In front of the front door of the Tori house, Esther and I hit the wooden, slightly worn door. As a result of interrupting several times so far, I know it won't come out even after knocking, so I don't hesitate to open the door and enter.

Immediately after opening the door, Tori was sitting in a chair and playing with the magic equipment on the workbench. As expected, if the door opens, you can't ignore it. Tori looks at us with his head down.

"Oh, Marc... Esther.... what, you've gotten a lot closer than you saw before? Yeah?"

Tori looks at Estelle's connected hands and smiles. I know exactly what Ero's father wants to say, but even if I disagree with him at this time, he only teases me too much, so it's limited to through... but the ester that can't go through opened his mouth.

"Yes, I became friends with Marc. Dr. Tori used to tell me to make friends besides Celine, but lately, it's been fun every day."

"Oh, wow. I see... That's good."

When Esther answered with a refreshing smile that seemed clear, Tori, who had been returned straight, was more troubled by the words. He turns his head again and asks me to change the story.

"So? What's up today? Maybe it's a park?

"Yes, my life has calmed down, so I think it's time we built the park. Can you tell me where to make it?

"Hmm... It doesn't make much sense to be close to the experimental site, so it would be better to stay a little further away. All right, let's go now. Follow me."

When Tori stops working, she stands up, stretches out her back and squeaks her bones as she moans. It looks like a tiny middle-aged man, but it's really strange to say that there are grandchildren on top of one of the elders in the village.

Then walk a little through the woods after Tori. Tori suddenly looked back, as he was finally walking the road that he had become accustomed to, but not even here.

"Okay, let's go around here. Please spread out the size of the experimental field. When the laboratory is wider, the kids will eventually play in the laboratory."

Yes, I understand.

"So? How the hell do you do that?

Tori rubbed his jaw with interest and asked me, and Estelle looked at us with the same look.

I didn't answer anything, and as before, I first softened the soil under the tree and put it in the item box. Then the trees float around to support the roots. So I wrapped the wind magic around the dagger I used last time and cut off some fat roots.

When the tree sinks into the hole, it can finally be stored in the item box. Finally, we put the stowed soil back into the hole and finish by magically consolidating it. This sequence of work took about a dozen seconds.

"Here's what it looks like."

Looking back at Tori, he answered. I want you to forgive me for being a little rough.

"That's an incredible speed... The tree disappeared in your item box, didn't it?

"That's right. Um... I've done some ground work before, but maybe I should return the tree?

I dreamed of a day when I could exchange logs for cash in a commercial guild, but I had no choice but to confess as soon as I was told it was a village asset.

"No, you don't have to return the tree, do you? It grows as much as you want, and if you don't take it with you, I'll get in the way and trouble you the other way.... is there all the ground you've leveled up so far?!

"I don't know, but it's in there."

"Really... Hah, when I talk to you, I don't know what common sense is anymore."

From my point of view, half-elf is also quite out of common sense. When Tori fell down and exhaled, Esther called out to me when she saw that the conversation was broken.

"Look, I'll cut the roots, can I do it?

I'm sure Esther had her dagger wrapped in wind magic. I would appreciate your help.

"Then I'll lend you this sword. I think it's longer and easier to use than Esther's dagger."

I'll hand Esther the dagger I had in my hand. Esther struck Concon with a substitute that was only hardened by earth magic into the shape of a dagger, and clasped it in front of her.

Oh, that looks really hard.

"Yeah, I think it's hard. But there's no sharpness at all, so let me use the wind magic."


Lightly nodding Esther slipped her hand from the tip of her dagger to the root, and the green mana wrapped her sword lightly. Looks like you're gonna be okay.

Tori took off his glasses and wiped the bottom of his clothes, raising his tired voice towards us.

Well then, I'll be leaving soon. I'll come and see how you're doing in a few moments, so I asked you to stop by. "


Estelle and I replied to Tori, turning our backs, and work began on the landscaping of the park.

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