking it out of the item box, so there's nothing I need your help with.

When I finally served the blackboard in the warehouse, I went out. Tori, who came out with him, closes the warehouse door and looks back at us with his neck rattling.

"Hmm, thank goodness. Can you help me out from the lab next week, if you can?


"No, I'm sorry. I'm going to be active for a lifetime, but I'm still really tired of hard work, so it's helpful. I'll give you a discount if you want magic equipment instead, and if it's cheap, I'll give it away for free."


I still feel that magic equipment is needed to moisturize the daily life of two eight-year-olds. Don't hesitate to consult me if you need anything.

"And if you like, don't forget about the park. The kids will be big for a while from today, but they'll make a scene again soon."

"I have some business to attend to today, but I'll be sure to do it soon. I'll be leaving today."

"If it's okay!

Oh, goodbye.

Nicolas and I said goodbye to Tori and decided to go home. In time, the church school in the town of Fathia will be over. Perhaps Pamela has already arrived at her parents' house.

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